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Pyrius 02-24-2003 01:50 AM

Alright in the first Icewind Dale and BG series they had spells like dimension Door etc. Are there any such apells and were can I get them?

Micah Foehammer 02-24-2003 07:21 AM

No Dimension Door spell in IWD2. It was taken out right before the final build.

Almost all of the other IWD spells ARE in the game however.

pritchke 02-24-2003 03:48 PM

I am experimenting with some of the new spells:

One of my favourite ones early on is Rainstorm a little overpowered though I think as it can decimate an horde of orcs easily. Works really well with entangle as well.

Dar'tanian 02-24-2003 05:21 PM

no good illusions such as: Similicrum, Project image, Dimension door, or Shdow door but mirror imagine is much improved and very usefull. Also now triggers or contengecies.....darn!!

Micah Foehammer 02-24-2003 06:06 PM

Triggers and contingencies were never in the IWD game, just the BG2 series.

Hey, you can't have EVERYTHING! [img]smile.gif[/img] I love the high level mage spells - the 8th and 9th level spells are AWESOME!

Malavon's Rage 02-26-2003 09:54 PM

yeah i know what you mean, if they make an expansion to IWD2 then i really hope they include some of those spells (simulacrum, project image, contingincies, etc.). Which brings up another question, are they making an expansion?

Tar 02-27-2003 12:05 AM


Originally posted by Malavon's Rage:
yeah i know what you mean, if they make an expansion to IWD2 then i really hope they include some of those spells (simulacrum, project image, contingincies, etc.). Which brings up another question, are they making an expansion?
Nope, I don't think so. BIS has said that IWD2 is the final IE game.

Malavon's Rage 02-27-2003 04:34 PM

WHAT!!!!! The last IE game!!!???? but why!!??

/goes and cries in corner of room

Micah Foehammer 02-27-2003 05:07 PM

DOn't know exactly why its the last IE game, but that's what Feargus Urquhart of Black Isle keeps telling everyone who asks. That makes an IE based expansion for IWD2 or BG2 VERY doubtful. It doesn't mean there WON'T be an expansion, it just won;t be based on the IE.

Pyrius 02-28-2003 01:28 AM

Im besid emyself with swearing d@**it

Malavon's Rage 02-28-2003 09:31 PM any chance do you think that they're re-writing the IE engine and just giving it a new name? Just a thought, a doubtful thought but hey, I guess it's worth hoping for.
And if they were to re-write the engine, what changes do you think would be made.

Micah Foehammer 02-28-2003 10:04 PM

From everything I have read, the IE is a dinosaur waiting to be sucked into the tar pits (not necessarily my position because I like the IE games). The IE has problems in mplayer (Try a mplayer game of Trials of the Luremaster some time if you don't believe me.) The chances of it being rewritten appear to be zero.

Malavon's Rage 03-01-2003 09:39 PM


Originally posted by Micah Foehammer:
From everything I have read, the IE is a dinosaur waiting to be sucked into the tar pits (not necessarily my position because I like the IE games). The IE has problems in mplayer (Try a mplayer game of Trials of the Luremaster some time if you don't believe me.) The chances of it being rewritten appear to be zero.
hmm, hopefully someone comes and finds the bones of the dinosaur and helps it out. If it was rewritten, what changes do you guys think would be made? I'm not too familiar with any type of engine for a game.

Xavier Silvermoon 03-03-2003 07:20 AM

that's very upsetting. I want more BG2! and MORE IWD2! However, there is always the chance of someone making a MASSIVE mod to add to IWD2.

Jaramira 03-03-2003 02:21 PM

I miss spells like Summon Familiar, Summon Woodland Beings etc.


Somehow they added to the role play side of it.

BG2 spells or IWD2 spells? I don't know, haven't finished either yet.

Micah Foehammer 03-03-2003 02:27 PM

There are lots of summoning spells in IWD2. Rangers and druids have "summon nature's ally", and there are the typical monster summonging spells for clerics and mages. In addition, there are Elemental summoning spells, gate, cacofiend, summon effreeti.

