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DrowArchmage 08-03-2005 02:02 PM

Zak turned his head upwards and looked at Kagarioni.<font color=lightblue> Wepon Mastery? Pheraps not,but the magic i posess is very potent indeed, regardless of my skill with my blades.You would be well to remember that.It may save you one day,</font> his tone changed unmistakably from nuteral to threatining.<font color=lightblue>or it could be your demise.

Ivelliis 08-03-2005 02:46 PM

<font color=grey>Telryn Gale

Telryn noticed Detherial and Isokla talking, but he couldn't hear a word. It's not like he didn't try either, it was hard to gain his trust, so he was very wary of his company.

He had a look of distaste on his face when he looked at Zak. He didn't like him. Skulking in the shadows like a rat hiding in a sewer, and the fact he hunted "for money, or to hear people scream". He wasn't someone cross, that is if he spoke truth about his 'powers', yet Telryn was not a force to be reckoned with either.

"I hate people who kill for the sake of killing," He thought to himself, "If any innocents die he will be sorry indeed, he'll have to answer to me."

Telryn was always one to stand up for the weaker person.

"I was born and raised in The Capital. I became a member of the City Guard at a very young age. I became Captain after years of working for the greater good, but I had to leave due to...something," Telryn said.

Anyone who was looking close enough could see the grief in his eyes. It wasn't a subject he liked to delve to deep into.

"I've been on the road for a few months now, just wandering, never staying in one place for too long. I can use a flail pretty damn well, if I do say so myself. It's always good to be prepared," For a split second his eyes flickered towards Zak, but the next second they were facing the floor again, "In case danger appears in unwanted places."

He decided that was enough talking about his past.

"So..." He started, not looking at Zak but talking to him, "What type of magic do you focus in?"</font>

shamrock_uk 08-03-2005 03:06 PM

OOC - CD: if you need a pretext to keep her with the group, do shout and I'll re-write it.

<font color="CCCC99">Detheriel
After Isokla had stopped speaking, Detheriel paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I understand enough to see that your heart is set upon this course of action my Lady, though truly I hope you will not come to regret it."

"I do not claim knowledge of the circumstances that darken your days, but I would still ask you one last time to reconsider. If your concern is truly to avoid the shedding of blood then it is best accomplished by the removal of these Lords of Vision and the establishment of a lawful authority."

He grimaced slightly in anticipation of her reaction, but continued, his voice quiet but with a hint of firmness:

"Frankly my Lady, blood is spilled regardless of whether we are tainted by association with the deed or not. If you leave us, is not the candle-flame of the fallen snuffed out regardless of your absence? Is not the loss just as great?"

"Personal guilt at taking life is the price we must pay for keeping many more innocents alive. Were all to share your beliefs, the loss would be far greater."

Detheriel smiled and relaxed his demeanour. "Yet I cannot force you with us. Nothing remains but to bid you a safe journey, free of the horrors that trouble you now." Impulsively he reached out and squeezed her hand gently.

With that last gesture, he turned and walked back towards the group, hoping that their paths would cross in the future.</font>

[ 08-04-2005, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: shamrock_uk ]

Saliarasri 08-03-2005 04:50 PM

<font color="#fc34ca">
Kagarioni looks at him as one would look at a child <font color="white" style="Font-weight: bold:">"And you have a lot to learn if you go around threatening people for me simply questioning how you call yourself a warrior in curosity."</font>

dplax 08-04-2005 11:48 AM

<font color=red>Nivram

Nivram stared ahead of himself, lost in his thoughts as he had been so many times before. Thinking about his sister and what she could be doing now. She had been the only one who had ever cared about him, after his parents were killed. Everyone had shunned "poor, depressive" Nivram.

Nivram looked at Kagaironi and then Zak. They hardly knew each other and they were already arguing. Why, oh why couldn't everyone live in peace?

He spoke without turning, although from what he said it was clear that he was talking to Zak and Kagarioni.

"We would all be better off if the two of you didn't argue. It is too early for anyone to pass judgment on any of the others. Why don't you at least give each other the benefit of doubt?" - at this he looked at Kagarioni, then Zak and eventually rested his eyes on Telryn, whom he had seen glancing at Zak.</font>

Saliarasri 08-04-2005 02:55 PM

<font color="#fc34ca">
Kagarioni looks at him dryly, not really caring why he's saying this - which makes no sense. <font color="white">"Because his actions and stance deserve it, perhapse? And I'm not arguing. As I said, it's bad taste to threaten someone who was merely curious."</font>

shamrock_uk 08-04-2005 02:59 PM

<font color="CCCC99">Detheriel

Idly listening in on the tail end of the conversation, Detheriel nods his head in agreement.</font>

[ 08-04-2005, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: shamrock_uk ]

Calaethis Dragonsbane 08-05-2005 10:01 AM

OOC(1): Okay, it's morning now and I'll post; let me know when you've all read the above post so I can delete it, mmk?

