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Ziroc 06-08-2006 07:18 PM

If you find anything, please report it. White textures, messed up things.. items, tiles, placeables. So we can see if more than one person can replicate it.

FIRST MAJOR BUG: (which I cannot BELIEVE I missed) [img]smile.gif[/img]

All CEP Portraits are not listed in the portraits 2da file in the efu10_2das.hak. I must have overwrote it when I added the 167 patch.

This is any easy fix, and will be in the first patch coming in a few days.
I was wondering why so many npcs had missing portraits when highlighting them. lol.. Still.. I should have triple checked it. UGH! No worries.

In the patch, I will also add some new portraits for NPCs. And 3 texture updates I wanted to make.

[ 06-08-2006, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: Ziroc ]

Larry_OHF 06-09-2006 10:21 PM

<font color=skyblue>On the map view of level one, there is a while square on the map, in the center. I went to tht location and found a new floor trap where there's a grate with spikes underneath and darts seem to be able to shoot from the wall...but this was not an active trap. Anyway, on the map, this location was only a white square as though the map did not know what to draw there. </font>

harleyquinn 06-09-2006 10:41 PM

More a bug with the IW server -- when I try to open the "Read Me" file for installation instructions, I get file not found on the server.

robertthebard 06-09-2006 11:09 PM

The Gypsy girls are back...

Mozenwrathe 06-10-2006 12:30 PM

Some faces of people to talk to are missing in the inn. I know that Calia was not working, but Nebril was. (Drunken little pansy elf needs a beatin'...) I figure that will be fixed within the first patch file. I know that some more of the robes (CEP based I believe) are still not working properly. (Icon format only. In-game usage is still as smooth as ever.)

Oh, by the way, who are "The Gypsy Girls" refered to by robertthebard?

[ 06-29-2006, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Mozenwrathe ]

roddybug 06-10-2006 04:21 PM

I've had the same problem as Larry, there is a white square on the overveiw map.

I also got evilled 5 points for lashing out at a female gypsy who was attacking me and then another point when I teamed up with rtb, even though I wasn't in the area with him.

In the tavern the window just behind Misty is white (or perhaps misted up!).

Immediately when I arrived at level one there were four little white rectangles (two to the north, two to the south). I guess that they are placeables that I can't see. I've re-installed efu10_place to no effect and then downloaded it again and installed it. No joy with that either.

I've wandered around the modified areas a fair bit and haven't seen anything else yet.

Greything 06-18-2006 10:02 AM

I just found a small one on level 12.

At the end of the rock wall where the first of the flying Dragons lives there used to be a chest if I recall.

This seems to have gone now but when the cursor crosses this area it still tells you a chest is there.

robertthebard 06-18-2006 10:41 AM

I have funky visuals in the tavern, some like this:

Ziroc 06-18-2006 02:54 PM

Are they always like that Rob? That? That sounds like a player issue. does it go away when you remove your bow? (That texture is used for weapons). I know it well. [img]smile.gif[/img]

I did miss the mini icon for the map. I already have it ready and done for the patch.

The other issues, I dunno. The chest thing I have no clue about..

The windows should be fine... but I'll see whats up. I will add some DDS files for older video cards in the patch too--this may fix some issues you run into..

The windows follow day and night btw. when its daylight outside, the tavern windows inside will show lit, then at night, dark.. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Haven't seen many posts about if you all liked the new stuff so far? I know you haven't seen all the new stuff yet, but what you have seen, what do you think? [img]smile.gif[/img]

Sir Goulum 06-18-2006 03:50 PM

Those happen for me as well, and it seems they only appear when your in certain spots... and only in the tavern. Haven't checked out the city yet, only been in Undermountain itself, so can't say anything about out there.

Ziroc 06-18-2006 04:10 PM

Do you have an old video card? What are the specs?

Sir Goulum 06-18-2006 04:13 PM

I have a new vid. card, GeForce FX5500 I do believe.. my memory's a little rusty right now, but I think it's 256 MB... maybe 512.

Ziroc 06-18-2006 05:46 PM

Fixed the window issue for the patch -- the texture wasn't 512x512. It was off by a bit.. 512x489 or something.. NWN doesn't like it that way.. has to be multipliers of 32.

1024x1024 (rarely used, as it sucks video cards memory--for slower video cards, it can be bad)

[ 06-18-2006, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Ziroc ]

T-D-C 06-18-2006 06:33 PM

Man I am loving some of the new stuff!

