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Sazerac 04-02-2001 01:04 PM

This is from a thread over in GD, except since most of our posters don't get over there, I wanted to post it here too and see what we come up with. If you wonder what your "gaming alignment" would be in real life, take this quiz at:

I came up to be "Neutral Good".

Any other takers?


Jason 04-02-2001 01:52 PM

ACK! I'm Neutral Evil......

Sazerac 04-02-2001 02:04 PM

LOL Jason! Now we know.

Actually, I came up to be Neutral Good with Chaotic tendencies...I just can't fully trust the government.


Wyvern 04-02-2001 02:19 PM

Neutral Good - which I guess was acceptable given the questions listed and the possible answers. But I believe in Chaos - where brilliant dreams are born!


Ryanamur 04-02-2001 05:21 PM

Neutral Evil and proud of it. I'm Chaos incarnated according to the test

Sazerac 04-02-2001 05:24 PM

How can you be Chaos incarnate if you're "Neutral" Evil?


Mortal 04-02-2001 05:33 PM

Oops, I just learned that I am true neutral with chaotic tendencies!!!

DrDave 04-02-2001 05:57 PM

I'm a True Neutral with Good tendencies! Blast! This must be the most difficult to role play short of being a personally amiable but inherently untrustworthy lunatic - come to think of it....

[This message has been edited by DrDave (edited 04-02-2001).]

Scronan 04-02-2001 06:09 PM

Hi Saz,

I too, am Neutral Good. After reading TSR's desciptions, I felt I would really be a chaotic good. I have a very strong inclination to be upright and moral, but I also have an extreme non conformist nature and have no fear of standing up authority that I feel is being dishonest or unfair. I can be a bit of a radical at times too.

This was a cool test, but I felt on many of the questions I could not answer the way I wanted to or really felt, especially since the author said to make each reply different...the test seemed unbalanced in that regard.

At least I am not an evil character!

Take care,


Scronan 04-02-2001 06:12 PM

Oh yes.....I had 0 points for Chaos.....funny isnt it? Hmm....I'll have to think about that more...I've always considered myself a person that people will never suspect of doing something....

Sazerac 04-02-2001 06:14 PM

I agree, Scronan. As you can tell, the test seems biased (leading) toward Neutral Good.

Actually, though, "Neutral Good" is how I'd classify myself even before I took the test. I'd definitely be more of a Ranger-type than a Paladin.

BTW, on the lines of another test: has anyone ever taken the Kingdomality test? It determines what your personality would have been like back in the Medieval periods.

If you're interested in taking it, it's at

Have fun! I came out to be a "Benevolent Ruler" on it.

sauron1955 04-02-2001 06:31 PM

Thanks Saz, I came out also as a neutral good

chance favors a prepared mind

Mortal 04-02-2001 06:37 PM

Paranoia. Two opposite opinions at the same time! I don't know but our age makes me feel that in order to survive it you should forget (Good/Evil) and select the in between alignments (Neutrality and chaos !in order!) And according to Kingdomality a Prime Minister (Ughhh). True Neutral with Chaotic Changes and Prime Minister (Sinister), I don't know, but it seems more like a Castle in the clouds kind of Gorvenment.

Mortal (Aris)
- A Chaos in order/Order In chaos kind of guy. Or most properly a Shadow and a Vorlon having Lorien as a referee [Babylon 5])

[This message has been edited by Mortal (edited 04-02-2001).]

BLKCat 04-02-2001 06:46 PM

Chaotic with good tendencies... Which is the true me! I always come out the same...

nseads 04-02-2001 06:54 PM

Neutral Evil with strong Chaotic tendencies. Probably why the NPC's in this game are all dead. I don't think I left any named characters standing when I cleared the levels.

catzenpewters 04-02-2001 06:55 PM

Hmmm... I came out as slightly neutral, and high and the good scale. And in that Kingdomality one, I'm a white knight (!). Somebody fetch me a horse and lance!!!

Scronan 04-02-2001 07:13 PM

Hmm....thanks for that second test Saz! I am:

"The Dreamer-Minstrel"

Hmm....I guess that sort of sounds like me.....strange!


Wyvern 04-02-2001 07:27 PM

Kingdomality: The Benevolent Ruler (with choatic tendancies) lol!!!


(who makes up these things??)

DrDave 04-02-2001 07:28 PM

Another White Knight. It's the old helpful but misdirected bit again!

