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Mammawlin 02-23-2001 05:15 PM

. . . Raistlin strolled across the bar to where Adam and Sazerac had been joined by serveral others and introduced himself, gleefully claiming the title of "Rouge of the Ages", and watching closely for a reaction from the adventures. When no reaction was noted, he snorted and summed them up mentally looking them up and down, each one looked to be outstanding in one respect or another and all had an air of overwelming confidence that made him take a deep breath and purposely enlarge his chest - he deemed these were impressive folk to say the least. Raistlin said "I'm looking for someone named Laurel and was told she had been conversing with you gentlemen. Could you tell me where I may find her?"

The Adventures exchanged looks upon his requests for information about Laurels whereabouts. So this was the Rouge of the Ages they had been hearing about. This was Raistlin. Strange he should show up just when they were considering him as a party member and asking for Laurel at that.
Before anyone else could speak, Laurel stepped out of the shadows (or did she just appear?) and spoke: "I am Laurel, why is it that you seek me out?". . . . .

Wyvern 02-23-2001 05:26 PM


Will some really wonderful person do a mini recount of the story thus far and post it as a new thread so that we might continue there?? I'm getting concerned that this thread is getting very long and don't want the board monster to gobble it up!

(also - has anyone saved this thread off to their hard disk, just in case??)


Elara 02-23-2001 06:06 PM

Just saved it to disk, Wyv.. only took about 3 minutes! Sure boots up fast straight from the hard drive..


Elara 02-24-2001 02:58 AM

Well, I've compiled the cast of characters and a synopsis of our story so far, just hope it's not too long! Am posting it under "this forum's W&W own storyline, continued" and will include the last two story posts from this thread.

So all you avid tellers of lore, please post your additions to the story onto the new thread. Thank you everybody for all your great contributions to this absorbing tale!!


Moni 02-24-2001 06:50 AM

EXCELLENT job on the synopsis!
: )

Moni 02-24-2001 06:56 PM

(ACK!!! There is no reply option in the new thread!!!)

Addition to story....

Monyka, after much thought and contemplation of her situation became more furious at the Ratling than worried about her standing with Cet for now. She had lost nothing yet and the Ratling's tattle-tailing would provide the perfect reason for an ambush of the party if need be.
Knowing she needed to strengthen her knowledge of Moon Magic, she passed through Ishad N'ha headed West.
Lots of Ratlings to toast here, she chuckled to herself. Oh and this is just a small portion of what is to come! I'll make that coward an orphan of his own race before I take him out personally!

adam mage 02-24-2001 09:51 PM

Is Monyka up to something? Is Adam, Ditka, and rest of the members know what lies ahead of them in their adventure? will they ever retrieve the leaf from JungleLily without being gassed to dead? What will become of Laurel? And will adventurous travelors find out about Gareth's little secret? to be continued....
to storyline part 2!

adam warlock 03-08-2001 05:53 AM

bumping this up to show what Wyvern and I was talking about....

new thread will be coming soon!

formerly known as Adam Mage

adam warlock 04-06-2001 02:05 PM

ask Scronan about the Dragon Brew

can you close this thread so it won't be anymore posts? thanks

------------------ Adam Mage/Warlock

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