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Epona 03-01-2001 08:03 PM

Has anyone else ever had spam fritters? I'm not even sure how well that translates to people from cultures which are not based on deep frying everything....

Definition: a slice of spam, coated in batter and deep fried. They seem to have gone out of fashion now that people are more interested in healthy eating!

I haven't always been veggie, and I do remember being fed these things as a kid. WHY? It is one of life's great mysteries, but I'm sure I have psychological (not to mention cholestoralogical) damage as a result!!!!!

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

[This message has been edited by Epona (edited 03-03-2001).]

Ladyzekke 03-01-2001 09:31 PM

(sss. Only eight hours past this post and I'm just getting here). bump? Anyway. Ahem.

Ladyzekke - "Hi. My name is Ladyzekke and I am a spammer."

Crowd - (murmur) "Hi Ladyzekke"!

Ladyzekke - "I seem to find myself talking about nonsense topics almost EVERY night"

Crowd - (murmurs, whispers) "Yes, we understand, every night. No moderation."

Ladyzekke - "I tried to quit a few weeks ago, but the peer pressure was too strong"

Crowd - "Yes, peer pressure it's what lures you in, yes (murmur murmur).

Ladyzekke - "I've been doing this so long now I have trackball marks"

Crowd - "Yes you are mutilating yourself because there is something missing in your life yes. You should join us and cleanse yourself of the spam poision"

Ladyzekke - "I don't know. I mean, I know I should probably cut down, but I don't think I could go cold turkey"

Crowd - "We will guide you. You must sever all ties like ripping off a bandaid. Quick. Withdrawals will only last a few weeks."

Ladyzekke - "Well I know I SHOULD quit, but dammit I dont WAN'T to quit! It feels to nice!"

Crowd - "We can give you other things to occupy your mind. We have a basket weaving wing, and....hey (murmur, murmur) where are you going you can't leave"

Ladyzekke - "You guys are a bunch of losers! Look at yourselves! Hey, basketweaver! You know what you can do with those bamboo shoots don't you?! FFF this! My life was a happy one when I was spamming. And now I hear that they've come out with a bigger and better Spam Forum. Twice the payoff!

AAAAHHHH, yes, Ladyzekke has arrived.


Memnoch 03-01-2001 09:56 PM


There, I brought the genie back!

Cloudy, <h1><font color="red">60+ posts</font></h1> in ONE day - that has to be some kind of <h1><font color="purple">SPAM record!!!!</h1></font>

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Holy Flame

[This message has been edited by Memnoch (edited 03-01-2001).]

Cloudbringer 03-01-2001 10:08 PM


HEY! Welcome to CHAT-ALL-YOU- WANT town...yes, just Spamoramaville all the way...and about that addiction...we here in SpamTown do NOT feel that's a detrimental aspect of our lives....we er, EMBRACE THE OFFTOPIC, ENJOY the TOTALLY INSANE and OFF THE WALL meandering maunderings of all who enter this Temple of Stream of Consciousness...the last great Bastion of FREE VERSE, FREE SPELLING, FREE ASSOCIATING and FREE LOVE...uh well, not that fan fan) LOL!

I AM LIBERATED! HEAR ME SPAM! Whew...that felt soooo good!

Storm-Queen, whipping up the waves and sending the winds

------------------ Storm-Queen aka The Purple Rose of the Knight

Ladyzekke 03-01-2001 10:13 PM

Alright Memnoch! Good choice! I don't know why, but your genie sig always seems to stand out amongst the rest! ;)

CB - you're all over those colors and fonts aren't you?! Haha! Yes, I am now once again addicted and will probably never go back, goodbye cruel world!!! I am spam and that is what I am!



Cloudbringer 03-01-2001 10:17 PM

Memny! Numbers again. You need a drink! Or something else I won't bother to go into (wink nudge!)

RELAX, PLAY !!! NO NUMBERS...<font color="00A5c6">Numbers-baaaaad!</font> <font color="pink">WORDS- GOOOOOD! </font> HAHAHA

- is it just me and my sloooow modem connection or is this page (in particular) very slow to load? I had to hit refresh several times when it just stopped loading after about 4%-

Will do that colors post tomorrow, or Saturday. If it would be of use. I checked and both the rgb (hex) and color names seem to work. Thought I'd do up a post with the names in their own colors for fun and info.

Joyously Spamming the Night Away,

<H2><font color="pink">PinkClouds</font></H2>

------------------ Storm-Queen aka The Purple Rose of the Knight

Cloudbringer 03-01-2001 10:22 PM

Hi LZ! I'm pleased to see that you've not given up your spamhabit..whew...we need your funfunfun input! ER, colors and am sorry to say that now I will be an htmladdict...sigh...

Anyone else having to put their username and password in EVERY time the reply? I am tonight, but didn't have to do that all day or earlier this evening!

Please tell me that this isn't going to be a routine thing?! Ack!


------------------ Storm-Queen aka The Purple Rose of the Knight

Ladyzekke 03-01-2001 10:35 PM

CB - No, I don't have to put in my name or password, they are already there. Wonder why it is that way for you? Did you register when Ziroc put up the new forum in January? I did, so I guess that is why I have it already there.
I know one thing I wish were different here is that when I'm replying (like now), I cannot see the previous posts to this thread below. Sometimes you need to keep looking at the posts in order to reply to several different people. Oh well, no biggie, I think I can just back out, read posts, then forward button and go back to replying.

Well, calling it a night now. Glad tomorrow's Friday! Talk tomorrow!


LadyRae 03-01-2001 11:20 PM

Guess I would qualify as a Spammer...See my first post here


Cloudbringer 03-02-2001 12:27 AM

WENDY!!!! To see previous posts- scroll down just below the submit/clear field buttons under the white reply box. You'll see
***Click here to review this topic***
Click it! You'll see the previous posts!

Hi LadyRae!


------------------ Storm-Queen aka The Purple Rose of the Knight

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