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Yorick 03-16-2001 10:20 AM

This is a clan for Jesters only. Skalds can go and get scalded.
Sign up here, roll up roll up.


Memnoch 03-16-2001 10:22 AM

I guess I'll sign up then

I can be a member of two clans, right?

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Yorick 03-16-2001 10:25 AM

You betchya. No "jealous lover" vibe in this clan. We are all 'Artistes' here of course.


Bruce The Aussie 03-16-2001 10:43 AM

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well i guess i'll join up as well.

Bruce The Aussie, Camp Barbarian Hunter OHF

Larry_OHF 03-16-2001 10:53 AM


[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 03-16-2001).]

bilqis 03-16-2001 06:48 PM

Yorick: Please disspell my ignorance and tell me what is the purpose of the Jester Clan? Is it for multi-player games? I've wondered this about OHF too. (sorry if I'm being dense again. )


Having abandoned my search for truth, I am now looking for a good Fantasy.

Epona 03-16-2001 07:49 PM

Yorick, yes please!!!
I wanna be in! Lemme lemme lemme!!! pleeze??

Bards are best, and jesters rock!

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

robertthebard 03-17-2001 12:34 AM

Hail and well re-met, Yorick and all. After an extended vacation from my computer, due to the end of myself and my not so significant other, I have finally returned to the board, due to a really potent charm person spell, which I learned recently. In the split, I got custody of my computer!!! So I'm back, and interested in checking out the clan. I have successfully dodged the OHF, nothing personal, just not willing to commit at the time, but a Jester Clan would be just about right for me. Just a note for now, though, as I must check on all of my current games to see where I am.

"...and that's the bottom line, 'cause Robert the Bard says so!"

Yorick 03-17-2001 02:02 AM

Alright then.

Henceforth Bards shall not be barred and Blades will not be cut from membership. I guess we must diversify to challenge the conservative clans.

Welcome Epona, Bruce, grab a lyre and give us a tune.

Robert, good to read you once again my friend.

Bilqis, one may as well ask the meaning of life itself, such are the mysteries of clanhood.


robertthebard 03-17-2001 02:47 AM

Does that mean that I am in? Do I have to sign my life away or anything?

"...and that's the bottom line, 'cause Robert the Bard says so!"

Yorick 03-17-2001 02:52 AM

You're in Rob.

No, we don't have a "wedding ceremony" or "marital contract" for this clan.

But we shall rule the world! (After they all die laughing)


Moiraine 03-17-2001 06:55 AM

Does one have to sing well to join ? If not, I am in ! Hyyyaaark !


Donut 03-17-2001 08:42 AM

Can I join the Jester clan even if I have no sense of humour. If so do I have to learn a funny handshake?

The Truth is in the Profile

bilqis 03-17-2001 08:53 AM

bilqis the Skald formally applies for permission to join the Jester clan. She promises to sing only when enemies need confusing and other clan members have ear-plugs.

Having abandoned my search for truth, I am now looking for a good Fantasy.

Rikard 03-17-2001 08:59 AM

Dear Memnoch you are allowed to participate in a clan other then the OHF when you are a member of the OHF
one rule
Tell us about it
If you participate in another clan but not inform us about it
you risk being trown out of the OHF

We behold the right to forbit you to participate in a rival clan

The Legend Master Necromancer
Prince Rikard T'Aranaxz of Natri'x
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF
Ramanish of Neathan'Calith
High Priest and son of the Eternal Phoenix
Lord and General of the Army of the West

Yorick 03-17-2001 10:02 AM

Moiraine, Donut, Bilqis, jump on board! This party's gonna blow the joint!

Donut, good idea. What should our secret handshake be?


Charean 03-17-2001 11:49 AM

::::jumping up and down waving hands frantically::::
Can I join??

I do have a couple of questions, though.

Would Jackie Chan be considered a jester?

And would the killer joke (from Monty Python fame) count as a weapon??

tee hee

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?

Yorick 03-17-2001 12:07 PM

Hmmm, well I do laugh at Jackie Chan movies, but why? Are you him?

If you are in possesion of the fabled killer joke I think you could twist our arm.

