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RudeDawg 05-01-2001 10:05 PM


Originally posted by Shadowstrider:
uh...if you agree then why the i don't face????
The "I don't" is intended toward the way the thread has turned...

The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes

Shadowstrider 05-01-2001 10:06 PM


Originally posted by RudeDawg:
The "I don't" is intended toward the way the thread has turned...

Ok...just wanted be sure you weren't sarcastic.

Strider's Chambers
The Shadow Network

Ladyzekke 05-01-2001 10:16 PM

Shadowstrider - Don't know bout anyone else, but I personally respect any webmaster that puts his hard work and time into making a website for all to learn from and enjoy. What, or whom, may I ask has you so upset exactly? As I said, many of us here on this forum are innocent I tell ya.


Yorick 05-01-2001 10:27 PM

Rude Dawg I know it's late but you have an amazing story there mate. Thanks for sharing it. Very brave and wonderful thing to share like that. Muchos gracios.

RudeDawg 05-01-2001 10:30 PM


Originally posted by Yorick:
Rude Dawg I know it's late but you have an amazing story there mate. Thanks for sharing it. Very brave and wonderful thing to share like that. Muchos gracios.

The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes

Cloudbringer 05-02-2001 12:32 AM


Originally posted by Lord of Alcohol:
Yes, let us all conform. No bad thoughts,ideas,or actions. Also no dreams, ambitions,or spontaneity. Before any action plans must be made to ensure nobody will be offended. Obviously all jokes/levity must also cease since it invariably offends somebody which will require counseling(paid for by the inevitable lawsuit of course).
Ok ok...I know this is meant as humor.. but it has merit on it's own. We can so easily turn to self-consciousness and OVERDO self-censorship and if that happens here. <font color="red"> I</font> will be the one posting the "I hate what this forum has become and I'm leaving" thread!

I don't believe extremes are good for the most part. I also hate to see sides drawn up...sigh...

I've had whole threads I've avoided, ask anyone here...I didn't post a huge anti-humor flame against Vikotniks old thread or those person's who posted the jokes I found offensive. I simply avoided it. I did carefully and in a few places other than a whole thread of it's own, make my feelings known as well as the fact that I just don't read things there.

Not one person flamed or insulted or ridiculed me. I got respectful replies and a few nice emails in same vein. And I recently saw a new thread of that series started by JJ/ his quiet comments reached someone...and the response? A respectful comment and a thread I am in no way offended to read!! Yet should they wish to continue in the old one, I am not going to go looking for offensive material.

I am aware that each of us has our own personal tolerance level for things and do not expect everyone to take MINE on as their own. My advice is to make the informed decision to avoid the threads that offend if possible. And I guess I am saying that if it means that much to you, the way to deal with these things is to talk to the individuals involved, politely and positively stating your view and listening to theirs. *heavy sigh*

Said my two cents worth and think I'll let this whole thing drift off now...I have life to live and many of you to see on the board! Please don't get paranoid about your posts. Simply remember to respect those you post TO and I feel things should be alright. It is so true that we are such a diverse group that there will always be someone who is bothered by something.

Thank you to all of you on this board for being yourselves. I have no problems disagreeing in a civil manner and have done so time and again. And some of the people I've done it with are the ones whose posts I read frequently and who are on perfectly good board/email terms with me! A very wonderful crew!


------------------ Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
StormCloud of the Black Knight
Heart Mind Soul Forever

Memnoch 05-02-2001 07:23 AM


Originally posted by Shadowstrider:

Anyway my main problem is Lady Rae made TeamBG out to be a den of flames and trogladytes or something. TeamBG isn't a bad place, Ken(founder) is just a little abrasive(then again so am I)

OK, my final word on the whole TeamBG thing.

Shadowstrider, first of all welcome to our board.

Secondly, I have the deepest respect for yourself, Ken, CuCh, TL, Po', Chrono and the others for the work you've done that make teambg the best MOD and editing site on the net. I'm looking forward to your take on ICM and have personally sent a lot of posters to teambg to download IEEP, learn about script editing, and all the other related utilities.

I think that Ken sees his forum as being a vigorous discussion place, more like a WORKING forum, and IMO that can lead to flaming when people lose their tempers (I've seen it happen there on a few occasions). Flaming and trolling very rarely occur here, this is a more casual and friendly place and we keep a VERY close eye on it - we don't want what happened to BGDungeon to happen here.

A couple of our members had a bad flaming experience (their first) in the teambg forum a few days ago and this has understandably colored their judgments. Before that nothing but good things were mentioned of TeamBG and I still won't hesitate to send people to teambg (or your site, or TLs, for that matter) for MOD and editing advice. I certainly wouldn't condemn the entire board for one or two incidents or members - just as I know you guys would do the same.

As I said - welcome aboard. I hope you stick around, join the fun, and find the time to help out some newbies with their editing issues.


[This message has been edited by Memnoch (edited 05-02-2001).]

Rikard 05-02-2001 06:52 PM

Well I just read half of first page
I just wanted to add this

Do You honestly think We meant what we sayd in there?
If I would take seriously the times that people made "fun" of my nice little yellowish colour (i'm chines by race) I would be in prison for multiple murder
This is a Forum and As i Sayd before

The Githyanki Necromancer - High Magician of the Holy Flame

Lord of Alcohol 05-02-2001 07:33 PM

Right on Rikard, I'm ■■■■■■■ with you

Rikard 05-02-2001 08:01 PM

Sorry lord of alcohol
Can't ■■■■ now
Have to sleep actually
Maybe We'll ■■■■ tomorrow

The Githyanki Necromancer - High Magician of the Holy Flame

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