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WillowIX 02-12-2003 03:55 PM


Originally posted by Horatio:
You can hide but you can't run ;)
And I have no idea what you're talking about [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] :D

Bah! It is no fun in teasing when you have to explain. LOL! Remember this The cafe will not be as full of posts without you? I sort of turned it against you. [img]tongue.gif[/img] And when do we get to visit your castle? I can bring some single women. [img]graemlins/showoff.gif[/img] LOL!

Hi Sigmar. [img]graemlins/happywave.gif[/img] When is your work due? Back in my days, reports were always written the day before they were due to be handed in. ;)

Kat, you will still visit us when you are in school right? I assume you have access to computers there. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Horatio 02-12-2003 04:03 PM

Willow, I don't need single women. I have a girl of my own, I I wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone :D [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Besides, all those single women would just clutter up my castle. I don't have enough room anyway, what with the suits of armour and playboy bunnies [img]graemlins/wink10.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/showoff.gif[/img]

arion windrider 02-12-2003 04:05 PM

horatio, sheesh we all kno u have an harem in your castle [img]smile.gif[/img] heh heh

Sigmar 02-12-2003 04:37 PM


Originally posted by Link:
Hi there Sigmar! I totally forgot to answer your questions concerning rowing you asked me in the previous cafe, so here they are [img]smile.gif[/img]

</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sigmar:[QB]
Thanks for the diagram.
You've got one of those long boats, I don't know the name either, the Calpe doesn't use them but I've seen them in action.

Do you have any Ergo rac times so that we can compare?

The only ones I can recall exaclty are

2KM-7 minutes 14 seconds (average 1:51)
15KM-1 hour and 5 seconds(Average 2:03)

I'm one of the lightest rowers in the club at 60kg, in contrast the heaviest is 95KG (I also happen to be his double partner which has earned us the nickname of little and large )

Weight isn't a factor in doubles and sculls thankfully, otherwise we might be in trouble


I can give you some ergo times, of course. Here's some distances (and times) we've done so far:
1 KM - 3 minutes and 17 seconds (average 1.38)
2 KM - 7 minutes and 00 seconds (average 1.45)
6 KM - 22 minutes and 41 seconds (average 1.53)

45 minutes - usually around 2.02 average (but that's not an intensive training, more a conditional training)
60 minutes - usually around 2.03 average (the same; non-intensive training)

With the sixteen minutes I usually make a distance of approximately 15 k, a bit less (14.6, 14.7 k mostly).

You're 60 kg!!!! :eek: :eek: My god! You could be steering us! You're soo light mate, what's your height then? You must be pretty small!

Originally posted by Sigmar:[QB]
I practice five times a week (Monday,Wednesday, Friday, twice on Saturday, Twice on Sunday), as for gettting up unbelievably early well the time we usually start our session is at 8am, when we're training in Spain it usually drops to 7 though much to the delight of everyone involved.

It's tough but its fun IMO

I practice five, mostly six times a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday) Mostly we go out rowing, but we also take turns on the ergometer, or we use what we call 'de bak'. You must see this as a tank of water, where a rowing boat is installed in, but the boat is fastened (i.e. cannot move). You just move the water, but not the boat itself. It is a very useful tool to practice your rowing technique.
Mondays is the indoor training session, where we train the abs, chest, biceps, etcetera, but also condition (running, sprinting etc.). That can be extremely hard, especially when your already tired [img]smile.gif[/img]
Because our club is a University Rowing club, we can only train either very early (which everyone detests now, but we will start doing it later on) or later in the afternoon. We do the latter mostly, because then everyone has time, and energy.
Currently it is too cold to row though, which is pretty much a shame, so we're all looking forward to spring so we cannot make a few decent strokes, and squash all our opponents.
</font>[/QUOTE]Heh, yeah like I said I am pretty short, 5 foot 10. I am actually well built in terms of muscle but I'm a short guy. How tall are you? As for coxing/steering a boat I've never been any good at it. In my crew I'm the stroke, which as you know is responsible for setting the rate and pressure. Our crew is actually pretty balanced. The light guy (me) up front, a real heavy power house behind me backing me up, an average size guy bringing more power to the boat and a REAL tall guy at the back who can get one hell of a stroke :D

Our training schedule revolves around the water conditions of the sea (Gibralar's right next to the Atlantic), on the whole it's sually pretty good but when it isn't it;'s land traing for us (weight circuits and a session on the ergo) we do have two days in the week dedicated to land and condition training.