BLKCat 04-02-2001 07:29 PM

Me too Wyvern... but I suppose it does go along with my CG alignment!

Wyvern 04-02-2001 07:53 PM

Sort of along the same line - a whole page full of tests, quizzes, and games!


Sazerac 04-02-2001 08:00 PM

Oh, to heck with it! Since we're on a test kick, here's my page of tests I've been collecting since 1996 online. It's at:

It's frightfully out of date (haven't updated it since June, wonder why?) but I'd say 95% of the links on there are good.

Wyvern, thanks for the link, too. I need to add that one when I update the page next (I'm REALLY going to try to get that done this month...)

It's also interesting, Wyv, that both you and I came out to be "Neutral Good" and "Benevolent Ruler." GMTA!


Wyvern 04-02-2001 08:10 PM

Saz - I'm not a bit surprised!!


Dying Sun 04-02-2001 08:18 PM

Hi everyone!

Yes, ol' freudianslip here... neutral good as well!

This is a very interesting, albeit non-fantasy oriented personality test, with many different answers. It only takes a few minutes, and has everthing from maps to pictures to anagrams to odd questions... very different from most of seen. I've not seen many people get the same result!

Check it out and let me know......................
If we can get everyone from the STORY ARCHIVE to take it, I'll make a special page on the ARchive for it! That would be nifty-beans.

Check it out!

Hey, is noone taglining the Archive in their sigs anymore? *sniff* *sniff*

Who's going to wear my sandals stained with cherry soda? We will, We will!----

Dying Sun 04-02-2001 08:24 PM

Geez, I just took the Kingdomality test and it said I was a "cankerous beggar" !

Wyvern 04-02-2001 08:27 PM

Well here's yet another place where you can take an online test and learn more about yourself than you ever wanted to know! lol!!!


Sazerac 04-02-2001 08:30 PM

Cantankerous Beggar, Slip...what a hoot!!! ROFL!!!

-Sazerac (yep, I'll be taking that test). I also make "posts" to the forum whenever you update the Archive, so those should be floating around somewhere.

Just in case someone hasn't seen the WW Story Archive, get'cher butts over there and take a look! And also take a look at a very interesting new game while you're there, "Dying Sun". Wonder who's writing that, hehe!


[This message has been edited by Sazerac (edited 04-02-2001).]

Sazerac 04-02-2001 08:41 PM

Okay, Slip, I took the test, and it pegged me as a:


Here's what it said:

Like just 15% of the population you are a GURU (SEAF)--kind, knowing, giving. Like Buddha of old, you can be a persuasive speaker, and you use your creative talents to further the objectives of your heart instead of your mind. Just be careful that your friends don't take advantage of your relaxed nature.

You would benefit from an occasional reminder that "time is money." Though you might bristle at this cliche, it will actually protect your mellow demeanor. Let's face it: no one wants to be a doormat.

Above all, you like going with the flow. Oh yeah, you like to talk a lot, hang out over the bottomless cup of coffee (or, more likely, herbal tea), and philosophize about life's littlest mysteries. That's cool. Whatever. Peace.


Yep, this test is definitely getting indexed on my next update!


Dying Sun 04-02-2001 08:44 PM

Guru, eh Saz? I've not seen that one before from that site.. my dad was an accountant, and my mom was a mentor... I was an "Artist."
Wyv, I'm curious to see what you get!

Sazerac 04-02-2001 08:50 PM

I'm just about willing to lay money it's "Guru" as well, Slip! Either that or "Artist!"


Wyvern 04-02-2001 09:02 PM

Oh gads!!!! Sun-slip!!!!

Look what your test link said:
(Dominant Extrovert Abstract Thinker )

Like just 6% of the population you are a POLITICIAN (DEAT)-- forceful, outgoing, and forward-looking. Strong-willed and extroverted, you enjoy interacting with other people, and you aggressively pursue your goals. Your creative style of thinking allows you to come up with unusual arguments and original ideas that appeal to others, but behind it all is an analytical mind that never forgets the bottom line. While some might see you as manipulative, your close friends know you are a talented person who deserves the best in life. Whether you use your power for good or bad is up to you.

Other POLITICIANS from the entertainment world include:

Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller in Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Alicia Silverstone as Cher in Clueless

Tom Hanks as Woody in Toy Story 2

Well - what is says about polititians is a lot nicer than what most real people say about REAL politicians!

Max 04-02-2001 09:23 PM

Me im a "True Neutral", I suppose thats kinda middle of the road. Nice little quiz.

