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Rikard 03-05-2001 02:08 PM

Do you still remember the Old Days
Back in august and october
When you could go away for a week and miss about 10 threads and 30 posts
Where i still knew who everybody was

When people didn't post for the post numbers
and off topic was still controlable

Not that i don't like it now
I just miss the "Group" feeling

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz
Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Reeka 03-05-2001 02:19 PM

I'm only off-line on the weekends and find it impossible on Monday mornings to ge caught up! BTW: Good to see you back, Rikard!

Reeka--The Hand of Death

Black Knight 03-05-2001 02:22 PM

Rikard, just remember, I'm not flaming you here. BUT this is a general discussion board, and everything is new blah blah blah. There is a forum that is all BGII all the time. And yes this is out of control. But the only way to get to know everyone is to post and respond. just IMHO. I do agree with you, but it is fun, not a bad thing. Everything ok?


Moridin 03-05-2001 02:25 PM you leave for 5 minutes and you have missed 5 topics and 100 posts

Does anyone even check the BGII forum anymore....I try to check it when I first get on and before I leave, but never in between


Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 02:32 PM

Rikard, again, welcome back. And I understand what you are saying. But remember, things change and the board has evolved. It won't always be new and this tempting to post just for the "numbers", which incidentally bothers me a bit too. (see Memnoch's confession-spammer thread near the 18-20 pgs) It will pass and be a slightly different place in a month, you watch!

But, please Rikard, try and find a comfy niche for yourself! We would miss even a few posts from you if you didn't come here now and then! I know I've missed you this week!

And yes, I lurk in the BG2 forum and will post now and again. How can I not? I'm still playing the game through for my first time!


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

Reeka 03-05-2001 02:35 PM

I agree with Memnoch that's it's important to not forget the regular BGII sight. People still need help with problems. I'm going to try to answer (if I know an answer) at least one question a day. I know that I've really needed the help at times.

Reeka--The Hand of Death

Hesperex 03-05-2001 02:55 PM

The vast majority of my relavent posts are on the BG2 board. Although admitedly I have had a spam day today. (still you've goota have some fun sometime)


Epona 03-05-2001 03:00 PM

I always make a point of going to the BGII board BEFORE I come here! Otherwise I know that I'll get distracted by all the lovely SPAM! But I try to be a good girl and answer some queries, not that I don't enjoy that too, because I do.

It's a bit worrying to go to work, come home and find that the 'spammers' thread is on 21 pages (which btw I haven't really got the time to read, although I know it'll make me laugh - maybe I'll copy the text & read it off-line later) - I know everyone's after the stars at the moment, I'm not without guilt myself in that respect, but I think the novelty will wear off soon, and things will settle down more like normal, whatever *that* is!!

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Black Knight 03-05-2001 03:02 PM


Originally posted by Epona:
I always make a point of going to the BGII board BEFORE I come here! Otherwise I know that I'll get distracted by all the lovely SPAM!

Me too. But most of the stuff is already good and answered before I get there.


Hesperex 03-05-2001 03:02 PM

Your probably right Epona. Anyway you were sposed to be raceing me to Drow Warrior which is 250 posts, looks like you have a lot!!! of posting to do


Hesperex 03-05-2001 03:04 PM

Well i have posted about 30 times on the BG2 board today, ALL!! relevent posts helping people. So I should be proud, what an one day not to mention the other 71 posts on the 2 spam threads 1 day ermmm


[This message has been edited by Hesperex (edited 03-05-2001).]

Rikard 03-05-2001 03:20 PM

I didn't say it was a bad thing
It's just like the days when there was no TV
your parents or grandparents might have told you about it
When there was no TV no computer
Everything was different
Better But worse at the some time
Everything changes
nothing stays the same
But change is good
Change is often for the better
mind often
The board is going this way
no way to stop
It's fun aswell
A lot of new faces
a lot of old ones gone
Life is a strange Game

Don't quote me on this
I wanna quote myself on this one

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz
Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Black Knight 03-05-2001 03:21 PM

I've missed your style, Rikard. That's is all I will say.


Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 03:40 PM

I'll just echo BK ...Here here!


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

MORDRICK THE MAD 03-05-2001 04:02 PM

Not to cause an argument but does this mean that you would rather the new people such as myself partake in these forums as I have never played an RPG game before and sometimes need some help.
Dont forget that you where also a newbie at one point and people were here before you.