BTW One of the girls had a really cool staff but I forgot to take a screenshot.

I like the borken teleporter on 12 and the new merchant area.

Also Im not sure when it happened but I like the new entrance to the desert fort.

robertthebard 06-19-2006 12:11 AM

I haven't noticed if it's with a specific weapon or not...what a bug reporter I am...*whistle*. However, it's only in the tavern. I have been all over waterdeep, and inside the temple that's open, the fest hall, and the weapon shop, with no evil rainbows following me around. My vid card is the GEForce FX 5200, with 128mb ram on it. I didn't notice the effect prior to the new hak either, if that helps. I'll log in and verify whether it happens w/out a bow equipped.

Edit: Camera angles can negate the effect as well. Not sure if that means anything or not...

[ 06-19-2006, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: robertthebard ]

T-D-C 06-19-2006 01:27 AM

Hmm I have the same card and have never seen that......

robertthebard 06-19-2006 02:24 AM

It wasn't weapon specific either...In fact, it's not even specific to my character. I saw another char, plus a couple of the npcs with it going on as well. For me, if I had it at all, I had it, weapons would change it's appearance, but not whether it was there.

Sir Goulum 06-19-2006 02:43 AM


Originally posted by robertthebard:
It wasn't weapon specific either...In fact, it's not even specific to my character. I saw another char, plus a couple of the npcs with it going on as well. For me, if I had it at all, I had it, weapons would change it's appearance, but not whether it was there.
On my machine, it was happening on the guard fellows in the inn.

roddybug 06-19-2006 09:55 AM

I'm glad to hear that my Misty window will be fixed, I like peering out through the other one. There's just my white boxes on level 1; it's probably just some placeables that I'm missing somewhere, they look about longsword sized. I found Greything's invisible box on level 12, it's just a box that has been buried by an extension of the cavern wall. You can still see its corner sticking out of the wall and it's just where he said it is, next to the first flying dragon on the left.

Another tiny error that I noticed was that the sturdy (?) chest next to the very impressive hole on level 12 just showed a white space inside it when it was opened. Apart from that the chest was fine and promptly looted.

The visual wierdness is odd, I use a GeForce FX 5200 (the same card as rtb) and I haven't had any problems like that. Have people tried mucking around with the game's video options?

It seems that you've done an excellent job with this hakpak, apart from the ommission of crucial portraits that is [img]smile.gif[/img]

robertthebard 06-19-2006 10:04 AM

I did some adjustments in game, changed bits, etc, and had no effect on the "sprites?" All things considered, it's not a fantastical dramatic error, and doesn't interfere with game play. However, I have noticed that it is only on the first floor of the tavern. Perhaps something in my download is corrupted, but I couldn't think what, since the weapons in question were in the chars possession prior to the release of the .hak.

Dace De'Briago 06-19-2006 11:52 AM

Can't dye the hood of acid protection black.

It's a serious bug for someone wanting to appear stylish!!!

Secondly, and far more importantly:

"Area High Treasure Base Container" (Blackstaff's Tower). Lock DC100. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN IT!!!!

Could you please put something worthwhile into it, I created a new character soley to open it and its a bit of a downer to see it empty.

Oh, just thought of another one, in the passageway between Mirts > Khelben "You hear the sound of battle up ahead", this happens even on the way back once you've killed everyone.

EDIT: Edited above for clarity, Z pretty please put something nice in it for me :D

[ 06-20-2006, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Dace De'Briago ]

ArmpitLint 06-21-2006 04:00 AM

Not sure if this is a bug or not(Halaster could have just been messing with me), but I ran into a very cool giant on level 10 that was invincible. There was a Nature Giant hanging out with the fire giants and I hit that thing with everything but the kitchen sink and it could not be harmed. I tried every weapon and spell that I could think of but nothing worked. This monster was like Treebeard on steroids!!

robertthebard 06-22-2006 05:28 AM

I saw that guy too. Had to run away. Not sure of the cause, but I got client side crashed on page 10 of Durnan's store. Char lvl was 20, and I think that matters. Something in there that my system didn't like. First crash since the .hak though.

Dace De'Briago 06-27-2006 02:34 PM

Anything in that chest yet Z?

Dace De'Briago 06-29-2006 04:24 PM

Anything in my chest yet Z?

