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LadyRae 03-29-2001 11:21 PM

There! All spic and span. And she sparks the hearth alive and settles down to wait...

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Strahd Von Zarovich 03-29-2001 11:23 PM

UHHH,,, Scraches head... Hi!!! how is everyone, I am doing fine myself... Well goodnight!

LadyRae 03-29-2001 11:25 PM

She sighs, knowing he had to go back to rl. Ah, well... Tonight was fun! Haven't had a good 'girl-talk' in such a long time! She curls up on the love-seat, contented little smile on her face...

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

LadyRae 03-29-2001 11:27 PM

Hi, Strahd Von Zarovich! Just started a new thread as we have to keep them under 500 posts. How are ya?

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Strahd Von Zarovich 03-29-2001 11:30 PM

Ya want girl-talk hey?.... *ponders*

Have you seen Leonard Dicaprio he's soooo Dreamy... Wasn't Titanic great? Not for the unfortunates that drowned, when she went and saved him from the jail I mean He was all Wet....

UGHGHHHH, I sudently fell Ill and Nausated... Eghouh!

slug 03-29-2001 11:38 PM

if there is a cat handy, he scratches its head...

Cloudbringer 03-29-2001 11:43 PM

Just popping by to say goodnight all! Hi to Strahd Von Zarovich and slug! there you go, slug!


------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

LadyRae 03-29-2001 11:45 PM


Originally posted by Strahd Von Zarovich:
Ya want girl-talk hey?.... *ponders*

Have you seen Leonard Dicaprio he's soooo Dreamy... Wasn't Titanic great? Not for the unfortunates that drowned, when she went and saved him from the jail I mean He was all Wet....

UGHGHHHH, I sudently fell Ill and Nausated... Eghouh!

Ha! That's what you think we talk about??? ROTFL

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

LadyRae 03-29-2001 11:47 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Just popping by to say goodnight all! Hi to Strahd Von Zarovich and slug! there you go, slug!


Nite, Cloudy dear! Be good!!!


Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

slug 03-29-2001 11:55 PM

scratch scratch... now my cat is jealous. jealousy, now there is a girl talk topic if i ever heard one.

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:03 AM


Originally posted by slug:
scratch scratch... now my cat is jealous. jealousy, now there is a girl talk topic if i ever heard one.
Oooch!!! Jealousy is dirty light, my friend... And I don't think the fairer sex is any more unfair then the not so fair sex! Hrumph!

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

[This message has been edited by LadyRae (edited 03-30-2001).]

Dog of War 03-30-2001 12:18 AM

staggers through the doorway.. finds an empty seat in the corner, sits down, two war dogs at his heels... lifting his arms he rubs his hands, dried blood crusted, falling to the floor...

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:22 AM

Hey, Dog of War! How you doing??? Kind of arrived during what I call the 'ghost-town' hour. All the busy fast typers seem to be in earlier time zones... *SIGH* Want some ice-cold sparklebeer??? Careful, though, it packs quite a punch! (Got some antidote here incase you over-do it! )

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:29 AM

*Tapping sound heard in the right rear of the bar*
*Trapdoor opens up and dogs start barking as Tobbin enters*
Hello all. Came by to get a bit uh grog while I still could. Have a busy day planned for tomorrow.
*Taps trapdoor with staff and it disappears*
*Walks over to the dogs and hums in a soothing tone*
*Dogs relax and begin to stretch out as if to sleep*
Tobbin pets dogs.
*Tobbin walks over to the cubbie and pulls out his favorite ale*
Anybody care for a bit of Baator Ale?


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Dog of War 03-30-2001 12:31 AM

"Tis a late hour, but not were I am from, the desert winds houl at all hours of the night."

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:31 AM

Nitey-Nite, D of W! And she runs the mini-vac around him, whisking away the rust colored crumbles... That's better! And, grabbing her cloak, she hurries out into the night, letting Cloudy's cat out as she goes. Nice kitty!

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:33 AM

Whoops! Forgot my keys! Tobbs!!! How did you get here???

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:34 AM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
Whoops! Forgot my keys! Tobbs!!! How did you get here???