------------------ ......shake it baby.

Dying Sun 04-02-2001 09:29 PM

Very interesting, Wyv!

I believe mine was a DIAF ... Dominant Introvert Abstract Feeler.. seems strange to think of a dominant introvert (in societal colloquialism; classic psychology has different definitions for introvert/extrovert, of course..)

I think one of the big questions (assuming they still have it there) was the one with the mouse and the maze... SPOILER here, so if you haven't taken the test, don't read the following!



Did you notice that once mouse was happy faced, the other was sort of sad/confused face? Well, the difference was also if the mouse could get through the maze; the happy mouse could not, whereas the odd looking mouse could, that's why I voted for the weird/sad looking mouse to be the happy one, because he could get the cheese! I'm curious if you guys picked the happy mouse based on its facial expression, or whether or not it had the capability, given the physical construction of the maze, to find the cheese. I picked the mouse able to actually get the cheese; that's why I was a little surprised I got artist, since determining the geomertric validity of a mouse's path to a morsel would seem more analytical, and less absract.... strange!

Sazerac 04-02-2001 10:41 PM

Yep, Slip...I too worked the maze out. It was interesting, because I liked the expression on the goofy mouse (the one who could get the cheese) better to begin with! I'm not sure; don't think it's so much analytical as one who looks beyond the surface of things.


AliCat 04-02-2001 10:45 PM

Ack! Ack! Ack! (whoops, hairball)
I don't believe this. No, really, it isn't me, it isn't!

On the character alignment, I am chaotic neutral. Hmmmm, and I used to work for the government (in a sense).... is there a connection? Take that, all you goody goodies!

On the Kingdomality test, I also came up as benevolent ruler, even though I changed three of my answers. Pooey! When I took this a couple of months ago, I was some kind of priest.

On the FamilyWonder's Personality test... Oh, gosh, you're not going to believe this, as it sounds like one massive ego trip.... I am a:
(submissive introvert abstract thinker)

Like just 7% of the population you are a MASTERMIND (SIAT). You can be silent and withdrawn, but behind your reserved exterior lies an active mind that allows you to analyze situations and come up with creative, unexpected solutions.

Your sense of style and originality are your strengths, and people will respect your judgment once they get to know you. Learn to be a little more personable and you could be a great leader--you've definitely got the "vision" thing down. Just make sure all the plotting behind those eyes of yours is healthy.

Other MASTERMINDS from the entertainment world:

Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Batman Returns
Scar in The Lion King
Hal 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey

Huh. I could definitely be Catwoman. She's hot.

And for anyone who's interested, on the Myers-Briggs personality test, I was INTP (introvert intuitive thinker perceptive), but have crossed the line into INFP (switch feeler for thinker).

Egads. Learn something new every day...
AliCat (chaotic neutral, just like my own cats, huh? Musta rubbed off)

Scronan 04-02-2001 10:53 PM


Well, I took the Family Wonder test...I dont know about that "man and his monkey" or the stupid mice and the cheese, boy was that strange is not the right word. "Dumb"...yes, that sounds better.

I am a:

(Submissive Introvert Concrete Thinker )

What the heck? I guess it is sort of right....I dont know about these silly tests...


Scronan 04-02-2001 10:57 PM

Ps - An accountant is only 4% of the population...ok, now I feel a little better. I pride myself on being unique.

and weird.


Moni 04-02-2001 11:28 PM

The Alighnment Test says I am True Neutral Heh Heh Heh

; )

The Kingdomality Test ranks me as The Benevolent Ruler:
"Your distinct personality, The Benevolent Ruler might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You are the idealistic social dreamer. Your overriding goal is to solve the people problems of your world. You are a social reformer who wants everyone to be happy in a world that you can visualize. You
are exceptionally perceptive about the woes and needs of humankind. You often have the understanding and skill to readily conceive and implement the solutions to your perceptions. On the positive side, you are creatively persuasive, charismatic and ideologically concerned. On the negative side, you may be
unrealistically sentimental, scattered and impulsive, as well as deviously manipulative. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms."

Sounds like a True Neutral Personality at work! LOL
Thanks Guys!

[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 04-02-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 04-02-2001).]

Scronan 04-03-2001 12:06 AM

Huh? This forum is having a stutter problem....why is my last post put on three times?????

Ziroc, wyv?

Sazerac 04-03-2001 12:12 AM

Heh, Scronan, I thought you were just getting impatient! LOL


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