We don't have that "de bak" piece of equipment here. Your race times also indicate that you're a better rower for that, I tip my metaphorical hat to you :D

Sigmar 02-12-2003 04:39 PM


Originally posted by WillowIX:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Horatio:
You can hide but you can't run ;)
And I have no idea what you're talking about [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] :D

Hi Sigmar. [img]graemlins/happywave.gif[/img] When is your work due? Back in my days, reports were always written the day before they were due to be handed in. ;)

</font>[/QUOTE]Friday, I'm just doing a rough version for tomorrow for my teach to look over. She was nice another to give the classs an extension.

Annatar 02-12-2003 04:49 PM

Owjah!!! we rule... 1 - 0 for Holland vs Argantie... (Sp?)...

Me needs a ''brewskie'' *note: thx for the tutoring there Johnny :D ;) *

[ 02-12-2003, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Annatar ]

Link 02-12-2003 05:25 PM

I'm about 1.90 meters high, weighing 74 kilograms.. My goal (and that's something that really needs to be done) is 72.5 kilograms.. Need to lose some weight!! Less candy, more water.. You know the drill.
You're saying that you row on the sea?? Wow!! [img]graemlins/saywhat.gif[/img] Must be one hell of an experience! Waves and all [img]smile.gif[/img]

Ar-Cunin 02-12-2003 05:25 PM

And in Cairo

Egypt 1 - Denmark 4 [img]smile.gif[/img]

It Helped that Egypt had two men sent off [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Link 02-12-2003 05:28 PM


Originally posted by Annatar:
Owjah!!! we rule... 1 - 0 for Holland vs Argantie... (Sp?)...

Me needs a ''brewskie'' *note: thx for the tutoring there Johnny :D ;) *

Just to make sure you get it right next time, Annatar: it's Argentina (it's not that different from how we spell it!) And yeah.. we rule! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Sigmar 02-12-2003 05:50 PM


Originally posted by Link:
I'm about 1.90 meters high, weighing 74 kilograms.. My goal (and that's something that really needs to be done) is 72.5 kilograms.. Need to lose some weight!! Less candy, more water.. You know the drill.
You're saying that you row on the sea?? Wow!! [img]graemlins/saywhat.gif[/img] Must be one hell of an experience! Waves and all [img]smile.gif[/img]

1.9 meters, thats pretty tall!

As for rowing in the sea it loses its appeal after the first go :D Bear in mind that we don't have anything to compare it to as the only lakes we get to row in are the ones in England and Spain and then its all buisness.

There's lots of naval traffic coming in and out of Gibraltar's port, so the person at the bow/back of each rowing boat has got to watch out other rowing boats as well as tankers/tugboats/speedboats and so on.

There was this one time when we were out there rowing in fog and I drifted away from the others without noticing in the middle of the pull. I realised that I was lost and stopped, I heard our training calling at me and I wondered why, I looked behind me out of instinct and about 20 lengths away there was a tugboat heading in my direction and to my left there was a tanker...What happened? Lets just say I rowed harder and faster then ever hell of a scary experience.

My buddies have had worse encounters though, one day when the water was particulary poor we went out in small boats anyway, were just taking it easy building our stamina session you know the drill and out of the blue we heard a fog horn sound. We look behind us and we one of our buddies capsize inbetween the wake of two tugboats, you wouldn't believe the waves those things make. He managed to hang though and we dragged him back to the club...eventually :D

Tipping in the Sea isn't a pleasant expiereince, especially with the knowledge that you could easily be sucked out.

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