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Lord Shield 05-30-2001 07:20 AM

Ok. New thread
Caleb, one small point about paladins - they are LAWFUL good. This means that they don't just attack people they think have evil beliefs (Keldorn vs Viconia was utter b******s)
They have to wait for a person to 'cause ill' to another person to have just cause for an attack
For those of you new to this bar, the Order of the Radiant Heart are visiting. A while ago I catapulted some angry minotaurs into their guild and am trying to make peace (my Rep is very low at the moment - us killing about a hundred Cowled Wizards didn't help much)
I shall block any more feathers from outside with a protective wall. Won't stop people though

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

[This message has been edited by Lord Shield (edited 05-30-2001).]

Sigmar 05-30-2001 07:28 AM

A Gnome walks in, he is wearing golden pantaloons. The entire bar looks
at him and he utters to the bartender "Tiax demands a dirty
glass,"The bar returns to normal.

Tiax will rule all!
Who prodded Tiax?!
Prepare to feel the mighty magical powers
of Tiax... stop laughing!
(The "wise" words of Tiax.)

Rolzi_69 05-30-2001 07:33 AM


Rolzi_69 will reign supreme over all!!!!

Rolzi_69 05-30-2001 07:34 AM


BlackAssassin 05-30-2001 07:38 AM

i am walnut hear me roar *belch*
well almost.

ShadowMaster of the Theives of Darkness. I'm also an ice cream man!


Lord Shield 05-30-2001 07:47 AM

Ice cream man are you? Just the job. I want 99s with flakes for all the hot and sweaty Paladins (well wouldn't you be wearing that plate all day long?)
Keldorn walks in. "I see I am the second to arrive" he says, noting Tancred. LS takes him to the table. He is reluctant to relinquish his sword to Azzy but does so

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Bristowe 05-30-2001 07:52 AM

Ah yes, Bristowe, M.A., limps in after a recent incident with Mr. Entreri...An encounter in which they both receive injuries they will bear for life...
Bristowe: coupla teeth & broken leg
Entreri: is a eunuch

Bristowe, Master Assassin

Simon 05-30-2001 07:53 AM

Tingz, the dredded warrior, comes rushing in to the bar clutching a pillow, stops looks around and notes that everyone is sitting calmly eating 99's, so he puts his pillow down on a stool and sits down. He queries the bar tender in his over loud voice 'CAN YOU DO ME A COKE FLOAT?'


Lord Shield 05-30-2001 07:59 AM

Whatever I don't have in stock I summon from Sigil. I think cold drinks would be most welcome on such a hot day so I'll put extra chill on the beer
LS casts low-grade Cone of Cold on beer
"Just the job"

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

caleb 05-30-2001 08:01 AM

The paladin that charged angel is a chaotic neutral bastard that only became a paladin cause his father is the prelate shhhhhhhhh.


Simon 05-30-2001 08:05 AM

ITS HOT IN HERE CAN SOMEONE OPEN THE WINDOW? MMMM GOOD BEER! DOH! Tingz winces as the cold beer plays havock with his sensitive teeth.

Bristowe 05-30-2001 08:10 AM

Anyone got a contract for Bristowe?
I am skilled in advanced ambush, climbing, traps, locks, poison delivery and non-hostile subterfuge. You name it, i'll kill it. (Gods not applicable, Daemon Princes by negotiation)

Bristowe, Master Assassin

Lord Shield 05-30-2001 08:19 AM

Sounds like our postman. Maybe you want to sign up with the UPS or Royal Mail?

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Bristowe 05-30-2001 08:47 AM

Royal Mail? Too violent and no style.
What is UPS?

Bristowe, Master Assassin

Lord Shield 05-30-2001 09:25 AM


Originally posted by Bristowe:
Royal Mail? Too violent and no style.
What is UPS?

The American equivalent (United Postal Service or something)

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Neb 05-30-2001 09:28 AM

Kivan walks back into the bar and orders some forever ale, he dosen't forget to hand in his Vorpal Blade.

After drinking the ale he orders some food.

Link 05-30-2001 09:52 AM

Link found the bar again!

