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Sazerac 10-31-2001 04:33 PM

Official: October 31, 2001.

An official demo of the much-waited-for RPG, Wizardry 8, has been released. The demo, a 150 MB file, is downloadable from the following location:

Give it a spin, guys, and see what you think. This should be a fantastic CRPG experience. Many of us have been waiting for this game for over nine years (since 1992).


Patience, my BUTT...I'm going to KILL something!!!

Avatar 10-31-2001 05:29 PM

cool! what edition does it use.. where is it based>

[This message has been edited by Avatar (edited 10-31-2001).]

Sazerac 10-31-2001 05:38 PM

It's not of the AD&D rules or universe (Forgotten Realms)...completely different system. The game plays a lot more like Might & Magic and Ultima rather than BG and IWD.

For more information, check this link:

Welcome to Ironworks...over 4100 happy members and one old buzzard!

Neb 10-31-2001 05:39 PM

If it combines Might and Magic and Ultima then it can't possibly be bad.

Fljotsdale 10-31-2001 06:24 PM

I checked out the screen shots - they were very dark. I had to turn up the brightness & contrast of my monitor to eye-hurting levels to see anything. I hope this is not a true indication of visibility in the game. I HATE groping around in dense gloom all the time - sometimes is fine, but not ALL the time!


Here be Dragons!
Proud to be Dubbed Queen of the Illuminati by Diogenes.

"If I say something to you and it can be taken two ways, and one of those ways upsets you...I meant the other one."

Sazerac 10-31-2001 06:32 PM

I think you can control that with the gamma settings, Fljotsdale. Typically, screenshots tend to be of rather poor quality.

I agree fully with you about the visibility factor. These old eyes aren't as young as they used to be!


Welcome to Ironworks...over 4100 happy members and one old buzzard!

Fljotsdale 10-31-2001 07:09 PM


Originally posted by Sazerac:
I think you can control that with the gamma settings, Fljotsdale. Typically, screenshots tend to be of rather poor quality.

I agree fully with you about the visibility factor. These old eyes aren't as young as they used to be!


OLD!?!?!? HA!! Wait till you are MY age young man!

I had that problem with Battlespire, (from Bethesda). There were no instructions in the manual for turning up the gamma settings and I had no idea you even could (not heard of gamma settings even) but it annoyed me so much I mailed 'em and they told me how to do it. It wasn't an in-game function, either, they'd had lots of complaints apparantly - guess I am not the only idiot, lol!


Here be Dragons!
Proud to be Dubbed Queen of the Illuminati by Diogenes.

"If I say something to you and it can be taken two ways, and one of those ways upsets you...I meant the other one."

Moni 10-31-2001 08:11 PM

Thank you Sazerac!
I'm going to DL while I do my homework!


The best thing about karma is that you create your own.

Pets Need Love Too

MILAMBER 10-31-2001 09:55 PM

I don't dig it. I've been playing around with it for the last 30 min, and I hate the gui. Hopefully they will change stuff around before it goes gold.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Sazerac 10-31-2001 10:32 PM

Moni (and the rest of you): Just so you'll know, the "real McCoy" version will be in stores on November 15! Just 15 more days to go!!!!


Welcome to Ironworks...over 4100 happy members and one old buzzard!

Moni 10-31-2001 11:08 PM


Originally posted by Sazerac:
Moni (and the rest of you): Just so you'll know, the "real McCoy" version will be in stores on November 15! Just 15 more days to go!!!!


That rocks!
I'll be counting the days! See you in the Wiz 8 forum, Saz!

I'm still running on a 56k modem here. DL is 32% finished and it is bedtime.
I'm using DAP though and it is resumable, so I'll start it back up before I go to school in the morning. It ought to be done by the time I get home!


The best thing about karma is that you create your own.

Pets Need Love Too

Ronn_Bman 11-01-2001 03:04 PM

Wizardry was the first electronic D&D style game I ever played. I bought a Nintendo gaming system (original) just to play it! I named all my characters after people on "Cheers!" Norm, Cliff, Sam, Woody, and Coach are capable of kicking an amazing amount of rump, given the proper tools! It seems like the spell I worked the whole game to get was called "Tiltowatt".

I don't know why I never bought any of the other games in the Wizardry series! I've down loaded the demo for 8 and plan on giving it a try.


"Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins."

Sazerac 11-01-2001 05:47 PM

OK, guys, got some screenshots for you from the Demo here:

The first is a shot of the screen with all character faces shown. The play screen is smaller in this case, showing the treasure chest.

This shot is the entrance to the demo level, the abandoned temple.

One of the first group of monsters you have to fight in the temple is a group of slimes. This is a good shot of how a ranged attack will work. In Wizardry 8, attacks are "phased", meaning that in each round, characters can either move forward or use range attacks; opponents will do likewise. The default combat option is the "turn-based" one rather than real-time, although real-time (continuous) combat is also supported.

Ouch! Small spiders ambush the party by throwing webs at them. You never know when something's going to sneak up on your rear, so be careful when entering rooms and make sure to look everywhere.

After the combat, an examination of the room. Notice the detailing involved. Small treasure caches lie in corners, so one has to be careful to search well.

Heh...while I was taking the last "Kodak moment", a group of bats decided to investigate. As in the Baldur's Gate games and Icewind Dale, one gets to select each character's actions before starting the round. The characters keep those "default" actions until you pause (continuous play) or until the round is over (turn-based).

Well, you can tell what I'm going to be doing over the next few weeks! Hope some of you decide to try it out and see how it runs for yourself. It looks to be great! Look for the full version in stores starting November 15 (at least in the US).


Welcome to Ironworks...over 4100 happy members and one old buzzard!

Jorath Calar 11-01-2001 05:53 PM

Wow that looks cool, but 150 MB!!! wahh
I guess I'll just wait for some magazine to feature it on their disc...


Sazerac 11-01-2001 05:57 PM

Yes, Jorath Calar, if you have a 56K modem, it's going to probably be a 9 hour or so download. If you can "trick" your ISP into keeping you online (like checking for e-mail every 10 mins), you can start the download in the evening and hopefully get it the next morning after you wake up.

Welcome to Ironworks...over 4100 happy members and one old buzzard!

Tananda 11-01-2001 06:48 PM

Thanks for the link and for the pictures, Saz!
Looks really wonderful.
I'm downloading this demo right now, but this is going to be a VERY long process, because of dial-up connection

Can you tell, please, is there character generation in the demo, or we have to deal with the pre-made party? I've heard (or read somewhere) that character generation in Wiz8 is uncredibly involving thing.

White Dragoness of The Dragoons Of The Wind

Sazerac 11-01-2001 11:04 PM

Per Tananda's question:

1) No character gen in the ships with 6 pregen characters, all at level 5. You can start play pretty well immediately.

2) Character gen is supposedly going to be a lot less "hairy" in Wiz 8 than it was in the previous versions of Wizardry. It can be fairly entailed, as well. In the demo, you can't change the portraits or sound files, but you can do so in the real game. You will also be able to customize portraits and sounds if you like such as in the Black Isle an extent, from what I understand.


Welcome to Ironworks...over 4200 happy members and one old buzzard!

Jafin 11-01-2001 11:44 PM

DAMN!!! It's 150 meg and on my 56k that'd take days to download! Damn, damn and double damn!


P.S. I apologize if I offended anyone with my excessive use of the word damn

Proud Citizen of the United States of America
The Original Arch-Mage of the HADB
Destroyer of the evil Bunnies
Proprietor of the Boogre Bar
The not-so-secret admirer of Lioness
Mage of the Court of Lady Lioness
Midnight Mage of the TOTS Clan

Davros 11-02-2001 04:01 AM

Hi Jafin - not days, just 14 hours - looks to be worth the effort though (after then also needing to get a new ^MB graphics drier and 8 MB DirectX8a Blind persistance wins out

Ironworks Revolutionary Splitter wannabe
Founding Member, and General Demands Adviser of the O.R.T.

Neb 11-02-2001 04:08 AM

Hey Saz, for those of us who haven't played Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant, could you possibly enlighten us as to what happened during that game so that we might better understand that which happens in Wizardry 8, also, could you please tell us of anything which has an effect on the Wizardry 8 storyline which has happened during Wizardry 1-6? I like to know such things.

