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Larry_OHF 02-22-2002 03:31 PM

<font color=skyblue>As a man, I just don't feel right pillaging through my wife's purse, even though she has told me to find something in it for her. Instead, I hand it to her as though it had a dead rat in it.

Women, have you ever seen a guy sorta shy away from touching a woman's purse???

What is the deal here?

Is this only in the U.S., or are all guys like this???</font>

Sir ReGiN 02-22-2002 03:34 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
<font color=skyblue>As a man, I just don't feel right pillaging through my wife's purse, even though she has told me to find something in it for her. Instead, I hand it to her as though it had a dead rat in it.

Women, have you ever seen a guy sorta shy away from touching a woman's purse???

What is the deal here?

Is this only in the U.S., or are all guys like this???</font>

Oh man, a woman's purse is off-limits for anyone with a penis ;)
I do the exact same thing as you if I'm told to get something in a woman's purse, kind of silly, I admit, but it just feels..awkward to go through the content of that thing, it's like a vault.

Galadria 02-22-2002 03:52 PM

Hmmm. I suspect that it is the possible presince of (ahem) "feminine hygene products" that keeps everybody with an XY genotype out of there. Reminds me of an old "Outland" comic strip where the gang is going to see what is really inside a woman's rest room. One of them asks, "Has any man ever been in one?" and another answers, "Only Michael Jackson and he never came out again."

Epona 02-22-2002 04:23 PM

LOL, LOL! It never really occurred to me. I don't carry a handbag (what we call a 'purse' - to us a purse is a small thing just to keep a few coins in) so I've never come across this.
I leave things everywhere, carrying a bag of any sort is likely to end in disaster. Pockets are so much safer! Try leaving your trouser pocket on the bus.

Scholarcs 02-22-2002 04:26 PM

Well I'm not afraid of my mothers purse as long as it has money in it.

I'm more afraid of my mother who guards her purse like a dragon guarding her hoard.

Loup Garou 02-22-2002 07:20 PM

They are very heavy too. Must be the make-up. That's why they call it foundation. :D

Sazerac 02-22-2002 07:49 PM

You ask me? I say it's out of a knee-jerk reaction from that small boy within every one of us who had the holy cr*p slapped out of him by his mom for rummaging in her purse when he was only 2 or 3 years old. After so many ricochet-off-the-wall slaps, you learn the most important lesson of your 3-years on Earth by that time:


And so ingrained is this lesson and at such a deep psychological traumatic level, that it would take depth therapy and hypnosis to unlearn it.

Anyway, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!

Larry_OHF 02-22-2002 07:54 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sazerac:
You ask me? I say it's out of a knee-jerk reaction from that small boy within every one of us who had the holy cr*p slapped out of him by his mom for rummaging in her purse when he was only 2 or 3 years old. After so many ricochet-off-the-wall slaps, you learn the most important lesson of your 3-years on Earth by that time:


And so ingrained is this lesson and at such a deep psychological traumatic level, that it would take depth therapy and hypnosis to unlearn it.

Anyway, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
<font color=skyblue>

Dude! That explains it! I had a case on amnesia until you reminded me of it!
I gave my wife this leather purse that is different than your ordinary pocket-book. It is handheld, no strap, and is about 7 inches long and 3 inches in depth. It is meant to be a hand purse, or something. </font>

Redblueflare 02-22-2002 08:10 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sazerac:
You ask me? I say it's out of a knee-jerk reaction from that small boy within every one of us who had the holy cr*p slapped out of him by his mom for rummaging in her purse when he was only 2 or 3 years old. After so many ricochet-off-the-wall slaps, you learn the most important lesson of your 3-years on Earth by that time:


And so ingrained is this lesson and at such a deep psychological traumatic level, that it would take depth therapy and hypnosis to unlearn it.

Anyway, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
<hr></blockquote>Lol Sazerac! I remember those days. Eventually I got enough sense to stay away from that thing. Now the only time I get my mom's purse is when she wants me to get her wallet out of it.
When she asks me to hold it for her in a public place I decline. Everybody always starts staring at me all wierd. *shrug*

Tiamat 02-22-2002 10:50 PM

We have our secrets too *the card board box that sez "Baby Pictures"* If u catch my corrupted drift..... Or, the hidden drawer full of our 'socks' or our hidden cache of 'golf' videos.

Ladyzekke 02-22-2002 11:12 PM

Errr, best to keep those secrets to yerself Tiamat, aka, "secrets". :rolleyes:

SSJ4Sephiroth 02-22-2002 11:14 PM

and my suspicions of Tiamat have been proven...

Moni 02-22-2002 11:24 PM

Ever notice that the older a woman gets, the bigger the purse?

My grandmother was all of 4'11" and 89 lbs...carried a big short-handled leather bag over her shoulder of all places...and God help you if she ever swung it at you!!! The boys in her neighborhood learned the hard way not to sit on her car when they hung out in the street!

I used to be like Epona...anything I needed to carry with me (money lol) fit into my pants that I am in school again, I find myself carrying my purse out with me every day...ID's, extra pens, an address/telephone book/, cough drops, a compact and lipstick for touch-ups, hairbrush and the indiscreet carrying case for more personal items ;)

I think "the case" is why Rex doesn't have a problem getting anything out of my purse if what he wants happens to be in there...that or his mom never smacked him for getting into hers LOL.

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