In the foul darkness one figure will emerge to save the world from evil and despair.... Light flashes as his sword comes down, and thunder rolls through the sky when he points his sword up to heaven to signal his victory....People whisper his name as he walks by, evil tries to hide as they sense his presence nearby.... His name? Link......

Sigmar 05-30-2001 10:49 AM

Tiax challenges one of the paladins for his 99. A minute later
Tiax finds himself tossed across the room.

Tiax will rule all!
Who prodded Tiax?!
Prepare to feel the mighty magical powers
of Tiax... stop laughing!
(The "wise" words of Tiax.)

Lord Shield 05-30-2001 10:57 AM

Vorpal Sword, bow AND Crom Faeyr, Kivan. I saw you put the hammer in one of those pillows

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Lord Shield 05-30-2001 12:17 PM

99s aren't a problem. I'll pay for them. The Paladins are my guests in this instance. Ah... the others are here now. Sil, if you would escort them to their seats I shall see if the cook is ready yet

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Simon 05-30-2001 01:28 PM

Tingz has a bright idea, "CAN I HAVE A FLAKE IN MY BEER???" A couple of paladins raise their eyebrows and tingz tells them "DONT KNOCK IT UNTIL YOU TRY IT!!"


Reeka 05-30-2001 02:30 PM

*Reeka looking confused*

What's a 99?


BladeMaster 05-30-2001 02:37 PM

Angel is getting very pissed off at Caleb.

"I am here to relax and enjoy myself. Why should I put up with the childiss pranks of a would be Adventurer. I was out Adventurering before you were ever born little boy." Angel tells the little boy Caleb


Melusine 05-30-2001 02:49 PM

Melusine and Lord Shield give out a decree that Angel and Caleb are not allowed to talk to each other unless they stop their petty squabbling!
If this is a roleplaying bar, isn't it very coincidental that both the real Angel and Caleb and their RP counterparts keep arguing with each other?? If they'd really roleplay they should have a romance or something! (j/k)

Melusine, Archbabe of the Order of the Holy Flame and the Laughing Hyenas, &
Official Entertainer Elf of the BG2 Bar
Your voice is ambrosia

BladeMaster 05-30-2001 02:53 PM


Hey Melusine I have not talked to Caleb since last week.


Neb 05-30-2001 03:17 PM

Kivan grumbles and hands over his bow and his Crom Faeyr as well, he then turns back to his food and Forever Ale.

Lord Shield 05-30-2001 04:42 PM

That's more like it. Didn't count on the memory of the GM
Reeka, a '99' is a term used by people on planets named Earth. I hailed from one originally before my death. It is a dessert. Here (he reaches for one) - try some!
Caleb, Angel, come with me for a mo. LS takes you to a table and tries to mediate between the two. I shall leave the result up to you but it comes down to
"Caleb, stop teasing Angel please. Plenty to do without upsetting people"
"Angel, he may be acting that way because you talk to him like he's a child. Try acting as if he's similar experience perhaps?"
You get free beers out of this btw
Just one thing, Reeka, after the ice cream, you may want to leave it awhile before having another drink. It interferes with the flavour somewhat

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Neb 05-30-2001 04:53 PM

"Y'know" says Kivan to the bartender "Last time I visited Sigil I tried a very good non-alcoholic(Yes, even though you don't believe it he sometimes drink non-alcoholic drinks) drink, it was Pure Water from the Elemental Plane Of Water, oh yeah, I also tried some Shift-Spice from Limbo, and some sea-plums, think you can get me any of those things?"

Reeka 05-30-2001 06:03 PM

*Reeka picks up a spoon and proceeds to dig it into the cold confection. Her face lights up with a smile.*



BladeMaster 05-30-2001 06:22 PM

"LS. I talk to Caleb like that because he acts like a child." Angel says to Lord Shield


Bruce The Aussie 05-30-2001 06:29 PM

a large fat man walks in the door. he's wearing an "I heart england" T-shirt. he walks up to the bar and shouts very slowly. "I WOULD LIKE A PINT OF BITTER PLEASE, AND A BAG OF NUTS."

artemis puts his hands up to protect himself. he says "oh no. the purest form of evil ever! the english TOURIST!"

