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Bahamut 06-01-2001 01:19 PM

just a question about life...

do you believethat, "no mans an island"? hell, i dont

anyways, give you opinions on why it is or not thrue (the phrase "no mans a island")

get ready to test your wits, as for your posts that has this aura that it hasnt been thought of is detected, mediocrity enters my mind, and it also supports, that its not true...

please, answer. its serious business for me...

based on technicalities, of course it true literally. i mean, we need our parens for support, etc... thats literal. im talking about spirituality and sometihing of the higher level.

so what do you think, i say its not true, i feel it right here and now. prove me wrong

We have merged... and now we are called Chiharumut..wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...

Fljotsdale 06-01-2001 01:25 PM

Maybe you should put this on User Polls forum??

Bahamut 06-01-2001 01:38 PM

it is a general discussion, im not just looking for a yes or no answer, i want them to share word with me. its not a poll rather its a question of their principles and defending it. well, i see it that way.

We have merged... and now we are called ...wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...

Wah 06-01-2001 02:16 PM

Is this some psychological theory?

I think it is talking about morality and us, as human beings.

Do a search for my previous "Homework" thread bahamut! - It has somethings about having people in your life and not being separated.

(Is that what "no man's an island" all about?)

Or are we talking BUSINESS here?

= No man waits for his customers - he invites them himself.

Greetings Mortals. My Name Is Wah, Arch Lich Wah.

Epona 06-01-2001 03:54 PM

Bahamut, this is a very deep and philosophical question!

I won't answer right away, as I have to go in 5 minutes, and cannot give it enough thought to do the question justice in that time. But I will answer probably tomorrow. OK?

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas

bilqis 06-01-2001 04:50 PM

"No Man Is An Island" means, to me, that we all need other people to survive. That our actions don't impact only ourselves. And that we should always keep this in mind as we go through our days.

That's all. 'Nuff said.

Sometimes I think I
understand everything,
then I regain consciousness.

Gaelic 06-01-2001 05:15 PM

So what you are saying is that some men are, in fact, "islands." I would argue that the phrase rings true. Even people that are physically isolated from society have psychological ties to someone or something to keep them going. Take, for example, Mr. FedEx in the movie "Castaway." He had Helen Hunt and his volleyball to keep him going. Even sociopaths, serial killers, and the like tie themselves psychologically and emotionally to parts of the world outside themselves. The other side of the coin are the strong, independent types. I would not consider them as "islands" as they demonstrate their strength relative to their surroundings. They show that strength in their interpersonal relarions. The only people I could think of that could be fully considered to be "islands" would be those in such a catatonic state that they could neither respond to stimulus nor could they form coherent thoughts. However, people that can't be considered sentient should probably not be included in this discussion.

(Gaelic returns to his seat)


Bahamut 06-02-2001 05:21 AM

great point gaelic... hmm.. now.

i somehow believe that no man is an island indeed.... but,

i seem to have a hard time looking for a reason why i am not an island. give me an obvious reason first...


You know what happened. We are ONE, WE ARE, ahh.. er... I AM ...wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...;)

Charean 06-02-2001 06:57 AM

If you were an Island, you would not be interacting on this board, for one!!

For every action you take, you impact another - and that alone makes you NOT an island... get it?

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?!?
Wandering Soul - Finding my life's calling is Bodhisattva
Looking for lost brain - I left it only for a moment....and there it goes... rolling under the table!!
Noticing that the Light has gotten further down a Dark Tunnel than expected... Time to get the Lantern... Knowing sooner or later - I will get to the End of this Tunnel to the Open Air once again...

Gaelic 06-02-2001 08:03 AM


Originally posted by Charean:
If you were an Island, you would not be interacting on this board, for one!!



Mouse 06-02-2001 08:43 AM


Originally posted by Bahamut:

i somehow believe that no man is an island indeed....

Unless his name is Prince Edward..............



Reeka 06-02-2001 12:02 PM

No Man is an Island man is an island, entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's
or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me,
for I am involved in mankind,
and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee.

John Donne (1572-1631)

This is the poem from which that quote was taken as well as some others you may be familiar with.

I do believe that is statement is true. No one stands separate and apart unto themselves. We are all interconnected in all aspects of our lives. We can break it down and look at these aspects individually.

Physically we are dependent on others. None of us sprang fully formed from our father's forehead as Athena. Particularly as children, we are dependent on and connected to others. I suppose one could make the argument that a hermit is an island, but initially in his life he was not. We truely count on each other for our physical lives at least when we are young.

Emotionally, studies have found that children who do not received emotional bonding become mentally ill. We are dependent on each other for our emotional health. Without the emotional contact with others, psychosis can insue. That alone would indicate the need for others to relate to and with us.

Spiritually, the very nature of sprituality is to be connected to something greater than ourselves.

So, in conclusion, I would say that it is an impossibility for one to be an island. Therefore, I suppose the point is moot, since I do no believe that it is possible.


Bahamut 06-02-2001 01:48 PM

then tell me this...

why havent i become mentally ill yet??


i should be...

can you give me a reason?

You know what happened. We are ONE, WE ARE, ahh.. er... I AM ...wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...;)

Reeka 06-02-2001 02:03 PM

Ryan, you aren't because you are do have contact with others. The friends you have told me about, you and I talk all the time. You do have emotional support even if you don't realize it.


RudeDawg 06-02-2001 02:04 PM


Originally posted by Bahamut:
then tell me this...

why havent i become mentally ill yet??


i should be...

can you give me a reason?