Rikard 03-05-2001 04:08 PM

My style?
Braking off?
starting new sentences on a new line?
That is the way poëts write is it not?
i think it makes it more readable
do not you agree?

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz
Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Epona 03-05-2001 04:12 PM

Rikard, You are being very philosophical (which is a compliment! )

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Rikard 03-05-2001 04:24 PM

To bad i don't get any money Being one

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz
Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Black Knight 03-05-2001 04:26 PM

Epona 03-05-2001 04:28 PM

I got up to page 15 of the 'spammers' thread, but I've had to give up.
I can't look at the board at work, I'm far too busy.
I work at the Ministry of Agriculture, and I get loads of people e-mailing in and asking stupid questions like "I'm travelling to Australia, will I get my shoes confiscated because of the Foot & Mouth outbreak?".
Seriously, that is really my job!
So as you can see that is why I fall behind on my cyberlife!

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Hesperex 03-05-2001 05:10 PM

Hmmm sounds like you have a rather errrr......interesting job Epona, that must be why you spend so long on this forum


The.Relic 03-05-2001 05:44 PM

Rikard buddy, I'm a little perplexed, are you referring to the old days of this new forum, or are you referring to the old days on the old forum? I remember the old days on the old forum if that is what you mean. Didn't participate in the early stages of this new one, so now I'm a newb

Stealthy 03-05-2001 06:21 PM

Epona, I spurt coffee all over my monitor thanks to you!

I work at the Ministry of Agriculture, and I get loads of people e-mailing in and asking stupid questions like "I'm travelling to Australia, will I get my shoes confiscated because of the Foot & Mouth outbreak?".
Seriously, I know of at least one member who isn't coming back because of the exceessive spam. I am as guilty as anybody, but I do hope it calms down a little, as I am finding it impossible to keep up. I can see me posting less, because I haven't got the time to read everything. I think threads are getting far too long and have too many different cross-threads. I believe new threads should be started by a new post and not in the middle of another. This would allow us to participate in threads we wanted to and reduce the catching up required.

Charlie's S-Plan diet is no better than his invisibility potion!

bilqis 03-05-2001 09:12 PM


Originally posted by MORDRICK THE MAD:
Not to cause an argument but does this mean that you would rather the new people such as myself partake in these forums as I have never played an RPG game before and sometimes need some help.
Dont forget that you where also a newbie at one point and people were here before you.

Mordrick: Don't take it that way. I think it's wonderful when we keep getting new people. We are becoming a world-wide community in a way.
And while spam is often silly, it's also a good way to get to know one another. That's the way it is everytime you meet someone new that you like isn't it? You spend a lot of time talking about playful, superficial things which helps you get a 'sense' of what people are about, before you open up and share the deeper, more vulnerable part of yourself.

Also, there are many 'on-topic' boards for people to spend their time in if they don't like what's going on here. That's the joy of this place... there's room for everyone. (as long as they aren't trolls or flamers that is)

So I say join in the spam! Where's the harm?

Having abandoned my search for truth, I am now looking for a good Fantasy.

Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 09:16 PM


Originally posted by Epona:

I work at the Ministry of Agriculture, and I get loads of people e-mailing in and asking stupid questions like "I'm travelling to Australia, will I get my shoes confiscated because of the Foot & Mouth outbreak?".
Seriously, that is really my job!
So as you can see that is why I fall behind on my cyberlife!

Oh that is priceless! Your job must be a very interesting one, really!


------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 09:29 PM


Stealth said: Seriously, I know of at least one member who isn't coming back because of the exceessive spam. I am as guilty as anybody, but I do hope it calms
down a little, as I am finding it impossible to keep up. I can see me posting less, because I haven't got the time to read everything. I think threads
are getting far too long and have too many different cross-threads. I believe new threads should be started by a new post and not in the middle
of another. This would allow us to participate in threads we wanted to and reduce the catching up required.

As I mentioned before, I really do think it will calm down. The newness will wear off and the race for the stars will end too. Starting new threads isn't a bad idea. I'm having outrageous load times for the long ones. I imagine a lot of people are and just give up on getting in.