You forgot about my staff of the woodlands didn't you. This Inn was crafted out of the oak of the forest. Tis mine own keys. :


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Dog of War 03-30-2001 12:37 AM

Wishes the lady a fair night... pulls out a crummpled paper from a lost lvoed one and read sfotly to himself:

My being
When I question my existence
When I think of all around me
How can I change
Why should I change
I think of you
You enter my thoughts
You enter my mind
When I close my eyes I see you
When I sleep, first, only and all consist of you
You have entered me
You are part of myself
I do not question why
Or how
Only what
What do I need to do
Do to become one with you"

Crumples the paer in his hands and swear revenge!

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:37 AM

Ohhh, I did forget. How are ya? Did you get my roses? Sorry it took so long to get 'em to you...

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:40 AM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
Ohhh, I did forget. How are ya? Did you get my roses? Sorry it took so long to get 'em to you...

Sorry, but it's a bit longer than you think. I haven't gotten any roses yet. Course, I haven't been home much during the day. It's possible the delivery dude just didn't catch up to me.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:43 AM

Or just the 'Evil Email Kharma'. Alas, this most horrid malady still plagues me, my friend. Are you well? You do look a little green

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:43 AM


Originally posted by Dog of War:
Wishes the lady a fair night... pulls out a crummpled paper from a lost lvoed one and read sfotly to himself:

My being
When I question my existence
When I think of all around me
How can I change
Why should I change
I think of you
You enter my thoughts
You enter my mind
When I close my eyes I see you
When I sleep, first, only and all consist of you
You have entered me
You are part of myself
I do not question why
Or how
Only what
What do I need to do
Do to become one with you"

Crumples the paer in his hands and swear revenge!

*Walks over to Dog of War*
My god, you should have told us you were hurt.
Starts chanting towards his diety Mielikki.
Places hands on DOW's arm.
Blue and Green Eldritch bolts start to flow around DOW.
DOW is healed for 8 hp's of damage.



Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:45 AM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
Or just the 'Evil Email Kharma'. Alas, this most horrid malady still plagues me, my friend. Are you well? You do look a little green

Nah, tis just me britches. Woodland garb and all. Been out hunting. Didn't find a Rhina beast tonite, but did catch a rabbit or two. I'll be making some jerky for the bar next couple of nights. That way you have something to feed the guests while they wait for the meal.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:45 AM

Yay! Tobbin! D of W, you feel better now???

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:49 AM


Originally posted by Tobbin:

Nah, tis just me britches. Woodland garb and all. Been out hunting. Didn't find a Rhina beast tonite, but did catch a rabbit or two. I'll be making some jerky for the bar next couple of nights. That way you have something to feed the guests while they wait for the meal.

Aw, thanks! Let me know if they never get there? The 'EEK' is pretty evil... Actually killed a whole site for over a week! They had to run RAID recovery and burried the poor server at sea I heard... *SIGH*

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:52 AM

Goodnight, my friend, happy Friday customers to you tomorrow! TTYL!

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:52 AM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
Aw, thanks! Let me know if they never get there? The 'EEK' is pretty evil... Actually killed a whole site for over a week! They had to run RAID recovery and burried the poor server at sea I heard... *SIGH*

Hmmm. Sorry to hear that. Haven't really seen you much lately, but then it's only been the last couple of days that I've really had much time on the board. It's good to see you again.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:54 AM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
Goodnight, my friend, happy Friday customers to you tomorrow! TTYL!

Take care LadyRae. Sleep well.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

LadyRae 03-30-2001 12:55 AM

You too, Tobbs! I'm glad you're back! Nitey-Nite! And she rushes out, leaving a summer eve scent behind.

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

Tobbin 03-30-2001 12:57 AM

*Begins preparing the jerky*
Tosses a few scraps over to DoW's pets.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

WOLFGIR 03-30-2001 03:10 AM


Originally posted by Tobbin:
*Begins preparing the jerky*
Tosses a few scraps over to DoW's pets.

*Wolfgir enters the Inn, smells fresh rabbit stew! Looks around hunger clearly in his eyes.. Rabbits!! Eh nasty rabbits.. *Hi friend! Had good hunting luck? I have a deer for you here, took only a few bites of it *Grins*

Ahh, some beer and Rabbitstew with a nice steak eh? Sounds tempting?
I get thoose beer.. found BK´s hidden stash yesterday.. *grins even wider*


LadyRae 03-30-2001 04:43 AM

Hi, Wolfy! Bye, Wolfy! Shouldn't even be here (bad me!) But insomnia, you know? And she runs in, gives him a mighty hug, and runs out again (fly-by hug! )

Could you bump my story thread???

