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Dr.Pick 04-11-2010 11:09 AM

Re: Replay Value
I tend to hoard and sell as much as I can with my games, so they'll carry everything they can unless(as in this case) the weight penalty far out weighs the monetary value while anticipating more valuable items before going back to town. With W&W, I'll let them go into the yellow overweight level and it doesn't seem to affect their fighting capacity much if at all. I haven't been brave enough to allow the red overweight warning unless right near the town.

Thanks for the link, Shadow, but I won't get into the hex editing thing. It's not worth it. Even if I ran into a game breaking bug, I'd probably just cut my losses and move on. I've played through the game before so this is a grand trip down memory lane. My first 1st person RPG.

Wili the Rat is now an assassin, but I had to redo some things they'd accomplished. After reporting to Scanthril, they visited Torin(now that Gronk can fletch his own Dragon arrows for fun and a tidy profit) and dropped off Erzebette's letter. On the way back to town, they decided to off Scanthril and his annoying gang of thugs, but I think that disqualified him for assassin status. I reloaded a previous save, visited Scanthril, and returned to town where he became an assassin without a problem.

Now they will do the other tasks and get credit before searching out the Northlands for other quests the townsfolk are requesting they do for them. Hopefully, my priest and wizard will level once more before the Dragonspire, but at level 13, I'm not sure they will make it to 14.

Other potential issues are not having high enough levels in Sword and Pole for the final confrontation with Cet(my warriors have been working on their newly discovered spell casting ability), and high enough levels in Moon for the Create Portal and Teleport Spells to avoid going back through the Dragonspire not to mention the need for "tree surfing" to get the seed quest done.


Dr.Pick 04-17-2010 01:26 PM

Re: Replay Value
Now the Boogres have been rescued from their foul curse! The worst parts were the Jungle Lillies. Man, those things were tough fights! I didn't remember that they were in THREE locations though. There are two sets by the Idol of Aku, but you only have to deal with them one group at a time and they seemed to get stuck at the doorway before going up the stairs.

Then they caught the Little People unprepared at the exit room of the dungeon, and since they were no longer Boogres with the extra hit points, they all perished in Priskiela's Lookout Room in spite of the fact that their spell casting ability was no longer hampered by the curse. The really annoying thing is that they kept getting paralyzed while receiving massive damage and couldn't run away! They also kept gagging from the poisonous fumes.

The good news is that Gnome Jerome is a pretty good cook because they'll be having lots of Cabbage Stew, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Cole Slaw... you get the idea.

They also took care of that two-headed giant Cyclops, Goshi Din, while they were in the neighborhood, roasted several Creeping Spores he was partying down with, and got his little Worgur dog, too!

Now it's back to town to unload and check out the nifty lamp they found on his corpse!


Shadow Stranger 04-17-2010 10:10 PM

Re: Replay Value
Any form of Lilies, hit and run if you can. Near the Idol of Aku, you can remove the Eye that keeps the door open, then you run. Else use Meteor Storm& before they get too close.

Dr.Pick 04-18-2010 12:29 PM

Re: Replay Value
Yeah, they used the Eye to close the door on the ones in the chamber, but to make sure they got the experience points, they had to do some damage themselves as well. The Lillies managed to get some poisonous gas shots out in the process also. My Wizard didn't have Meteor Storm, but was using Burning Haze and Meteor. The others pitched in so they didn't get bored and to expedite the process.

The other two groups- before the chamber to the Idol of Aku(where the "Eye Socket" is located) and the ones before the exit- those are free to roam and the Little People had no way except their own spells to whittle them down. With the close quarters, it was difficult to stay out of their range.

Anyway, they finally beat them, and they'll be exiting to get back to town- probably this afternoon. I was too tired to play last night.

Peace, +Dr.Pick

Dr.Pick 04-27-2010 10:07 PM

Re: Replay Value
Now my Pixie Priest, Angelus, and my Pixie Wizard, Sparkie, are both Warlocks! They had gotten a tip from a friend in the Guild, so they had the ingredients already- they just had to go and get them from their servant who was waiting in their room in the Inn with extra supplies and souvenirs of their adventures.