As Charean alerady pointed out, the fact that you post here is keeping you from isolating yourself. The act of isolation LEADS to problems. Notice I said ISOLATION and not loneliness or keeping yorself in a small group. Isolation is cutting EVERYONE out.

I've hinted at it before, but I'll give you a glimpse into my past. in 1998, I lost my mother to cancer. I had fought by her side for 2 years trying to keep her alive, and when she died, I blamed myself. It took awhile, but after a year of sliding into a depressive state and not looking for help, I finally broke down.

I had spent that year cutting off ties with friends, family, and assosiates. I would lock myself in a tiny one room apartment, and sleep. ALL THE TIME. When I awoke, I would watch SouthPark on my computer. I wouldn't answer the door when frineds came by. I wouldn't answer the phone.

One day I went to work, and found out that I had been missing for 4 days. In order to keep my job, I had to check myself into a hospital, and go into counseling. It didn't matter, I was asked to leave the position shortly after.

I got better, (I am , really ) but it has taken awhile. Thank god and my friends, I wasn't allowed to isolate myself again. IRL, one of my friends (known as Bourbon on the board) kept me sane. Now, I can go on with my life.

While in couseling, I learned alot about the dangers of isolation. It is a sign of danger, and a self-fulfilling prophecy. As we turn inward because we think we have a problem, we cut ourself off from the things that can help us. The scary thing, is I was functioning, while isolating myself inwardly. There are those who cut themselves off completely.

In technicla terms, all sociopaths are introverts, and have cut themselves off from others by believing that they are "different", the rules of humanity don't apply to them.

It doen't mean that everyone who pulls away is sociopathic, but it IS interesting that every sociopath who has been interviewed shows extreme signs of the emotional introversion that we are discussing.

These are extreme examples, but I'm trying to make a point.

Humans are herd animals. There's nothing wrong wth that, nor with seeking some "alone-time" to sort things out. But, we are made to seek others. :shrug:

For better or worse, you are stuck with us....


Bahamut 06-02-2001 02:13 PM

yes... i understand now.

no man is an island


what moiraine said to me was also right

people who have no contacts whatsoever are indeed static, or dont evolve(hope i got that right). anyways, meaning, i evolve.

i havethe mere pleasure of thinking thoughts and arming myself with it. therefore, i evolve.

as for the loneliness state, it is indeed lonely coz thats how i reacted to it. with my actions that i know will pay off sometime in the near future, sacrifices communication, and the result is, i am lonely.

but this means that i am not an island, because of the mere fact, again, that i have the pleasure of studying other people, and get something from them, and use it to my advantage... therefore, i evolve

bingo, case solved

You know what happened. We are ONE, WE ARE, ahh.. er... I AM ...wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...;)

RudeDawg 06-02-2001 02:16 PM

Very good.

now, go write a poem about it...

They say that a poet who can no longer write, does go insane...

I had quit writing during my period of darkness... don't do that to yourself.


Sazerac 06-02-2001 02:26 PM


Originally posted by RudeDawg:
They say that a poet who can no longer write, does go insane...

I had quit writing during my period of darkness... don't do that to yourself.

RudeDawg, one of my favorite lines from Wizardry 7 was "When mortal men cease to dream, they walk forevermore the land of the living dead." Pretty strong stuff. I think that applies to your "poet" thing as well.

Bahamut, I'm glad you realize the connectiveness of all humanity, whether or not you can feel it right now. I think we all feel "dissociated" at some point or another. It does pass. Talking things out, even here on this board, can help. It also helps to leave the house and go somewhere, even to the store. I have to remind myself to do that sometimes as well!

Bahamut 06-02-2001 02:27 PM

the poem thing started when i was down.. thank god!

just wrote a few poems ealier this evening, ill post them tomorrow!

You know what happened. We are ONE, WE ARE, ahh.. er... I AM ...wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...;)

RudeDawg 06-02-2001 02:30 PM


Originally posted by Sazerac:
RudeDawg, one of my favorite lines from Wizardry 7 was "When mortal men cease to dream, they walk forevermore the land of the living dead." Pretty strong stuff. I think that applies to your "poet" thing as well.

Sazerac, did you ever read the Sandman comics (the ones by Neil Gaiman) Some of the earlier issues had him delivering justice by trapping people in dreams, or by KEEPING them from dreaming. Those who can no longer dream, are doomed to a lifetime of walking in a half-dream state, where they can no longer control themselves or their environment.... scary stuff


Visceris 06-02-2001 03:30 PM

No man is an island, because he constantly gets invaded by explorers, religious fanatics, and people who want him to walk their dags. Then someone drops an atomic bombs on his 2 favorite cities, then start to dictate something called "Manifest Destiny." WHY CAN'T PEOPLE LEAVE ME ALONE!

grr... I would think that the barbwire and landmines would be a hint people. What are you talking about, monkey boy? Oh that, I get it know.

um... nevermind.

(tee hee)

Redblueflare 06-03-2001 07:30 PM

If you were an island you wouldn't be talking to anyone ever. You have friends right? Everyone in the entire world has to have some connection. It's never possible to be truly alone.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just don't have to listen.

Wulfere 06-03-2001 08:05 PM

"The night sea rolled in from far Tortuga, from Tahiti from Bora Bora, from the Marquesas, from a thousand sun drenched places where I will never walk, where high tropical skies burn a blue that I will never see. But, all the light I need is here, with those I love, Who shine...." Dean Koontz

We are defined by who we love as much as by who we are.


[This message has been edited by Wulfere (edited 06-03-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Wulfere (edited 06-03-2001).]

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