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Smitten by The.Relic

WOLFGIR 03-30-2001 04:55 AM


What was that, a lovely hug from me lovely friend, and she ran away before I could return it! Blasted..

have to wait and sneak-hug her whem she comes back..


WOLFGIR 03-30-2001 06:58 AM

*Tired of waiting behind the door, Wolfie lies down behind the bar and sleep awhile*


Erekose 03-30-2001 07:08 AM

Hello all,
I am just passing through and wanted to tell the Vampire lord of Ravenloft that Primus is the ruler of the plane of mechanus. I dare say Greenwood failed to consult his lord awful neutral holyness of Helm's presence on the plane.

Jerome 03-30-2001 10:47 AM

Hello all, just got my Arch Nemisis status confirmed with the OHF, im so happy!

Hows everyone doing today? And can i buy them a drink?

Jerome, Arch Nemisis of the OHF

Reeka 03-30-2001 10:57 AM

ATTENTION, PLEASE! ATTENTION, PLEASE! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS . . .OOPS sorry. . . this is for mature audiences only. I have an announcement to make in my new official capacity as Official Party Planner of the Moon's Hope Inn. You are all invited here Saturday evening for Zeeke's coming-out. . . . oops. . . . sorry . . . . promotion party. As you probably know KDog is passing on the mantle of corset loosener to Zeeke. This is a very serious matter. KDog has very big pants. . . er, I mean. . . shoes to fill. Therefore, the Ladies Guild met last night and we believe that such a title should not be confered without Zeeke passing some tests. Therefore the events for Saturday evening will be as follows:

Zeeke will "run the gauntlet." He must go to each lady in turn and use four to five phrases to woo her (Gray Mage you may want to have some tutoring sessions with Zeeke before the main event), he may not use the same phrases or words over. Points will be awarded on originality and creativity and how hot and bothered the lady becomes. This is followed by the Kiss portion of the test. Points will be scored for length, depth . . . .uh. . . . and other things.

And guys I know you are wondering whatyou will be doing while Zeeke rund the gauntlet. Well, good news, guys, drink up! All drinks are being provided free-of charge by the Ladies Guild. Then after all the guys are good and drunk. . . oh, I mean after Zeeke completes his test we will go to the next big event of the evening--the Wet Towel contest for the men. All of the guys will be required. . . oh, I meant to say, will be invitied to participate. You will go upstairs and remove your clothing (if you have not done so already) and take one of the handtowels provided courtesy of the Ladies Guild and step into the shower. After you are good and wet, return downstairs where the ladies will observe your various. . . . uh. . . . . attributes. You may bring your own towel; however, absolutely no beach or bath towels will be allowed in the Inn. Security will be at the door. You have very rigid standards. . . . sorry, I mean. we have very rigid standards at the Ladies Guild. Hand towels only will be allowed. I personally guarantee that a good time will be had by all . . . . the Ladies.
Dress optional

Reeka--The Hand of Death O_H_F
Lady in Waiting (the question is waiting for what?)
Yes, I do get cold. That is why I need someone to warm me up.
No, I did not lose the rest of my outfit!
Official Party Planner of the Moon's Hope Inn

Jerome 03-30-2001 11:05 AM

Sounds great Who are the judges in this prestigious event? not the kissing part though....

There wont be any *ahem* towel antics with the ladies then Reeka?

Jerome, Arch Nemisis of the OHF

Reeka 03-30-2001 11:17 AM

No, Jerome, the ladies will not be participating, although, we did all agree to wear clothing that. . . shall we say. . . would be inspring to the men. The Ladies will be the judges. There has been talk about color coordinating your towel with the clothing of a particular lady if there is a lady you are. . . shall we say. . . partial to. However, that is not a requirement for participation and towels will be provided free or charge.

Reeka--The Hand of Death O_H_F
Lady in Waiting (the question is waiting for what?)
Yes, I do get cold. That is why I need someone to warm me up.
No, I did not lose the rest of my outfit!
Official Party Planner of the Moon's Hope Inn

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