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DragonMage 10-10-2001 09:00 AM

My name is Brenda and I was born and raised in Georgia, USA. I've lived in Florida and Tennessee, also. I miss Florida because I was a short drive from the ocean and I miss my fishing holes in Tennessee (caught some GREAT BIG bass there!). I was born on the same day as George Washington, but I've always preferred Abraham Lincoln. I love animals and nature. I am an avid reader and gamer, a published (though not paid) poet, working on several short stories and poems to self-publish as well as a cookbook, and am studying to be a Gourmet Chef.

I know that:

Link has a naughty nickname
Kaz wants to come to America on exchange next year
Absynthe and J.J. are horribly corrupt!
Ramon will be finished with Uni in the spring
Sorcerer Alex and Kaz are fishies, too!
We have several highly mature and intelligent teens on this board
We have many friendly and helpful ppl here

Alureth...Dragon friend of Breanna, Mage and Advisor in the Court of Lady Lioness

Co-Owner/Operator of the Evil Petting Zoo and devout member of the HADB clan.
Commander of the Dragon Fleet, IW Peacekeeping Force
Sublime Sister of the Illuminati - may the Light shine forever!
Second Historian and Scribe of IW. Mother Hen of IW.
Mage extraordinair, Pin-Up Girl for the OLD-COOTS
Magey-Wagey: performer in the Nekked Dancing Trio of the ORT.

Hopeless Romantic *sigh*

[This message has been edited by DragonMage (edited 10-10-2001).]

Mouse 10-10-2001 09:13 AM

Okey real name is Dave and I live up in North-East Scotland in the city of Aberdeen. I am 42 years old which makes me considerable older than most of the rest of you so show some respect!!! I have never played any of the Black Isle games and really have no intention of either. I like to think I am the sort of reasonable member who it is easy to get along with. I am capable of being serious, but for me the primary reason I am here is to have fun.

Cloudy and Lord Shield go by other names on other forums. On some of them they are.............*gasp* Moderators oh and LS has an unhealthy fascination with tentacles.

Davros will drink anything in desparate circumstances

Never, ever contract or misspell Fljotsdale's name - if you do she will unleash the twin harridans on you.

Sazerac is the keeper of an evil-smelling fart-raptor.

<font color=lightblue>Regards

<marquee direction=left scrollamount=7> </marquee>

(Occasional crooner and all round friendly Scottish rodent)</font>

[This message has been edited by Mouse (edited 10-10-2001).]

Tuor 10-10-2001 09:22 AM

Hello all, I like the posts

I am a 27 year old journalist working for a newspaper in East London, I'm off work this week burning the last of my holiday yay.

I like association football (up the Spurs) and american football (Dallas Cowboys) and listen to U2, The Clash, Bon Jovi, James and anything else with lots of guitars in it.

Politically I am a Conservative, I strongly believe in complete individual freedom and a corporate society as opposed to a welfare state.I don't like the idea of the european union.

I'm single have a brother whose 3 years younger than me, ad am generally pretty content with my life.

I know Azurewolf lives in New Zealand, Memnoch is an Aussie and Donut for his sins supports Arsenal. Silver Cheetah and F are lovely ladies of strong convictions who I never agree with. Oh and Avatar is a student who loves Aerie.

Raif Gwydionson 10-10-2001 10:17 AM

Heya Everyone...

I guess I'm technically a lurker, because I don't post all that often, but I've been here for a little while at least... I thought i'd add my piece here.

Name is Scott. 20 year old Broadcasting Major at Susquehanna University in PA. I was born in Brooklyn, NY and moved to Westfield, NJ where i still live. I'm an avid fan of rocknroll, generally interested in late 70's punk. I play the electric bass like it hurts and am a varsity Pole Vaulter.

I never had been on the internet before i went to school, and now its a sick addiction. BG2 was my first and only RPG (except for Ultima for the original Nintendo and i am still amazed at the depth of it.

I don't know.. wanna know anything else, go ahead and ask... i don't bite.

Unless you want me too

~Raif Gwydionson
Swashbuckler Extraordinaire

Davros 10-10-2001 11:36 AM

Nice topic Cloudlet

Umm, life story .... Davros was born as David James Fraser MacDonald on July 21st 1963, a second generation Australian with 4 Scottish grandparents (hence I blame my heritage for a love of the game of golf ) I celebrated my 6th Birtday by watching Neil Armstrong take that one small step (, some American's may try to pick me up on the date, but remember we are a day ahead over here in OZ). I remember well that I got an extremely itchy woolen dressing gown for a birthday present - gee, what ever happened to the practice of giving out toys at that age - sigh).

