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Azreall, Master of War 03-12-2001 04:17 PM

At ease, Soldiers !!!

My name is Azreall, the Master of War. Most of you probarly dont know me,
but I'm Adhreal's Brother of War (you might know Adhy as Ertai, the Wizard
Adept). Me and Adhy are the ones who have been on TGE from the beginning,
and we are responisible for making it as big as it is now. (brag-brag)
I only stopped visiting because it got 2 long 4 my liking.
Well, I heard that Adhy and Rik are trying to revive the Clan, so I came to
see how shit's been going. Lemme tell you about myself :

Real name : Siem v.d Berg.
Resident : Netherlands.
Nickname(z) : Azreall, Karn the First, Sick.
Age : 15
Length (4 those who care) : 1:86
Weight (I dont know why I even put this here) : 78 Kg.
ICQ : 85537835
E-mail : /
Mental Status : Complete Brainsick
Character : Azreall (oooh, suprising), lev 19 fighter, dual wielding long
Allignment : Chaotic good
Real Life Allignment : Chaotic good, but sometimes I tend towards being
Lawfull Neutral.

Strength and Honnor, my Friends !!!

"The Lord of murder shall perish, because Azreall has kicked his ass badly. So sayeth the Wise Aluando"

Rikard 03-12-2001 04:26 PM

Well this was a usefull addition (?)

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz

Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Xanthul 03-12-2001 04:26 PM

Welcome again my brother !

Now lets start this clan thing seriously. Im gonna update the web this weekend (i hope) to add the info of all the members who sent me their info.

For the OHF !!!!

------------------ "Let my spells do the dirty work" Ertai, High Sorceror of the Holy Flame

Rikard 03-12-2001 04:28 PM

Well this is the Azreal the mysterious Third Clan master

One I love to hate

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz

Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Sentinel04 03-12-2001 05:45 PM

Hi there


Hesperex 03-12-2001 08:26 PM

Well met Azreall

Master Assassin of the Holy Flame.
My website

Memnoch 03-12-2001 09:08 PM


Originally posted by Azreall, Master of War:
At ease, Soldiers !!!

My name is Azreall, the Master of War. Most of you probarly dont know me,
but I'm Adhreal's Brother of War (you might know Adhy as Ertai, the Wizard
Adept). Me and Adhy are the ones who have been on TGE from the beginning,
and we are responisible for making it as big as it is now. (brag-brag)
I only stopped visiting because it got 2 long 4 my liking.
Well, I heard that Adhy and Rik are trying to revive the Clan, so I came to
see how shit's been going. Lemme tell you about myself :

Real name : Siem v.d Berg.
Resident : Netherlands.
Nickname(z) : Azreall, Karn the First, Sick.
Age : 15
Length (4 those who care) : 1:86
Weight (I dont know why I even put this here) : 78 Kg.
ICQ : 85537835
E-mail : /
Mental Status : Complete Brainsick
Character : Azreall (oooh, suprising), lev 19 fighter, dual wielding long
Allignment : Chaotic good
Real Life Allignment : Chaotic good, but sometimes I tend towards being
Lawfull Neutral.

Strength and Honnor, my Friends !!!

Hey Azreall.
U not so crazy this time?
Welcome back my friend!

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Azreall, Master of War 03-13-2001 03:07 PM

Hey, Adhy... er...ehm... Ertai, Highsorcerer of the Holy Flame !!! Good 2 be back !!!

oh... and you Rikard... Still here ??? Well, I could have know... every flower always has a little dirt attached 2 it when you pick it.
...Still dont like that 3th one of the Ancient...

So, well met, people. U are all member of the "Clan-wanna-be" ???
Man I can hardly wait 4 the throne of Bhaal dudez !!! Only the thought of it makez me drool... (I dont know why I said that, but whatever)
So... I'm looking 4-ward to meet y'all. Oh, and Memnoch, ufcurz I am all Mr. Nice guy... I dont wanna upset the great Memnoch. Hehe, just wait...

"Strength and Honnor, my friends !!!"
"Die painfully, Rikard !!!"

Ps. Is Opus (the one with the Dopus) still on the Forum ???