Pull up a pew Charean, tell us about yourself. Are you a he or a she? (Made a mistake with Fjlotsie you know)


Charean 03-17-2001 12:14 PM

Just a female, living in the Washington DC metro area... there is more to laugh at here than I can shake a staff at....
Let's just say I am 30 something...
And have had an adventuring life of my own... this was not a big leap!
I love Jackie Chan movies and he seems the ultimate jester to me... that is why I asked...and I will see if I can rustle up that Killer Joke... I believe I have one around here somewhere ::::shuffling papers on the desk::::

I am fairly new on the boards, but am enjoying the atmosphere... it is stimulating to talk to real people after playing for so many hours!!

Yorick 03-17-2001 12:21 PM

Aah I thought you were a femme, but had to ask. I like your (posting) style. Welcome, welcome.

It certainly is a good vibe. Have you checked out the Gen Discussion forum? If you have and I've missed your posts I humbly beg your forgiveness.

I'm an Aussie myself, from Sydney but shacked up in Singapore for the next few weeks.

What was your main Character?

What do you do with yourself?


Moiraine 03-17-2001 12:28 PM

Hi Charean ! Welcome to our little party. I was not sure if you were or, your sig is a little ... confusing ...


Epona 03-17-2001 12:34 PM

Welcome Charean!
So Yorick, are we 'officially' called 'The Laughing Hyenas'? Great name, I will add it to my sig when I get a mo! (or should I say when everything is loading a bit faster, I've been having real problems today, don't want to fiddle with my profile when I'm having connection probs).

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Yorick 03-17-2001 12:39 PM

Great idea Epona! Let the word spread!

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Rikard 03-17-2001 12:46 PM

Ehm Yorick you don't accept Skalds i saw
Do you accept Blades?

The Legend Master Necromancer
Prince Rikard T'Aranaxz of Natri'x
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF
Ramanish of Neathan'Calith
High Priest and son of the Eternal Phoenix
Lord and General of the Army of the West

Moiraine 03-17-2001 12:47 PM

So we will add 'THL' to our names and laugh to people wondering why is that ?


Yorick 03-17-2001 12:50 PM

Yes yes Ertai, I made a post about Bards not being barred, Blades not being cut from membership and the need to diversify. Skalds, our more sombre breathren from the north will be welcomed with sibling love as well.

We are all jesters at heart though.

Er... why?

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Charean 03-17-2001 12:51 PM

Confusing?? How about ambiguous?? I was a truck driver - lorries in Australia, I think... Our are only 18 wheels, though. Have traveled lots, courtesy of the USNavy (was a Navy wife), lived in Florida, Sicily and back to my hometown near our nations hot-air capital.

Have not gone over to the Gen Disc to post much, just to work on a sig that worked for me... I like this character, we have a lot in common!

Usually I switch around on main PC, have done lots of multi-class characters, always a mage of some sort - and I like clerics as well... working on a bard - to see if I can handle that (my playing style is still in developement!)... I am on my 4th run through BG2.

Now I am retired - a bit early, but what the hey! - and have become a humble housewife/no kids - but still do the road traveling every chance I get. If it is under 5 hours, it's local! I am also a Spiritualist leaning heavily toward Buddhism (hopefully will have refuge with the Temple in Spring). (That would probably explain my leaning toward mage and cleric classes... huh?)

:::::::still looking for killer joke:::::::

I really enjoyed the one in the Vulgar Monkey -
What do you call a fish with no eyes?

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?

Moiraine 03-17-2001 12:54 PM

Yep, Charean, 'ambiguous' is the word I was searching for ! Unlike for you, English is not my native language, you see. Forgive me if I sometimes use inappropriate words, will ya ?

Glad to know a little more about you.


Charean 03-17-2001 01:00 PM

Well, Moiraine, some would say that English isn't my first language either!! And there are quite a few in this area that mangle the speech to the point you need a dictionary to keep up.
Writing is one of the few places I can talk without saying, uh, well, ya know...

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?
Wandering Joke of the Laughing Hyenas

Yorick 03-17-2001 01:01 PM

Wow, sounds like you've seen a lot! I like the 5 hrs motto. I share a similar view of distance.