Sazerac 11-02-2001 01:57 PM


Originally posted by Neb:
Hey Saz, for those of us who haven't played Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant, could you possibly enlighten us as to what happened during that game so that we might better understand that which happens in Wizardry 8, also, could you please tell us of anything which has an effect on the Wizardry 8 storyline which has happened during Wizardry 1-6? I like to know such things.
Generally, the current storyline starts around Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge (BoCF). Since I don't think many of you care to go back to play a DOS game from 1990 I'll summarize it and CoDS here for you.

BoCF starts out with your party of adventurers searching for a magic pen (the Cosmic Forge), an instrument which has the ability to alter reality by what you write with it. Some 120 years past, an evil king, queen, and wizard banded together to steal the pen from an altar known as the Cosmic Circle, guarded by the Cosmic Lords so that no one could use it for ill. Throughout Wizardry 6, you unravel the mystery: the pen has a "curse" placed upon in (therefore, the "Bane" pen) in that whoever alters reality with it outside of the Cosmic Circle has to suffer as a curse whatever they have written. You encounter all of the hapless miscreants in their afterlife, suffering from the curses they wrought upon themselves: the king, who wished to become immortal, was cursed to be a vampire, the wizard, who wished to know everything, split into two beings (that which is and that which is not) and went insane, etc. Eventually you face off against the evil king and his "mistress", Rebecca (or you can choose to league with them instead, which gives a different start for the next game!), and then encounter the bane pen. Upon taking it, a mysterious alien appears and claims the pen for the Lords of the Cosmic Circle. Thus Wizardry 6 ends and the start of the next game is set.

Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant (1992) takes up where Wiz 6 leaves off. The strange alien, known as Aletheides, is a robotic servant for the Cosmic Lords. During the 120 years that the pen was lost, the Cosmic Lords were unable to use it to guard the hidden location of one of the most powerful artifacts in the universe, the Astral Dominae, the invention of one Phoonzang (a wizard, and also now a god). With this device, one can create and destroy universes (although one could argue the same thing with the pen!) The world where the artifact is hidden, Lost Guardia, became discovered, and now several forces are on their way to try to claim this device for themselves: the T'Rang, a loathesome race of spider-men, the Umpani, a militaristic race of rhinocerouses (think of the Giff in AD&D), and the Dark Savant, a being of mysterious origins and even more dubious motives for obtaining this artifact. With the Dark Savant travels a girl by the name of Vi Domina, who is a distant descendent of Phoonzang, the creator of the artifact. Into this scenario your party is "dumped" to try to find the artifact for the Cosmic Lords so as to safeguard the secret again.

On Lost Guardia you have several different "native" tribes: the Rattkin, a race of thieving rodents, the Munk and the Dane, rival religious sects, the Gorn, a race of Lawful Good orcs (!), and the Higardi, mysterious valkyries with high technology living in the mountains to the far south. Your party has to literally scour this whole world finding the pieces to the puzzle for finding the Astral Dominae.

To make the long story short, upon finding the Astral Dominae, you cannot get it to work. Only Vi Domina can (being Phoonzang's great-great-great-great-great-great-whatever-granddaughter) because she bears his genetic code. The Dark Savant ends up holding her hostage (not knowing the secret) and forces you to trade him the Astral Dominae for her release (that is, if you take the "Good" ending rather than the "Evil" one, in which you keep the artifact and let her die). He takes off for the Cosmic Circle, with your party and Vi Domina in pursuit.

This is where Wizardry 8 comes in.

Wizardry 8 starts with your party landing on the world Domina, the home of the Cosmic Lords and the Cosmic Circle. Apparently, there will be a lot of cameos from the NPC's in the past; the T'Rang and Umpani will be there, as well as the Dark Savant (of course). Expect a final standoff among all the different factions and yourself to determine the fate of the universe, after unraveling the final mystery of the artifact. You can choose to ally or make enemies with whichever faction you wish (in Wizardry 7, I allied with the Umpani (Lawful) which will influence my party's alliances on Domina in Wizardry 8. For those of you who start a fresh party, you can choose which faction you wish to ally with.

Hopefully this explains a bit about the background of the game, and wasn't TOO confusing!


Welcome to Ironworks...over 4200 happy members and one old buzzard!

Garnet 11-02-2001 02:22 PM

Kids are weird--#2 son says 'cool' at the notion the old Wizardry games are DOS. Any ideas on where to find them (or demos, etrc.)?

