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daan 09-04-2001 11:47 AM

I keep accepting quests for the XP, but some give me unwanted rep.points, .. i dont WANT rep.points because i have edwin in my party and, rep=12 is the best rep. to plz all in my party .

How do i get my rep. down in a gentle way ?
killing people at random doesnt work, 'cause you wont be able to talk to innkeepers and such anymore ..
IS there a "safe" way to get your reputation down again ?

HooC 09-04-2001 11:51 AM

If your reputation is over 18 Edwin is going to break, but you don't need to worry if your rep. is 14 or 15.

Zbyszek 09-04-2001 12:08 PM

Take Viconia -you drop her and take back: -2 rep each time.


Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil 09-04-2001 12:14 PM

Even Better: Romance her.

All your base are belong to us! How Are you gentlemen?

Welcome to your doom!!!
Official villain/demon of IW!

dimon37 09-04-2001 12:15 PM

when you drop Viconia you should get those 2 rep points back.
If you can turn into slayer, then each time you do that you loose 2 rep.

Avatar 09-04-2001 12:59 PM

Easy. go into a peasent's house. Switch to fists. Beat him/her unconsious.
Repeat. No one can see it so when you come out, You are not attacked.
Steal from a shop you'll never goto again also works.


daan 09-04-2001 02:22 PM

oh yeah,
Im addicted to beating up peasants now >
It costs a bit, in temple-funds to get your rep. up from 0
but it's well worth the fun

Istaron 09-04-2001 02:36 PM

It is really sad that you can only be good if you want to be succesfull in this game. There aren't almost any rewarding quests for evil characters.

We call him Bobby Corwen

Zoltan 09-04-2001 03:08 PM

Strange? Edwin joined me and my reputation is 19?
Aerie is my romance partner will she disturbed for this event?

dimon37 09-04-2001 03:39 PM

Evil characters will join your party with reputation 19 and 20 and they'll stay put as long as your reputation does not change. if it changes and is still 19 or 20, they will leave (may be even attack you).

oldbittercraig 09-04-2001 05:10 PM

regarding the Viconia trick- won't work. Every time you kick her out of your party your rep goes back up two... when I had some extra coin and wanted to boost my rep of 16 (17+ can't be bought) I picked her up, took the -2 penalty, bought the two points back then kicked her out, thus jumping my rep to 18...

so stick with the slayer or beating innocents...

daan 09-05-2001 08:31 AM

nah, the "killing-an-innocent-boy-trick-in-house-in-front-of-parents" works perfectly

Avatar 09-05-2001 11:10 AM

Daan, you are quite mischeivous aren't you?


oldbittercraig 09-05-2001 02:01 PM

mischevious? try flat out diabolic...

ScottG 09-07-2001 03:31 AM

Even better, kill the "mayor" in the bridge district (wham! 6 point drop).

Saddly it was like watching the nightly news, I was stealing from him - he found out - so I couldn't leave any witnesses.

HooC 09-07-2001 05:41 AM

I managed to drop 7 rep. points because of Anomen..
Minsc and Boo were not very delighted

daan 09-07-2001 11:42 AM

i have a pickpocket-lvl of 140 or so ..
Now .. in the mazzy-town (forgot name) there's a guy selling EXTREMELY kick ass stuff, +2 .. +3 etc. , i only encountered him once .. but i stole evrything he had .. suddenly i have 500 000 goldpieces HAHA

BTW .. try rescuing the girl in the town who has a skin-falling-off problem , but before that kill her boyfriend .. and his father, but let the mother live,
it wont do you any good except some deep dark satisfaction >

Im not evil at all, im a lawfully good monk with extreme paranoia

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