"The Lord of murder shall perish, because Azreall has kicked his ass badly. So sayeth the Wise Aluando"

Rikard 03-13-2001 03:12 PM

Hehe I wil never die
Just ask Wah
Even he could not kill me

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz

Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Aegis Crownguard 03-13-2001 03:14 PM

Whats the OHF webpage?

Azreall, Master of War 03-13-2001 03:43 PM

Hehe, there is no homepage yet. I told you, we are still a wannabe-clan.
But soon our wings of justice shall spread its wings, and send all thats evil back to the abyss it came from... in other words : Were gonna kick some ass !!!

I'll keep u in touch, mmmkay ?

"The Lord of murder shall perish, because Azreall has kicked his ass badly. So sayeth the Wise Aluando"

Azreall, Master of War 03-13-2001 03:44 PM

Hehe, there is no homepage yet. I told you, we are still a wannabe-clan.
But soon our wings of justice shall spread its wings, and send all thats evil back to the abyss it came from... in other words : Were gonna kick some ass !!!

I'll keep u in touch, mmmkay ?

"The Lord of murder shall perish, because Azreall has kicked his ass badly. So sayeth the Wise Aluando"

Aegis Crownguard 03-13-2001 04:29 PM

Sounds good. Tell me when you guys get a formal page up.

Xanthul 03-13-2001 04:42 PM

Still working on it... im waiting for the members info to add it to the page...

take a look !

------------------ "Let my spells do the dirty work" Ertai, High Sorceror of the Holy Flame

Marillion 03-13-2001 06:45 PM

If OHF need a little graphic touch on their webpage I would be happy to help..
Just let me know..



Raistlin 03-13-2001 08:07 PM

Well that certainly is some heavy duty bragging. You must play a
Good to have another member of the OHF. Of course the OHF has some serious problems, currently there are no opposing clans. It is going to be hard to kick evils ass when it won't rear its ugly head against us.



Rikard 03-14-2001 01:59 AM

Well We are not a Wannabe-Clan
We are a Clan-in-Making
thats a big differance
Anyhow Ertai tell me if you like and if you do i'll give you the password so you can make the website overthere
I'm still shearching for other website names

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz

Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Azreall, Master of War 03-14-2001 09:04 AM

What ??? Raistlin, NEW MEMBER ???... I'm your bloody Clan Master !!!
Oh, man, here I go again with the bragging. Well, Its not bragging, I am actually. But I dont feel anny better then U, dont get me wrong.

So, lets draw steel and scroll, and feel the great rush of battle !!!
Strength and Honnor, my Friends, and may Lunar bless you.

"The Lord of murder shall perish, because Azreall has kicked his ass badly. So sayeth the Wise Aluando"

Memnoch 03-14-2001 09:15 AM


Originally posted by Azreall, Master of War:
What ??? Raistlin, NEW MEMBER ???... I'm your bloody Clan Master !!!
Oh, man, here I go again with the bragging. Well, Its not bragging, I am actually. But I dont feel anny better then U, dont get me wrong.

So, lets draw steel and scroll, and feel the great rush of battle !!!
Strength and Honnor, my Friends, and may Lunar bless you.

<center>The OHF welcomes back its absent third Clanmaster...</center>

<center><font color="red">Step through the gate...Memnoch and your fellow members salute you!</center></font>

<center> <font size="1">Hi Azreall, welcome back...</font></center>

<center>The gate opens...</center>

<center> </center>

<center>Come on in...</center>

<center> <font size="1">Hi, it's me!</font></center>

<center><font color="orange">Erm...Azreall...? Did Rikard polymorph you again?</font></center>

<center>Memnoch casts Dispel Magic on Azreall</center>

<center> </center>

<center>That's better, more like the real Azreall! (except for the turning into a skeleton)</center>
------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

[This message has been edited by Memnoch (edited 03-14-2001).]

Azreall, Master of War 03-14-2001 09:20 AM

Haha, well done, my Servant

Nice salut, now I know how much you'd like 2 chop my head of
And burn my demon-ass 2...

Now, go get my shoes, you pathetic little Servant !!! Woehahaha, I'm so utterly evil... ahem...

