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Bullvye 10-12-2001 12:28 AM

Bullvye brings himself to his feet, his blood drenched black hair slung around his face and neck, body covered in stone dust.
As Shade begins to walk off Bullvye grasps him by his leather shirt with his left hand. Lifting him six inches off the ground, the barbarian warrior with his dark eyes stares deeply into his, " To this woman I owe my life. You will, in my presence, treat her with respect and honor." As he lets the smaller man back to the gound his eyes never leave him, ready. Ready for whatever may come!

Liliara 10-12-2001 01:15 AM

Liliara lifts herself from the ground, thankful, but still a bit perturbed that the barbarian felt that she needed his help. She helps Sky to her feet yet her gaze at her still holds a questioning tone.

Captain of Bouncers, Boogre Bar

LH Member

"I've had it up to here, listening to a small segment of people try to put down America! America's the greatest land on Earth, and we oughta be proud of what we have! I'm proud of America, I'm proud of our people, and I'm gonna prove it. We're American and DAMN proud of it! Frankly I'm getting a little ticked off...go ta ****"... Dink (if anyone knows who originally said this, please let me know!)

Ace Flashheart 10-12-2001 02:51 PM


Originally posted by Nanobyte:
OOC: Phew! The pace in this Bar is becoming SO slow! I have things planned, but I can not do anything about them until we return to the party..

OOC: I feel your pain... where is eveyone?

Skydracgrrl 10-12-2001 04:53 PM

OOC- IEEEE, please dont kill me! *goes into defensive stance* (aka hides behind shade... ^_^; i think i mentioned back a while ago how the sword appeared, skye took it out, thats how she knew something was wrong with shade... ^_^;; im pretty sure... sry bout that if i didnt...
IC- Skye smiles nervously. "Eheh, um, can we just get along you guys? We still need to find out why LF wanted the sword too... at least that's what I think he was after..." the group turns toward LF, who had been forgotten admist the chaos of the collapsing tower.


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
Princess of Blondeness, second only to Aerie, who is Queen of Blondeness.
Entertainer/idiot and Elven bard at the Bar.My Website!

Nanobyte 10-12-2001 05:32 PM

Interrupting the sudden exchange of accusations, Shade turns to the party and yells, "RUN!" Everyone shifts their glance to catch a glimpse of the Bone Dragon, soaring through the dense fog towards them. A sudden burst of energy flies from the ground into the Dragon, causing it to collapse to the ground. As the Bone Dragon hits the surface, it's body crumbles into a heap of bones. Dust flutters everywhere, limiting everyone's view.

Liliara 10-12-2001 10:17 PM

OOC:: Opps, you are right Skye, please disregard my post. Things are a bit confusing!

Captain of Bouncers, Boogre Bar

LH Member

"I've had it up to here, listening to a small segment of people try to put down America! America's the greatest land on Earth, and we oughta be proud of what we have! I'm proud of America, I'm proud of our people, and I'm gonna prove it. We're American and DAMN proud of it! Frankly I'm getting a little ticked off...go ta ****"... Dink (if anyone knows who originally said this, please let me know!)

Encard 10-12-2001 10:38 PM

As the various group members lay on the ground, stunned from the hard landing, Encard attempts to determine just where exactly they are. Fortunately, he has a very useful little ring that helps him recover quickly, allowing him to notice a noise coming from the tunnel he just noticed leads straight ahead. Looking around, he sees that the two robots that were attacking them have been smashed to bits in the fall, however, scouting with a spell, he sees that there are several more coming this way from that tunnel. He tries to revive the rest of the group.

The Eternal <font color="PLUM">C</font><font color="YELLOW">h</font><font color="BLUE">A</font><font color="RED">o</font><font color="GREEN">s</font>-bringer of <H3>HADB</H3>

CCCCCCcccccccHHHHHHHHhhhhhhAAAAAAAaaaaaaaOOOOOOOoo oooooSSSSSSSsssssss.............

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 10-13-2001).]

Nanobyte 10-13-2001 12:39 AM

OOC: Encard, do you think you could draw me a picture of your character? I'm having a hard time imagining what he looks like. I mean, it seems every few days he gains some new power or mysteriously owns another artifact.. All I'm asking for is a picture.

Neb 10-13-2001 02:49 AM

Being tired of adventuring, Kivan and his friends return to the Bar to await the next adventure(Unless someone else has something planned, I've got an idea for what could happen once you're all done adventuring in this dismal plane.).

Skydracgrrl 10-14-2001 12:21 AM

OOC- *sigh* once again, as soon as i leave this post alone, only for a few days, it goes down 2 pages... BUMP.


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
Princess of Blondeness, second only to Aerie, who is Queen of Blondeness.
Entertainer/idiot and Elven bard at the Bar.My Website!

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