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Zarr 11-17-2005 03:51 PM

I bought this game ages ago when it came out but never really got into it. So basically I went back to BG2. I've been pretty bored lately so think I should give the game another chance.

I'm a complete 3rd edition newbie so am basically just wondering what class should I play to give me a "newbie" friendly and fun game. My favorite class in BG2 was the Wild Mage. Also if any veteran Neverwinter Nights players have any advice feel free to share. Remember I'm a complete 3rd edition newbie :D

BTW I don't have the expansions but will buy them if I like the game.

Albromor 11-17-2005 10:51 PM

Zarr, for a quick reference to some of my tips and advice look at my response to Adomo (or is it Adamo?) a few posts below your's. I personally liked the game but it certainly isn't like the Baldur's Gate series. The Original Campaign is okay, but I did like the add-on's better. What I really liked about it was the TON of free modules you can download from Bioware's site. Some are much, much better than what Bioware designed!

banzai 12-02-2005 08:04 AM

I had the same problem - never played any game (PC or P&P) with 3rd edition rules before NWN.
For an online reference of v3.5 rules have a look at this document:


Oh my - now the cat is out of its bag, IŽm a complete shmuck when it comes to including professional looking hyperlinks. But donŽt fear for my salvation, IŽll repent ...

Just a quick addition - thereŽs an offline version (as zipped HTML) available at:


[ 12-02-2005, 08:25 AM: Message edited by: banzai ]

Zarr 12-02-2005 08:17 AM

Wow, that looks a great site banzai, thanks alot! [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]

I'll check it out tomorrow and give it a good read when I get home from work.

Still haven't started my NWN game yet as I've been busy...

Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-22-2005 06:02 PM

Well, I'm looking at buying the entire set myself. It's $29.99cdn for the Diamond pack. I figure I can't go too far wrong.

I'd welcome some starting suggestions!

Edit: sorry about spelling mistakes!

[ 12-23-2005, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: Variol (Farseer) Elmwood ]

Nightowl2 12-23-2005 10:28 AM

A few things to keep in mind about the Diamond pack: 1) The manual is in .pdf format, not paper. 2) The premium mods can only be played while you're online because of some security/copy protection. 3) There was some sort of screwup with the games, and you'll have to run the HOTU166 patch update after installing the three originals (NWN, SoU, HOTU). The update is on the DVD.

If you find that troublesome, you may want to consider the platinum pack, which has the three originals and a paper manual. You will still have to update to 1.66 (online).

As to getting started, take your time. There is a lot to learn with this game. Don't worry about epic characters, because you won't reach that level until HOTU. Concentrate on the regular classes and the prestige classes.

In solo character games, I tend to skip magic users. My preferred setup for NWN is Fighter/Weapon Master/Rogue. A few Rogue levels come in very handy. I take them for Detrapping (lotta traps), Search, Persuasion, Tumble, and UMD (which lets you cast spells from scrolls, wands, etc. if you build it up). A little extra sneak damage doesn't hurt either.


Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-23-2005 05:35 PM

Hmm, I did see the Platinum pack and I wondered why it was more expensive. I saw it for $44.99 at EB. I really like a solo character, but will I miis out on quests like other games if I don't have NPC's?

Nightowl2 12-23-2005 08:41 PM

Yeah, each of the people you can take as a henchman has a quest you can do for them. However, none are important or vital to the main line, and there is much to do without those. I've never bothered with the hench quests myself, as I prefer going solo.

Other players, though, like having a buddy along. It's a matter of preference more than anything else.

It is strange that the platinum pack should cost more than the diamond. I'd think it would be the other way around. Any other places you can check? I got mine for $30.


Cornbread 12-23-2005 08:44 PM


It has been awhile since I posted in these forums, mostly under wiz8 back in the day. I recently got back in to NWN too and found that taking 1 level of cleric with the animal and healing spheres then going the rest druid is a fun mix with alot of options without feeling really overpowered. The cool thing about going with cleric1/druidX is the animal and healing bonus effects all your druid spells too. You can either go wisdom caster with zen archery, or shield and scimitar melee with your animals as backup. Another cool thing is you get better armor and can still cast divine spells. Grab Tommi, cast a dire wolf and get your panther companion in the mix and bodies hit the floor. You could probably even go the first chapter without tommi and just take the hits from traps and use your uber heals to get better exp. Anyways, it is a pretty solid build all the way through the regular campaigns and gives you a ton of options and feats to work with to round out your character as well. Just a suggestion,


robertthebard 12-24-2005 05:22 AM

Why take the hits? Why not run about 5 lvls of cleric, and take the find traps spell? You'll take some early, to be sure, but after that...

Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-24-2005 09:01 AM

Good ideas. I also found in BG2 and IWD thar a solo Sorcerer was very good. How would that work in this game?

vesselle 12-24-2005 01:21 PM

want to jump right into SoU or HotU, bypassing the OC?

add these 2 lines to your nwnplayer.ini [Game Options]:


btw, i dearly love my monk for a loner game.

[ 12-24-2005, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: vesselle ]

Nightowl2 12-24-2005 06:02 PM

No need to mess with ini files with the platinum pack, and likely the diamond as well. Just install all three mods and play the one you want. Although you'll want a high level character for HOTU; I recommend L16. However, first-time buyers should start with the OC anyway.


Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-24-2005 09:23 PM

I really prefer to start at the beginning. Are the enemies the same every time or were they creative enough to make it random this time?

robertthebard 12-25-2005 12:00 AM

The plot remains the same each time you play through, and Hordes will lvl a new char to lvl 15 when you start it, with a new char. I would suggest the OC anyway, to familiarize yourself with the interface, etc. Solo sorcs can do quite well, if built correctly, as can just about any of the classes. Mages may be a bit weak for that, but they can get it done.

Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-25-2005 04:49 AM

Do you loose out on exp when you have more characters in the party?

I seems like multi-class is a must when soloing; would y'all argee?

[ 12-25-2005, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Variol (Farseer) Elmwood ]

Nightowl2 12-25-2005 09:44 AM

Yeah, your henchman shares experience with you because he/she advances in level just like you do. However, you have no control of what is chosen when a henchie levels (skills, stat increases, etc.).

And yes, multiclass is definitely the way to go in this game. Keep in mind that, on average, the finishing level in the OC is about 16-17.

SoU starts you over at level 1, with a different story. It is not, sorry to say, a continuation of NWN. You will also not get as high as in the OC.

HOTU is a continuation of SoU and you are expected to bring in the character you had there, though that is not mandatory. Any high-level character will do. This is the game where you finally reach epic levels.


Cornbread 12-25-2005 01:36 PM

HotU is kind of an exercise in powerbuilding. You get a ton of powerful weapons fairly early in the game and get plenty of chances to upgrade them even more. I played through the first time with the arcane archer/rogue I took through SoU, and built a couple crazy characters to test other times but got bored pretty quick. SoU was pretty cool cuz it gave you evil options every now and then that made it interesting. I had a Lawful-evil half-orc ranger that took human, dwarves, elves and halflings as favored enemies and was hellbent on bringing down civilization as they knew it. It carried around a baby it stole from the beginning of the chapter forever to raise it as his own. Anyways, they are all fun in their own way. I didn't really like the OC that much, I got kinda tired of killing orcs and silly stuff in the second chapter when I felt I should be out slaying demons and stuff. It was still kinda cool though.


Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-26-2005 09:12 PM

I decided to download the demo. It looks pretty good! I would like some examples of char. stats. I really hate when when they give you a set number of points. Any way around this?

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