"The Lord of murder shall perish, because Azreall has kicked his ass badly. So sayeth the Wise Aluando"

Memnoch 03-14-2001 09:34 AM


Originally posted by Azreall, Master of War:
Haha, well done, my Servant

Nice salut, now I know how much you'd like 2 chop my head of
And burn my demon-ass 2...

Now, go get my shoes, you pathetic little Servant !!! Woehahaha, I'm so utterly evil... ahem...

On a serious note if you want the demon as a sig let me know.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Bruce The Aussie 03-14-2001 09:50 AM


Originally posted by Ertai_OHF:
Still working on it... im waiting for the members info to add it to the page...

take a look !

I cant get the members page to load at all.

Bruce The Aussie, Camp Barbarian Hunter OHF

Raistlin 03-14-2001 09:51 AM

Well to be perfectly honest, leadership is something that is given by those willing to follow. As with my namesake I follow for my own reasons. I do not follow simply because someone demands it. I submit to the leadership of those who demonstrate trust and respect as it suits my needs. So I am here, you are here and some day I may consider you a leader. Until then you have much work to do, self exhalted one.



Azreall, Master of War 03-14-2001 10:28 AM

Ah, Raistlin, A true Chaotic Good if not mistaking. I like you (so far).
I shall prove to be a Justfull and Righteous Leader, but know that I'm only as Human as everybody else on this Forum (except 4 Rikard... he's even less ). I have good parts and bad parts, and I'm not afraid to admit I have them, both Good and Bad. I can be uncertainfull and hatefull, But I know I will be Courageous and Stand up 4 the weaker in times of dire need. I hope saying this will not makes you think I'm really self exhalted. I think its important too know yourself, both weakness and Strength, to know your ennemies... and friends ofcourse. Also, this Clan is a group of friends and same-alligned, not a Clan of annarchy. We are "leaders" just to make sure everything goes right, in a communistic way. A Clan where everyone wants to decide what is best wont work. Just compare it to a land like Russia during the revolution, before Lenich and Stalin came. It doesnt work.

Btw... Raistlin, dont I know you from ICQ ??? Raistlin Mariije or something like that, right ???

Strength and Honnor, my friend.

Raistlin 03-14-2001 10:33 AM

Well met Azreall. All is well by me(your charisma just went up a few points). I think you have me confused with some imposter on the ICQ. Seems to be alot of that around.



Azreall, Master of War 03-14-2001 02:32 PM

Mhhhhh... thats strange... I remember I met that guy on TGE.
Well, Nevermind.

Good 2 meet you 2, I'm glad my reputation went up a bit.

"The Lord of murder shall perish, because Azreall has kicked his ass badly. So sayeth the Wise Aluando"
- Azreall, Clanmaster of the Order of the Holy Flame -

Rikard 03-14-2001 02:47 PM

Now Azreal
You are away for 5 months not wanting to come back to the forum
in the meanwhile you let Ertai and I do all the work starting a clan
And you come storming in telling everybody you are their leader and what is even worse that I am nothing

Now I demand of you to show respect towards our members and me

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz

Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Raistlin 03-14-2001 02:55 PM

You know I was kind of wondering how much respect you are supposed to show to
a leader who comes and goes?

Rikard, you are not easily dismissed?

Hey I got an Idea. How about all the would be leaders do a "battle royale".
No holds barred kind of thing. Lets just throw you all in a game and let you fight it out. This would establish a heirarchy at least.



Azreall, Master of War 03-14-2001 03:05 PM

Woehahahahahahahahaha... What work ???
My friend, I'm here 2 help, and as I C, you really need some. So if you guys dont like me, tell me, and I'll pack my bagz and leave. But I dont C thats necasery...

Listen, I'll return you in tripple what you give 2 me...
Honnor me, and I'll honor you as you were my King. Bleed 4 me and I'll die 4 you. Hate me... and you'll Suffer a painfull dead.

So... I respect you a lot... and the other members. But I demand that you'll give me the same amount of respect. And I havent noticed annything like that in a LONG time...

Strength and Honnor, my Friend.