~Garnet FalconDance~
<LI>Guardian of the Forests
<LI>Ranger-Protectoress of Ironworks
<LI>Scourge of Hobgoblins and Assorted Bad Nasties Everywhere![/list]

Neb 11-02-2001 02:23 PM

DOS games ARE cool, a lot of them are better than the windows games we have now.

MILAMBER 11-02-2001 02:25 PM

I played it a bit more and it's kinda growin on me. For sure I'm buying it when it comes out.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

MagiK 11-02-2001 02:42 PM


Originally posted by Garnet:
Kids are weird--#2 son says 'cool' at the notion the old Wizardry games are DOS. Any ideas on where to find them (or demos, etrc.)?

Well just to let ya know, starting from Wiz 6 (BoCF) on back you need lots of graph paper to map with Ill bet if you look online you can find the compilation release they had a while ago....CD's with most or all of the wizardrys on them...Heck Im not sure but It might have come with Wiz ggold...Ill check and see if it did and if they are public domain I can send compies to people.

Disintigration is easy, If you really want to impress me, ReIntegrate it.

Sazerac 11-02-2001 04:39 PM


Originally posted by Garnet:
Kids are weird--#2 son says 'cool' at the notion the old Wizardry games are DOS. Any ideas on where to find them (or demos, etrc.)?

Interplay released a CD compilation called "The Ultimate Wizardry Archives" back in 1998. It's all the Wizardry games from 1-7, with Wizardry Gold (ecch!) thrown in. It's probably still available through their store. I'll see if I can find a link...

OK, here's a few links:,1367/

You can also try over at Ebay and see if anyone is selling a copy there. Sometimes the prices are better.

Hope this helps!


Welcome to Ironworks...over 4200 happy members and one old buzzard!

sageridder 11-03-2001 07:09 PM


[ 11-04-2001: Message edited by: sageridder ]</p>

Lady Avalon 11-03-2001 08:59 PM

Thanks Saz. Sounds like a great game. I am in the process of downloading the demo and can't wait to give it a try.

Davros 11-03-2001 09:48 PM

Demo fantastic - loved it. A good 10 hours of gameply in itself if you camped a few times and encouraged monsters.

PixieChic 11-04-2001 01:47 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Garnet:
Kids are weird--#2 son says 'cool' at the notion the old Wizardry games are DOS. Any ideas on where to find them (or demos, etrc.)?

I found the entire series (Wizardry 1-7 and Wizardry Gold) for $14.95 on

For anyone that has played Wizards & Warriors as well as tried out the Wizardry 8 similar are they? Graphics, mechanics, etc.?

Grojlach 11-04-2001 01:52 PM

Hmm, just wondering... I've downloaded the demo, but haven't got the time to free some diskspace for the installation... How big is the demo after the installation? :confused:

Sazerac 11-05-2001 12:21 AM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Grojlach:
Hmm, just wondering... I've downloaded the demo, but haven't got the time to free some diskspace for the installation... How big is the demo after the installation? :confused: <hr></blockquote>

Dear Grojlach:

Music: 18.3 MB
Data: 155 MB
Intro Movie: 3.1 MB
Top Level Directory: 8.6 MB
DLL's: 1.5 MB
Documentation: 34K
Levels: 14 MB
Starting Save Game: 391 K

So all in all, just under 200 MB for the install.


Mitro Jellywadder 11-05-2001 01:00 AM

I'm glad this popped back up to the top. I forgot
to download it. Now it's up and loading. Big file.

Hayashi 11-05-2001 04:22 AM

FWIW I played W7 and I thought I found it VERY difficult. Not so much the combat, but the puzzles. The solutions were pretty obtuse and definitely not logical to deduce. I found it frustrating, to say the least.

Oh! and no automap! It was a pain to map the whole place. I ran through a whole pad of graph paper mapping out every single square! : :rolleyes:

Grojlach 11-05-2001 05:38 AM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sazerac:

Dear Grojlach:

Music: 18.3 MB
Data: 155 MB
Intro Movie: 3.1 MB
Top Level Directory: 8.6 MB
DLL's: 1.5 MB
Documentation: 34K
Levels: 14 MB
Starting Save Game: 391 K

So all in all, just under 200 MB for the install.


Thanks! [img]smile.gif[/img]
So the problem was with my computer after all... 300 MB free and it was unable to install the game. Well, time for Scandisk, as they say. ;)

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