Summon familiar is not present in IWD2. :(

Goliat 03-03-2003 03:57 PM

I like Call Lighting spell. Good when you start new area... sometimes lighting comes in critical moments and always helps. (Good for Black Dragon)

Jaramira 03-04-2003 02:02 PM

I also miss the sub-classes, such as:

Stalker (ranger)
Beast Master (ranger)
Avenger (druid)
Assasin (rogue)
Bounty Hunter (rogue)
Blade (bard) :(

Jaramira 03-04-2003 02:05 PM

What happened to reputation?

Malavon's Rage 03-04-2003 02:43 PM


Originally posted by Jaramira:
What happened to reputation?
I don't think there was enough interation with NPC's to have anything to do with reputation. Besides, you're in the far north, a remote place where law and such isn't as enforced as it is in Baldur's Gate and Amn.

Jaramira 03-06-2003 02:35 PM

Good point...

but if that is true, how come if you pickpocket someone and get found out, the whole town of Targos comes in for the kill? you'd think they were used to it!!

Malavon's Rage 03-09-2003 08:15 AM

Lol, a word from the wise concerning pickpocketing: don't get caught

Debaser 03-19-2003 05:08 PM

IWDII is the last IE game, simply because IE is becoming obsolete as new engines are being released (i.e. the Aurora engine for NWN)....i think the biggest drawbacks to the IE are that it is 2d, and also the pathfinding/AI is friggin UNACCEPTABLE for a game in this day and age.
Don't get me wrong, i have played every single IE game and I love it for many many other reasons. But I understand that it is starting to show its age, and there are more efficient ways of tailoring a RPG-game engine (3D being an important element.....)

But I digress from my original idea.....

that is arguably one of the most badass, (and one of my favorite) wizard spells. and there's no excuse because that one WAS in IWD 1 if i remember correctly. so i was appalled to find it missing from this one!

koconnor100 03-19-2003 10:34 PM

Given how the cool graphics of NWN were received, I think you can expect that any future ICD X's will be based on that new engine.

I just hope we get to make and manage a whole party, because only having one player just plain sucks.

Romances aka BGII would be nice, but apparently they have a phobia against them. (too much work or some such..geesh ! you've done it already, build a romance engine and just crank them out by the score,it's just dialogue !) Too bad, I'll probably play BGII again just for that reason. Viconia is my fave, and I never did finish the Throne of Bhaal and get to see her turn to good.

koconnor100 03-19-2003 10:37 PM

Hey, that's an idea.

If we really want to get romances included, and we already know they're going to use the NWN engine, we should jimmy up a generic romance script where you just change the text , easily adaptable to any pc.

I just got me an idea.

Heart Beat Event every six seconds , eh ? Do you think it would be too great a load if I put up a henchman with a heart beat event that just increments a counter, see's if it gets to a specific value, and quits if it does not ? In effect, does nothing until 10,000 heart beats or some such has passed ? Then initiates a dialogue with you ?

Avatar 03-20-2003 07:01 AM

THORN SPRAY!!!!!!!!!!!


Wish I had six druids all doing thorn spray! :D

xanderwatts 03-20-2003 04:11 PM

I think this 'project Jefferson' malarkey sounds promising. I'm damned if I can remember the link, but I think it's linked to via
I'd also like to see another Planescape game. The first was excellent...more please!

Sagramore 03-23-2003 09:49 PM

Jaramra i agree...i miss those kits too...why get rid of them? And the hope not...but i can see it now. Drexler, a human fighter, is slaying some orcs (good times) and suddenly Brunhilda, his cleric compatriot, says "you look so sexy with that big sword." and Drexler replies "eh?" wow...what a frikkin love story

Luvian 03-23-2003 10:55 PM

Well actually, there is the equivalent of kits in 3rd editions, but the devs didn't implement them in the game...

Wolven 04-17-2003 05:12 PM

Actually, I don´t think that the Eurora Engine would be the best for a party based game. Just my opinion. However, I would love to see a Baldurs gate game (or clone) using something like the Warcraft 3 engine. With the 3d detail and the zoom. I can picture zooming in on my party and being able to see the white in the eyes of your enemies.

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