Gronk, the Gourk Barbarian Ranger, has now fancied the skills of the Samurai Warrior. He really enjoys Fletching arrows in his spare time(He finds it relaxing), but he just can't let go of his sword!

Gnome Jerome, the Bardic Thief, was disappointed with the sparse selection of musical instruments available and now wants to be a Ninja like Wili the Rat used to be. He's already proficient with throwing weapons and he'll be able to continue studying Mooncraft.

+Dr. Pick

Dr.Pick 05-02-2010 02:00 PM

Re: Replay Value
Now they've pretty much completed the Dragonshire- Gnome Jerome is a Ninja, my Warlocks are doing great, and Gronk is a Samurai. Jake One Eye is quite happy as Paladin and Wili the Rat loves the role of Assassin.

Jerome had an interesting experience becoming a Ninja. He went and opened the Drawbridge to Shurugeon's ruins, but saw no Sleeping Sentry. He figured that it had expired when Wili opened it a while back so he didn't think much of it until the Guild refused to acknowledge his efforts. He was ticked off- especially when Wili laughed at him. He thinks that Wili used his influence in the Guild to mess with him for fun. Wili is like that. They headed back to the ruins, and sure enough, the Drawbridge was back up again. They re-entered and lowered the drawbridge once again and this time the Sentry was there. They ignored it and went immediately back to the Dojo.

Angelus found that the Wizard's Guild restocks the Dragonshire underground fish pond probably with the help of Hephaestus. After he was inducted into the Guild, not only did he have to recheck to see if the Idol of Aku was still there, but he had to go and get another Crystal Eye from "the Legendary Crystal Colanth" as if he didn't already have one! They gave Gronk strict instructions not to ask about any more jobs until they've gotten to the next town with a Wizard's Guild. Of course they might want to do it again anyway to gain some more experience before moving on.

On a side note, if one character casts "Create Portal" can another character cast "Teleport" to go to that locale? I assume it will work, and I'll have a chance to check it out soon, but I was just wondering if someone knew so I don't waste time.

Thanks, +Dr. Pick

Shadow Stranger 05-02-2010 08:52 PM

Re: Replay Value
Crystal eyes, just like that silly letter to Jathril quest where the guy can get one identical letter after another.
As for the portals, I don't recall any problems with spells being cast by different people. But then I may have only had the one PC cast the spells anyway. I wanted at least one PC to get maximum level in each spellbook.

Dr.Pick 05-03-2010 09:19 PM

Re: Replay Value
Yup, Sparkie got that quest right before they headed out to have "chats" with the bandit king, Brahmar, and Gru Morde(he was a tougher fight than I remember). Jathil clearly has OCD and/or an extremely deficient memory. By the time they reached Brimlock Roon, they had absolutely no room left in their back packs and were sweating their tails off from the exertion of their journey.

They teleported easily back to Ishad' Nha to escort their servants to Brimlock Roon before looking for work there. Jerome managed to learn both "Teleport" and "Call of Home" before all was said and done and they'll be purchasing a ship to set out to explore the ocean beyond.

+Dr. Pick

Bungleau 05-13-2010 04:20 PM

Re: Replay Value

Originally Posted by Wyvern (Post 1238943)
I enjoyed reading that!!! :) :) :)

The Salads are most interesting!!! And if Bungleau were around, he'd say: "They will hunt you down!"


Close, Wyv... I'd say "They *WILL* hunt you down..." :)

Bungleau 05-13-2010 04:23 PM

Re: Replay Value
Been a while since I've been around, and I may just have to play again ;) Looks like ShadowStranger's done some interesting investigations that I may need to review :)

BTW, never underestimate the power of Flame Drop against salads. That repetitive burning feeling just bothers them, and prevents them from breathing on you... plus, it shares with the salad next to them ;)

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