<font color=silver> Isokla remained silent during Detheriel's speech, her eyes focused upon something distant, her head slightly bowed. Softly she spoke, her words for Detheriel's ears, yet her meaning meant for all; <font color=skblue>"All that you say is true, but it is not by my hand that the blood of other's is spilt."</font> Despite her gentle tone, she placed slight emphasis on her words though it was not cutting, nor sharp; <font color=skblue>"Personal guilt? Tainted regardless of association? I think not."</font> Although she had not quoted him exactly, that is how she had interperated it, <font color=skblue>"You are murderers, one and all. No matter whether you kill in self defence, or kill for glory, lust, power or gold, you still kill. Even if you were a child who slew in self defence to save your own life or the life of another, you are still a killer. Even if the one you kill would have killed you, you are still a killer. When you have taken a life, any life, you have slain and that makes you no better then those whom you would kill. Regardless of your motives, your justification, you are all killers. Nothing will ever change that fact, nor can you ever escape from it. Your own actions have damned you... you've been stained with the blood of others, forever."</font>

Closing her pale blue eyes, Isokla looked away with a long sigh, <font color=skblue>"Killing is never the 'right' answer..."</font> the girl paused, <font color=skblue>"But then, in this world there are no 'right' answers. There is only power. That is how it will always be, and men shall always murder other men. We are a dispicable race and we shall destroy and consumes ourselves if we do not change."</font> Turning further, the girl whispered, <font color=skblue>"And the only solance I have is... that I am no better than any of you. You will snuff out the lives of others whether I am with you or not. Ultimately, it will make no difference. You will all kill or be killed. That is the way of the world."</font>

Slowly, she stumbled her way over to a fallen tree and sat down on it heavily with a sigh, though she was still the image of graceful elegance. Somewhere along her speech, her aura had changed and she radiated a downtrodden feel, as though suddenly, she was terribly tired and the weight of the world's burdens were upon her shoulders. Her silvery hair covered her, wrapped her within a silken blanket and concealing her features, whilst her face stared down with tired eyes at the soft ground in front of her. Meanwhile, the tears of the heavens had begun to fall again, drifting down in gentle raindrops as a slow mist rose from the forest floor. Twilight was upon them and soon it would be night. Already the stars had begun to emerge, glistening like flickering candles through the heavy, laden low-cast slate-grey cloud. The trees of the forest stood out greener and lusher than before and shielded the worst of the misty droplets from the party even as a light gust of wind sprinkled them from the trees onto them. Involentarily, Isokla shivered and wrapped herself tigher in her cloak, tugging at her scarf while holding back a sneeze.</font>
OOC(2): A bit poetical, but that's okay. If you've any qs, drop me a line. Enjoy!
Edit: Oops, forgot to get rid of my sig. My bad...

[ 08-05-2005, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]

DrowArchmage 08-05-2005 02:34 PM

Zak bowed his head and apologized. <font color=lightblue> I am sorry. I didnt mean to get snipy with you.I have been without proper food and shelter for a month now. And hunting everyday for your food,and bandits trying to kill you everywhere,its very stressful. My magic ranges,</font> he reached in his pocket and pulled out a pipe, but didnt have a light.He waved his hand over it and puffed. <font color=lightblue> from fire,to darkness.That i will show you when i must.If i must. And i agree with you Telryn, danger is everywhere.

Saliarasri 08-05-2005 03:35 PM

<font color="#fc43cc">
Kagarioni nods as she adds mentally in her head <font color="white">'Strange, I seem to have no problems with it, then again, I suppose I'm less bothered by it.'</font> but also doesn't seem to look down on him for that admission as she says <font color="white">"I understand. I suppose I'm just being a bit irratable now, as well."</font>

Kagarioni doesn't commment on the obvious comment about danger being everywhere, since she sits down like Isokla is, except she takes off her armor, revealing that hte top half of her battle dress is well, like a shirt, except dressy. It's also whitish-purple and reveals more of her body, confirming that, yes, it is well developed, and everyone can spot a small amulet, a family heirloom. On it, is her family's crest.

Reaching over to her backpack, she pulls out a rag as well as well as a can of oil and some tools and starts servicing her armour.

[ 08-05-2005, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Saliarasri ]

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