Raistlin 03-14-2001 03:09 PM

Fight, fight fight....I want to see a leadership fight!!!!!!!!!



Azreall, Master of War 03-14-2001 03:09 PM

I dont think thats a good idea, Raistlin. We 3 came with this idea, and are gonna set trough the idea this time... I'm not mad at all, and I dont have to prove my Strength in some stuppid competition against my CLAN MEMEBR !!!
Thats the kind of clan I wouldnt even wanna be in... that would result in some orcish barbarian dictatorship.

So... No... not me.

Raistlin 03-14-2001 03:23 PM

Charisma down 2. You can't waltz back in and claim power over an organization
that has evolved since your last visit without some type of leadership demonstration. No organization would accept that.

I'm not trying to get you going or anything. I just wonder how this is supposed to work if people just decide that they should lay claim to rank that they previously abandoned.



Azreall, Master of War 03-14-2001 03:35 PM

Listen, I dont "Walk in and claim a position". I'll promise that I'll show you to be a good leader. But the idea was to rule this clan with 3 leaders. I'm not going 2 fight 1 of them to nock him of his throne, and take his scepter.
But youre right in some way...

Allright, I'll fight Rikard if I must. Name the place and time...

(charisma up 2 ???)

Rikard 03-14-2001 03:40 PM

I am not planning to fight
I don't give a ■■■■ if this statement will lower my charisma
But i think you have all seen that I have always clamed that peace in a clan i vital
That includes that Clanmasters respect their followers
A small warning does not mean a fight

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz

Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Rikard 03-14-2001 03:46 PM


Originally posted by Raistlin:
You know I was kind of wondering how much respect you are supposed to show to
a leader who comes and goes?

Rikard, you are not easily dismissed?

Hey I got an Idea. How about all the would be leaders do a "battle royale".
No holds barred kind of thing. Lets just throw you all in a game and let you fight it out. This would establish a heirarchy at least.

And who might this leader be???

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz

Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Raistlin 03-14-2001 03:55 PM

Yes charisma up 2. Abilty to stand up now and then, to take a decisive
action is essential. Vacillation equals death.

Rikard. Don't get me wrong I like you. I just wonder how many leaders we will
wind up with?

As for the "who" in refernce to the leaders. I would suggest You, Azreall and
Ertai. Possibly Memnoch as to me "custodian" implies someone with a fiduciary responsibility.



Xanthul 03-14-2001 04:54 PM

Hey no need to fight. Azzy, Rikard and me started up this clan. Yes, things changed since he went off the board, but anyway its still part of him. So lets just give some time to see if he involves again in the whole thing, and weŽll see. Listen, it was our idea, but if you think we arent doing it well we can do one thing. Give us one or two months and let us 3 work. Within this time, if you dont like our work, we could make some kind of election for the clanmasters ok ??

I think its sad that we have reached this point, but, hell, if people dont like our style we cant force them upon you.

------------------ "Let my spells do the dirty work" Ertai, High Sorceror of the Holy Flame

Raistlin 03-14-2001 06:17 PM

Wow i am really surprised. I think that there are people actually feeling
emotionally wounded here. My whole intent was just to raise a discussion.
As for the fight idea I actaully though it would be entertaining. Apparently
some people have very fragile egos and thought this meant i was launching a direct attack at them. Nothing could be further from the point.



Memnoch 03-15-2001 02:22 AM


Originally posted by Azreall, Master of War:

Honnor me, and I'll honor you as you were my King. Bleed 4 me and I'll die 4 you. Hate me... and you'll Suffer a painfull dead.

Strength and Honnor, my Friend.

Hey Az, why does this quote sound a bit familiar?

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Memnoch 03-15-2001 02:27 AM


Originally posted by Raistlin:
Wow i am really surprised. I think that there are people actually feeling
emotionally wounded here. My whole intent was just to raise a discussion.
As for the fight idea I actaully though it would be entertaining. Apparently
some people have very fragile egos and thought this meant i was launching a direct attack at them. Nothing could be further from the point.

I believe the term is "shit-stirring", isn't it Raist?

I'm just here to keep an eye on these three to make sure they don't break anything

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

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