My early literary loves were Science Fiction, but this inevitably mellowed into a fascination with fantasy. I grew up on a sugar cane farm in Northern Queensland, and after High School I went to work at the local Sugar Mill. For some reason (they make jokes that we are slow in QLD ), it took me a whole 8 years to figure out that I was in a dead end job. I quit, and paid my way through University, studying Chemical Engineering. It was only at University that I bought my first computer, and discvered CRPG's. The first game I remember playing was the original Mechwarrior, but the first CRPG was Eye of the Beholder. After Ultima Underworld I was hooked on fantasy games.

I graduated in 1992 with first class honours (which I thought was pretty good for the "old" guy in the class, and the one with the lowest Tertiary Entrance Score on admission ). Love almost claimed me again, but as usual, my "Fail to comprehend feminine minds" amulet +8 came to what I would dubiously call my "rescue".

Since then, I have shifted to Western Australia, and have an extremely good job working for Alcoa. I have taken 3 holidays to the UK in the past 3 years, and get the occasional around the world trip on business (about 1 per 4 years).

I have met :

Donut - he likes lots of Cider, and forcing Australians to drink FOSTERS He is one of the rocks of support of the Arsenal Football Club (best club in the world), and he is bigger and funnier than me. He has to have a good sense of humour to cover for the deficiencies of his national cricket and rugby sides.

Mouse - he likes Shandies, and forcing Australians to drink FISTERS Let's see, Mouse is from Aberdeen, but fortunately he doesn't have the usually extremely thick accent of the area (ie I could understand him when I was sober as well as when I was drunk). He likes to eat peas and honey because they stay on the knife better that way. Oh, his name is Dave as well, and he gave me several golf balls to go out and lose on Cruden Bay

And I know that :

Cloudlet has a wonderful throaty crooning voice (I have it on wave file )

Memnoch is a stubborn man, who won't dance for the ORT - apart from that, he is an ally in the tormenting of Donut re sporting failures

Sazerac is the reincarnation of Bloodbeard, and he hosts my Cider sig

Melusine is a kind and fun loving soul (with the best sultry elflet signature going about), and defender of Fluffies

Yorick gets to travel everywhere, so I look forward to the next time he visit's Perth

Sir Tainly is a dab hand with a six shooter

Moni is indeed a princess, and a member of the harem

Rikard likes

So many more - I could go on and on - IW rules!!!

Ironworks Revolutionary Splitter wannabe
Founding Member, and General Demands Adviser of the O.R.T.

H. Sedai 10-10-2001 11:40 AM

Question - Is "Davros" from Dr. Who?

just inquisitive to a fault.

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
-Robert McCloskey

Yorick 10-10-2001 11:42 AM


Originally posted by Davros:
Yorick gets to travel everywhere, so I look forward to the next time he visit's Perth

As do I mate!

Did you know I spent four years as a kid up in Newman and the Pilbara? Had I told you that? Perth is great.

I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Davros 10-10-2001 11:48 AM

Um - yup, I am guessing Davros is Dr Who. More a case of having the name of David, and going to school through the Tom Baker years, I guess I inherited the nickname. Have had people calling me that for the past 20 years or so.

Don't forget to look me up if you get over her then Yorick. Do I have it right that you are based in Singapore. I have seen way to much of Changi airport, but nothing at all of what's outside it

Ironworks Revolutionary Splitter wannabe
Founding Member, and General Demands Adviser of the O.R.T.

Epona 10-10-2001 11:59 AM


Originally posted by Davros:

Donut - he likes lots of Cider,

CIDER!!!! Bleugh!
Please tell me he likes proper scrumpy with lumps in it and not bloody Strongbow...

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas
Proud winner of the 'Most Useless Post 250 Has Ever Seen' Award 2001. "I'd just like to thank my friends and family, without whom none of this would have been possible..."

Hamlet 10-10-2001 12:02 PM


Originally posted by Davros:
Don't forget to look me up if you get over her then Yorick. Do I have it right that you are based in Singapore. I have seen way to much of Changi airport, but nothing at all of what's outside it

No, I was over three and a half months ago I've been in America since then, and in NYC, in Mahattan for the last two months. Loving it.

Alas poor Yorick, it was my pseudo Horatio

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