------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

Ladyzekke 03-05-2001 09:44 PM

I agree, our posts have been out of control recently (stars, etc.). Some posts only say "SPAM". No offense to anyone, I as well am a guilty party. It's been fun no doubt, but yes, having a conversation with someone is nei impossible. I also hope that this is just all the excitement over the new board and things will calm down eventually. A lot of friendships have grown, sewn by the old board, and I would not like to see that to end in a mindless haze of nonsense. As I said, I am a guilty party to said nonsense. As I stand now, I could care less when the heck I get another star (Ziroc shoulda known us rpgers would be competitive!). I'm just here to chat and talk to my friends at my leisure.

CB - You get so sensitive sometimes, don't you DARE think I'm talking about your spamming! I'm talking overall spamming here, me included. I love ya sis and you better keep making those great threads for us to converse and joke around on! Feel free to insert typos!


Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 11:14 PM

Ladyz, I have typoed enough for one night! Hosing and hung are my limit for the week! hahahahaha... I'm cruising around the board and finding that you guys get to far more threads than I do! I tend to concentrate for a while and then move on. Many of you are like bumble bees buzz buzzing from thread to thread with one post here and there...I'm feeling left behind in the dust!

And I'm an "old" member...hey I admitted my age!

Cloudalicious (that's for Tobbin! )

------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

Rikard 03-06-2001 01:02 AM

Hold it there Maddy
I never said i did not like the participiation of newer members
I was just thinking back to those old days
When posting was easier
Better and Yet worse

becoz you knew everybody
but there was no
Armiseal (he's gone again)
Jerome (see above)
Mardrick the Mad
I'm not gonna name all the names i remembered
or even all the names in the clan

Never meant to cause any harm
wanted to let it out

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz
Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Rikard 03-06-2001 01:06 AM

i meant the old Forum
The "Baldur's Gate 1" Days

The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz
Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

JJ/newbie 03-06-2001 01:06 AM, it yustt slipped out- as you can tell, i just dink around, but who was the member who left? I was not aware of that, but I got to thinking, I have not actually played the game since this new board opened! holy toilet paper, batman, we've been wiped out! I have not even checked the game board, just end up dropping from sheer exhaustion trying to keep up on this one- I like the socializing alot, but one can loose his around wildly - wher in the shyte did that come from?)

When given a choice, take both.

LadyRae 03-06-2001 01:54 AM

Here, here.
Rikard, nice to meet you! I 'lurked' on the old board but never posted and I admit to being the 'buzzy bumblebee' kind of poster, but mostly just running around trying to find someone to converse with... We are indeed a strange breed! Sitting day and night in front of our computers doing this...


Rikard 03-06-2001 02:01 AM


The Legend Rikard T'Aranaxz
Master Necromancer
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF

Griever 03-06-2001 04:37 AM

On where Memnoch was lordkymil and Armisael, Armisael, and you, Jon, I think, we used to be sooo little... tee hee.. I think this forum is already all that if you know what I mean! We have BG2 still intact, and a spammers haven... aka this part of the forum... so there is nothing to be really mad about...

Tifa has her Cloud, Squall his Rinoa, Sephiroth?? hehe

Memnoch 03-06-2001 05:13 AM


Originally posted by Epona:
I got up to page 15 of the 'spammers' thread, but I've had to give up.
I can't look at the board at work, I'm far too busy.
I work at the Ministry of Agriculture, and I get loads of people e-mailing in and asking stupid questions like "I'm travelling to Australia, will I get my shoes confiscated because of the Foot & Mouth outbreak?".
Seriously, that is really my job!
So as you can see that is why I fall behind on my cyberlife!

Epona, you too? I work for Unilever, product launches coming out of the woodwork at the moment.

Just a comment on the stars.
Remember that they are just there for fun, and don't necessarily signify that all of a sudden you're an expert in whatever. Chasing stars is fine as long as the GD forum doesn't degenerate into total SPAM rubbish. It's probably just a novelty for those unused to having a GD board. Believe it or not, SPAM gets boring and annoying after a while (indigestion!)

You can separate posts into 4 distinct categories:

1. Posts about game topics (BG,BG2,W&W,IWD)
2. General discussion posts (Napster, polls about music, Taliban, sports etc)
3. Conversation posts between people
4. Pure SPAM (junk posts which have no relevance which people post just to get their numbers up)

Everyone posts #4 type posts once in a while - shit happens We're all fairly mature (I said mature, not OLD) people, just use your judgment on how excessive it's getting. Too much of it can cause one of both of the following:

- alienate posters who want to have a serious discussion
- attract trolls and flamers who enjoy this type of lawless environment

I know that all the people who responded to this thread are responsible, help others and want to make sure that our board remains friendly, open and accessible to all.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Donut 03-06-2001 08:08 AM

Donut sits nervously, lurking in the corner, shuffling his feet and sipping his pint. Trying to make sense of the chaos which has erupted around him. Listening to the erection of this modern day 'Tower of Babel' where everyone speaks at once, often unintelligibly and where everyone moves on before the conversation has finished.