Bruce The Aussie, Camp Barbarian Hunter OHF
jester of LH and Master Beastmaster of the clan of the Kats

Lord Shield 05-30-2001 06:32 PM

English tourist not problem. English FOOTBALL FAN is problem. GROUP of English football fans worse (btw folks, me brit too, so no flaming)

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Lord of Alcohol 05-30-2001 07:11 PM

Lord of Alcohol pops in briefly and says........."DRINK UP AND DOWN IT ALL NOW YOU &^$#%&*((&%#@!#%&*())&$%@#^%#*%*))_&^#$@!:"?^#! And uhhh have fun! Thank you for your time.

caleb 05-30-2001 07:22 PM

Caleb leans over the table and tells angel "come closer I want to whisper something to you" then plants a kiss on her and runs like hell. Happy now melusine


BladeMaster 05-30-2001 07:31 PM

"You just don't know when to smarten up, do you Caleb." As Angel throws a chair at him and then storms out off the bar.


Hayashi 05-30-2001 09:28 PM

Suddenly a funky symbol that looks very much like the symbol used by a tribe known as "hippies' in a mystical land called "Earth" appears in the bar. Hayashi appears, still clutching a tankard from the previous bar. He has no idea how he got here, except that maybe the girdle of bar teleporting has kicked in when the previous one was closed.

He smiles, trying to catch Melusine's eyes, but she is quite offended at someone trying to gouge her eyes out. He then shrugs, and quaffs the ale (the words "*quaffs an ale*" appears over his head), gives a loud belch that rivals even Jan's turnip reflex, and heads out the door.

"Excuse me folks," he says' "I'll be gone a few days on some much needed R&R. All this questing is pretty hard, and I need a few days' break".

Clutching his air ticket, he steps out and tries to hail a cab. When none appears, he slaps his forehead and says to himself, "This is Faerun, NOT Earth, dumbo!" and walks down the street and out of sight.

OOC: Guys and gals, what can I say! I'm on a short vacation of a few days, and I just want to say what a great forum this is. Keep a beer chilled for me!

"Butt-kicking for goodness!" - Minsc
"Cities always teem with evil and decay. Let's give it a good shake and SEE WHAT FALLS OUT!!" - Minsc

[This message has been edited by Hayashi (edited 05-30-2001).]

Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil 05-30-2001 09:50 PM

*you see Gwhanos steaming with smokey black energy*

I BARELY GOT OUT ALIVE!!!!!!! * covers his front with his cape and whooshes it away*
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm now REJULVINATED! Now, where was I........ Oh yes! I was about to kill YOU ALL!!!! Come and get me boys, Im all ready now *pulls out a evil looking shortsword and starts charging his left hand*

Will the bar members survive the onslaught of Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil? Tune in next time for the next episode of: BG2 Bar: The Search For Beer!
*and so just so everybody knows, im a guy with black hair that is in a braid like Irenicus's that goes down to my butt, I have some chainmail on with light red highlights (if I could show yout the pic I would) wiht some dark red outline on the left shoulder, with a jet black plate piece, my skin is light purple, eyes white, long fingernails, and a dark black cape.*

Lord Shield 05-31-2001 03:55 AM

You obviously aren't too familiar with this bar. It regenerates and the patrons cannot die
When you draw the shortsword you find yourself elsewhere. Blasted plains in all directions. This is not the bar. That's because LS has put you in the Abyss

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp

Link 05-31-2001 04:35 AM

Suddenly Bert and Ernie walk into the bar, and order a can of extra sweet Elven Lemonade...

In the foul darkness one figure will emerge to save the world from evil and despair.... Light flashes as his sword comes down, and thunder rolls through the sky when he points his sword up to heaven to signal his victory....People whisper his name as he walks by, evil tries to hide as they sense his presence nearby.... His name? Link......

Lord Shield 05-31-2001 06:04 AM


Originally posted by Link:
Suddenly Bert and Ernie walk into the bar, and order a can of extra sweet Elven Lemonade...

The paladins detect Bert's evil aura. One of them realises he is wanted for murder

[This message has been edited by Lord Shield (edited 05-31-2001).]

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