I played a Monk first up. Normally I play a Bard (guess you didn't pick that eh?) Pretty much exhausted every piece of interest from the game as I played all the kits up to finishing the related stronghold quests.

Spiritual? Yes, but of a Christian walk. I've read plenty on Buddhism, Hinduism, Bahai, Theosophy and the like though, so I can appreciate your leaning.

I've been travelling myself the last month or so.

Creating music is my profession.

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Epona 03-17-2001 01:07 PM

Charean, I'm sure you will enjoy playing as a bard. I always find them great fun, as they have diverse talents, and are not so specialised in any one area. They never run out of uses in an adventuring party - if they get badly hurt and need to withdraw from the front line in battle, or if they run out of spells, their bardsong is a great tool which is IMHO underrated.

Especially jesters, their singing skills are their main weapon and can have several effects, more so than other bard kits.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Yorick 03-17-2001 01:07 PM

Hey lookie, I'm an Avatar.

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Charean 03-17-2001 01:08 PM

Yorick, music is a fine profession indeed... the bard would suit!

It seems that we are all more comfortable playing characters that are like us, hmmmm?

Are you enjoying your travel? I really miss real food... can't get it here unless I hit the sushi places or specialty markets. You sound over 30 yourself, or are you mature for your age?

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?
Wandering Joke of the Laughing Hyenas

Charean 03-17-2001 01:11 PM

Epona - love your sig and totally agree with you... probably why the jester is the most appealing.. more fun to confuse!!

You aren't a Zelda fan, are you? Epona is the pony in the game...

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?
Wandering Joke of the Laughing Hyenas

Moiraine 03-17-2001 01:11 PM

... And Yorick's music is great, I must add, Charean. You can find some of his songs on Stealthy's site

Now we count on you to write the Laughing Hyenas new hymn, Leader of the Jesters.


[This message has been edited by Moiraine (edited 03-17-2001).]

Epona 03-17-2001 01:12 PM

And Yorick, thank you for starting this clan! I knew there were a few bard fans here, but I had no idea how many.

I got so fed up with reading in BGI, BGII, IWD tips books "Pick one (bard) only if you want to properly role-play your characters" (IWD minihint booklet).

WTF does that mean?? It goes on about how important all the other classes are, then writes off the most interesting of them all! Of course I want to role-play, that's why I bought an RPG, isn't it?

I used to play a bard in PnP games too. It's good to finally have the merit of bards appreciated!

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Rikard 03-17-2001 01:15 PM

The name is Rikard
And can i join as Paithan The Blade?

The Legend Master Necromancer
Prince Rikard T'Aranaxz of Natri'x
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF
Ramanish of Neathan'Calith
High Priest and son of the Eternal Phoenix
Lord and General of the Army of the West

Yorick 03-17-2001 01:18 PM

Agreed Epona, the Master Class indeed.

Charean, I'm 29. Thankyou.

Moiraine, I'll have to look into that.

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Moiraine 03-17-2001 01:20 PM

Charean, I find it is more fun to play characters not at all like the real person - my favourite RPG character is the Thief, and I am the more honest person in the world (my friends say TOO honest sometimes ... ). Maybe that is why I so love playing the Thief with a vengeance ! Yep, I agree with you, Epona, what are RPGs about if not roleplaying ? I remember fondly all the jokes about his size that I directed to a friend in a AD&D PnP game, he played a Dwarf, and in real life he is 30 cm taller than me !


Epona 03-17-2001 01:20 PM


Originally posted by Charean:
Epona - love your sig and totally agree with you... probably why the jester is the most appealing.. more fun to confuse!!

You aren't a Zelda fan, are you? Epona is the pony in the game...

Sigh! No, I'm not a Zelda fan, never played it. Epona is the ancient Celtic/Gallic horse goddess. That's why the name was used for Zelda!

I guess I should be used to answering this by now, you're not the only one to have asked - I don't really mind though, and it helps people to remember me If you check out the General Discussions board I started a thread on nicknames 'cos a few people had asked me about it!!! Link below -

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

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