He looks for old friends amongst the confusion, sometimes he glimpses one but they quickly move on to other threads. He sits and dreams of quieter times when the important thing was what a person had to say rather than how often they spoke. When the endless pursuit of possesions and wealth (stars) was not the sole purpose of our existence in the electronic ether. When people had the time to listen to and reply to the words of others and where voices did not go unheard in the overwhelming noise and confusion.

He notices new friends joining the conversation and hopes that they will find a place amongst the group, taking as much pleasure from the membership as he once did. He believes that things will quieten down eventually and that order will be restored.

Meanwhile he sits, and watches, sits and watches.

The Truth is in the Profile

Memnoch 03-06-2001 09:10 AM


Originally posted by Donut:
Donut sits nervously, lurking in the corner, shuffling his feet and sipping his pint. Trying to make sense of the chaos which has erupted around him. Listening to the erection of this modern day 'Tower of Babel' where everyone speaks at once, often unintelligibly and where everyone moves on before the conversation has finished.

He looks for old friends amongst the confusion, sometimes he glimpses one but they quickly move on to other threads. He sits and dreams of quieter times when the important thing was what a person had to say rather than how often they spoke. When the endless pursuit of possesions and wealth (stars) was not the sole purpose of our existence in the electronic ether. When people had the time to listen to and reply to the words of others and where voices did not go unheard in the overwhelming noise and confusion.

He notices new friends joining the conversation and hopes that they will find a place amongst the group, taking as much pleasure from the membership as he once did. He believes that things will quieten down eventually and that order will be restored.

Meanwhile he sits, and watches, sits and watches.

Donut, very, very well said. True words of wisdom. I hope we don't lose you, man.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Yorick 03-06-2001 09:27 AM

Donut, the difference between you and a spammer is that yours are dedicated to quality not quantity.

I always know when I read a Donut post it will be humerous and well written. I know when I read a Memnoch post it will have a quote, and when I read a Ramon post, that he will have found an inconsistency in my own post (the Lurker).

I wouldn´t worry about it all. The exitement of the new board plus the star system has thrown the old "heirachy" out the window. Rikard and I had third and fourth most posts at one stage, but there´s no way I´ll catch Cloudy and "Mr 70hr week" Memnoch from my hour-a-day internet cafe habit.

Alas poor Armisael. The king is dead, long live the Queen. (or is Memnoch King?)
It´s all a bit of fun. Better to have heaps of posts with abundent spam, than 3 posts a month... boooorrrriinngg.

Long live the board! You all rock!


Memnoch 03-06-2001 09:45 AM


Originally posted by Epona:

I work at the Ministry of Agriculture, and I get loads of people e-mailing in and asking stupid questions like "I'm travelling to Australia, will I get my shoes confiscated because of the Foot & Mouth outbreak?".

You probably will, unfortunately. At the very least they'll be taken away to be cleaned and returned to you - if you're lucky.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Memnoch 03-06-2001 10:06 AM


Originally posted by Yorick:
Better to have heaps of posts with abundent spam, than 3 posts a month... boooorrrriinngg.

Long live the board! You all rock!

Yorick, dearest friend, I'll have to disagree with one aspect of what you said, though I welcome and totally agree with the good intention behind it. (Just to throw a spanner in the works, I'm going to quote just the bit that I'm referencing. There is nothing wrong with good, lively, interesting conversation, discussion, debate, disagreement, sharing, and leveraging of knowledge and experiences. THAT is off-topic, THAT is general discussion, THAT is certainly not spam.

Good spam, in moderation, helps break down barriers between people and get them more comfortable in interacting with each other. We've always had this level of spam, even in the old board. But in the past few days I've noticed the level of spam reach a point where I start to see nonsense posts being posted for the sake of being reach certain ranks perhaps?? This is not beneficial to anyone because so many of the threads are so full of garbage that it's pointless reading through them all. In summary, a little moderation would go a long way.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

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