T-D-C 06-29-2006 06:14 PM

No double posting please [img]smile.gif[/img]

Mozenwrathe 06-29-2006 06:55 PM


Originally posted by Dace De'Briago:
Anything in my chest yet Z?
Aside from the accidental double posting, there was something about this request that caught my attention. Inside of the High Moors, there are a set of chests (when I was there last) which also had an insanely high score to defeat in order to open them. Both of them were Black Chests and placed in an obscure spot where you actually had to be on the lookout for ANYTHING in order to find them. Will there be anything placed in those chests as well? If so, I would assume they would be brand new rogue/bard items which we haven't had the opportunity to check out yet. I am sure if you place something cool in there, Dace will be the first (,second, and third!) person to find them. *grins*

As well, there is a Black Chest placed in a rather "odd" section of Level Eleven I was reminded of today. Will anything significant be found in there in the new revisions? If so, expect more people to be raiding Level Eleven. (Not that there isn't a lot of great stuff inside of Level Eleven to begin with, mind you.)

Oh, something else about Level Ten. There is a white patch on the south end of the realm, just underneath the Lizardman Village where you can pass it by on the way to the other side of the realm. It is where one of the new floor cage/trap sections is. Maybe this is a problem with the hakpack itself, as this is the exact same situation as on Level One? (Same tile set.) If this is the case, don't worry about it. I am sure we can live with the error if it is something that is attirbuted to the engine. (By the way, Teri-Sha's portrait is another casualty. Nothing but a white spot.)

Finally (at least for this post) has the top level of XP been changed? Using my level 8 fighter/level 2 rogue character inside of Levels Ten through Twelve, I have been noticing that the most my character gains per battle is 480 XP. I was wondering if that was an intentional downgrade of XP from the 600 XP maximum we were sitting at originally. (Please note, that is for regular battles, not quests. Giving catnip to Choc has also been downgraded from 1000 XP to 800 XP per piece. If Charly does make an appearance, instead of catnip can we instead find toy mice or play toys for him for any bonuses? Just a random thought I had.)

«edited long after the fact»
Dace's post was in fact not double posting. the exact wording IS different between the posts and they were more than 36 hours apart.

[ 07-08-2006, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Mozenwrathe ]

robertthebard 06-29-2006 11:40 PM

Is your fighter/rogue human or half elf? If not, you are taking the 20% hit on xp for the difference between your class levels. Only humans and 1/2 elves are immune to this, as they have no "favored class". Note that if you take the races favored class, or keep the levels within 1 of eachother, there is no penalty.
Disclaimer: That only applies if you take it from level one, otherwise, you will still take the hit for the differential between the existing classes.

Mozenwrathe 06-30-2006 12:14 AM


Originally posted by robertthebard:
Is your fighter/rogue human or half elf? If not, you are taking the 20% hit on xp for the difference between your class levels. Only humans and 1/2 elves are immune to this, as they have no "favored class". Note that if you take the races favored class, or keep the levels within 1 of eachother, there is no penalty.
Disclaimer: That only applies if you take it from level one, otherwise, you will still take the hit for the differential between the existing classes.

1) pure elf. (dark elven)
2) never suffered the wrath of the twenty percent hit before with previous attempts involving elves, dwarves, or half-orcs - at least not as far as I saw.
3) this really hurts me, so I should get more gold to feel better. (*goes off to get some ice cream in real life instead.*)

Ziroc 06-30-2006 12:36 AM

I haven't touched any XP changes...

Those chests are not meant to be opened. They are used for random items 'special random items' that need to be in there, and will spawn in chests throughout the level.. That is why they are where they are. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Oh yes, expect loads of new items, and some of your ideas you sent too! [img]smile.gif[/img]

I'm waiting till tomorrow night to see the new free premium content release, and see if I wanna add anything to the patch from it. Other than that, the patch is ready to go! Added fixes for the minimap whitespot too ;) .

Also, all NPC Port's should be back to normal in v1.1.

robertthebard 06-30-2006 01:39 AM

Cool. I was going to add that about the chests, seems like it came up in dialog a while back, maybe a long while back. One of the old time faithful crawlers and myself tried to open one of those in Khelben's basement for about 1/2 hour, but that was before epic levels, so...Needles to say, at the time, we had nothing coming. Most of the time, those chests are in inaccessible areas, but a simpler fix would be to make it require a key.

Ziroc 06-30-2006 03:06 AM

Yeh, some of them I changed to invisable placeables.. should do that.. [img]smile.gif[/img] Would save some peoples time huh? [img]smile.gif[/img]

BTW, someone talked about an invisable chest, I need to know exactly where it is. give level, and landmarks or areas. spawns too if you can.

It may be a bug I need to fix.

Thanks for the bug reports btw, it helped me get this done fast!!! good work!

Mozenwrathe 06-30-2006 03:10 AM


Originally posted by Ziroc:
I haven't touched any XP changes...

Those chests are not meant to be opened. They are used for random items 'special random items' that need to be in there, and will spawn in chests throughout the level.. That is why they are where they are. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Oh yes, expect loads of new items, and some of your ideas you sent too! [img]smile.gif[/img]

I'm waiting till tomorrow night to see the new free premium content release, and see if I wanna add anything to the patch from it. Other than that, the patch is ready to go! Added fixes for the minimap whitespot too ;) .

Also, all NPC Port's should be back to normal in v1.1.

1) RTB explained to me what the heck was happening with my XP, so I am good on that. Never had that happen before in the module, so I will a little off-center when I was dealing with 480 XP vs. the regular 600 XP.

2) Thanks for explaining the chests. It makes a little more sense now than it did before. I will have to look thorugh a progamming manual for a proper explanation I am sure, unless you want to spend the time going into details for it.

3) Looking forward to the new items there, Ziroc. And when you say some of the ideas I sent in, are you talking about items from the suggestions thread or the project you asked me about a few months back? One other thing about the suggestions thread: did you still want me to send in the "finished" versions of the weapons and creatures to you? If so, I'll continue on as I have. Just wanted to know ahead of time if you still wanted more stuff to be heading your way as I have no intention of overwhelming you with all the stuff still running through my head.

4) Free premium content release? Who? What? Where? This is news to me. Where do I go to find out more about this particular set of events?

5) Glad to see you found an answer to that white spot issue you were having with the new tiles in the dungeon set. Easily overlooked in the greater whole, but having it fixed will be a great benefit.

6) REALLY glad about the portrait issue. I hope some of the extra portraits I sent into you recently show up within the next few editions of the online module. I know I sent a few extra ones to go along with the henchmen ideas I had from Planescape: Torment (Annah and Falls-From-Grace) as I figured where one image might not work, another one would.

7) Be forewarned, everyone: the new katanas look a little strange in the hands of an elf character. I think it is the scale between a regular human and a regular elf. Regardless, they cut through your opponents just the same. Trust me, I have tested their sharpness out on ogres, skeletons, goblins, and a few mercenaries... not to mention cultists.

8) Every so often I get "glitches" where some random items all go into "white spot" mode, much like the error we are getting on the maps at the moment. Is this a regular occurance if/when the module does not load quite right into the computer running it? I have had this problem for quite a few months, but as it is intermittent, I thought very little of it.

[ 06-30-2006, 03:17 AM: Message edited by: Mozenwrathe ]

Ziroc 06-30-2006 03:22 AM

The tileset white spot--you mean when you bring the map up right? If so, yeh, I fixed it. Also corrected other textures. (sky in tavern) and other stuff.

(About your items)--yeh, the sent in ones. will be adding loads of them. If you have updated stuff, send it on up! [img]smile.gif[/img] (Hold on the monsters) [img]smile.gif[/img]

Greything 06-30-2006 09:54 AM

Ah yes. The invisible chest.

I tried to get a screenshot but I don't think my software was up to it.

So. A description.

Level 12. Just South of the center there is a wall of rock running from East to West. The invisible chest is at the Western end.

Next to it is a spawning Ancient Back Dragon and a pattern of V-shaped or chevron on the floor.

If that is not enough to spot it, then perhaps the next time I'm in Halaster can zap me to lvl 12 and I'll highlight it.

Dace De'Briago 06-30-2006 03:29 PM

It wasnt a double post. There are 2 days between each post and each is worded (slightly) differently.

As sad as it might seem, I'm on strike from the mod until something is confirmed to be in those chests - even if its just a note saying "nothing in here Dace you willyhead".


robertthebard 06-30-2006 03:55 PM

There's nothing in there, Dace, you willyhead...

Greything 06-30-2006 04:28 PM


That's a very polite word.

Dace De'Briago 06-30-2006 07:08 PM

Better than other words I could have come up with for creating a character able to open DC100 locks and levelling him for nothing.

Ziroc 06-30-2006 07:16 PM

I'm sorry Dace, nothing in them. For your troubles, I shall make a Taco of Gaseous Death for you.

And there IS a taco icon..... [img]smile.gif[/img]

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