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Memnoch 03-30-2001 02:18 PM


Originally posted by Scronan:

I'm a friend of Saz and Slugs..mostly lurking at the WW Board and the Wiz 8 Board, and you can see that I don't post all that much, only having about 60 posts to my name!

Hi Scronan, it's quality not quantity that counts Cloudswiffer's technique is to answer to one post FOUR different times (just count her posts on this thread alone - in fact she answered TWO different answers to the same thread!) Then again Cloudpuzzler's always a bit slow in the morning

Good to have you here mate, I've seen you in the W&W forum and it's great to see you guys here. After all, this is a GD board for EVERYONE!

Cheers and remember - you can give CloudPunchingBag all you want - deep down inside she loves it

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Memnoch 03-30-2001 02:21 PM


Originally posted by Sazerac:

Thank you, Cloudbringer, for "forcibly" dragging me back into General Discussions! Actually, I'm glad to come. I'm sorry that I haven't checked back in lately; first with the Forums being down for so much last week, then I had to get caught up with the other forums . . I know, excuses, excuses!


Once Cloudy focuses on someone, that someone is doomed - to post in GD forevermore!

We had the title especially designed for CloudSpammer as she was obviously going to be the first to break 1500 posts

Good to see you back mate!

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Black Knight 03-30-2001 02:23 PM


Originally posted by Memnoch:
Hi Scronan, it's quality not quantity that counts Cloudswiffer's technique is to answer to one post FOUR different times (just count her posts on this thread alone -

Hmmm I seem to notice YOU posted three times in a row.


Black Knight 03-30-2001 02:25 PM


Originally posted by Leonis:
I don't know if anyone's done a statistical review on this subject, but I reckon it takes an average of about 24 - 27 posts for a thread to go offtopic. (as opposed to an offtopic thread in a forum)
Any takers?

I noticed the Main part of YOUR post was offtopic, so Hello POT! I'm the Kettle. You just called me Black.

Reeka 03-30-2001 03:12 PM

Yeah, we lurk everywhere, abducting poor unsuspecting newbies!

Reeka--The Hand of Death O_H_F
Lady in Waiting (the question is waiting for what?)
Yes, I do get cold. That is why I need someone to warm me up.
No, I did not lose the rest of my outfit!
Does anyone feel a draft or is it me?
Official Party Planner of the Moon's Hope Inn
Does this make me a party girl?

Sazerac 03-30-2001 03:32 PM

Well, I'm off work, finally, so now I can address everyone here with a big "Howdy" from Texas.

First of all, I wanted to apologize to Slug; I didn't see he had made it over here too! Slug's another one of my cronies from Wiz 8 / Wizards & Warriors, and one of our best posters over there.

Cloudbringer, I'm very pleased to meet you, and come snag me anytime you wish! You, too, Memnoch, and thanks again for inviting me over. I haven't yet played BG2, but I may yet, depending on how long it takes Wiz 8 to come out (If they keep rolling the date back on us, grrrrr)

To all others: I look forward getting a chance to getting to know all of you better and conversing more with you here. General Discussions seems like a fun place to "hang out." One thing I've admired here is that no one has a problem "speaking their mind", yet all of you avoid nasty flame wars. Admirable! (Of course, I haven't dug too far in the posts yet, so maybe I'm completely off on that one, hehe!)

A little on my gaming background: I started RPG'ing (table-top) back in 1981, and computer RPG'ing in 1982. I've both played and GM'd games before, but I think I like the playing the best. On CRPG's: I've played all the Wizardry games (except for Werdna, which I never finished), TES:_Arena, TES:_Daggerfall, Betrayal at Krondor, Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, Star Trail, and Shadows over Riva, Might & Magic 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Diablo I & II (only as Barbarian in II, but I'm going to try one of the other classes later), Darkstone, ANGBAND, ADOM, and Wizards & Warriors. I'm sure I've forgotten some of them in there, including some of the SSI Gold Box games, but you get the general idea. Upcoming games I'm looking toward are: Neverwinter Nights, Wizardry 8, and TES:_Morrowind.

In addition, I teach classes in computers, networking, and Internet at a technical school, and in my spare time (what's that??!!) I find time to write fantasy fiction (amateur only). Some examples of my writings can be found at ; look for the "Sazerac" link. This series is very strongly based on the Wizards and Warriors gaming world, but you can get an idea of my writing style from that link. In addition, I'm also the self-appointed "editor" of the Gael Serran Examiner, a humorous on-forum "tabloid" documenting rather interesting features and anomalies in the Wizards and Warriors game.

Well, I guess that's about enough blatant self-serving information about me! Looking forward to meeting with the rest of you.


Jerome 03-30-2001 03:42 PM

and we hope to see much more of you Sazerac!

You'll soon meet us all, try going in the Moons Hope Inn sometime, and you;ll leave with a headache, one way or another!

BTW im Jerome, the Fallen Paladin, capslock addict and allround crazy dude!

Jerome, Arch Nemisis of the OHF

Cloudbringer 03-30-2001 04:06 PM


Originally posted by Memnoch:
Hi Scronan, it's quality not quantity that counts Cloudswiffer's technique is to answer to one post FOUR different times (just count her posts on this thread alone - in fact she answered TWO different answers to the same thread!) Then again Cloudpuzzler's always a bit slow in the morning

Good to have you here mate, I've seen you in the W&W forum and it's great to see you guys here. After all, this is a GD board for EVERYONE!

Cheers and remember - you can give CloudPunchingBag all you want - deep down inside she loves it

<H2><font color="plum"> Memsy, sweetdarling Memsykins! So good of you to come by.....</font> Now drop and give me fifty, GenieBoy! And tuck in that "sash" for decency's sake! (uh for anyone else not familiar with us...we ARE just joking around here!)</H2>

Jehosophat!!...look at the abuse I get around here...sniffle... I have to drag new folk over here so I have a chance to converse with NICE people, mr Moderator, sir! And at least they ANSWER me when I HIT AND RUN artist...HA!

Scronan: Doesn't matter to me how MANY things you post, I just like the interaction on our board. I'm most pleased to see you here. Hope you like it and come back more often!

Self-Appointed Welcome Wagon for the Ironworks
Memny's Storm-Queen of the Ironworks
Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
CloudKitten, Grand High Priestess of the Kat People Clan
Dragonslaying Bard of the Realms
Clogger of Memnoch's email and Defender of the Spamming Way!

------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 03-30-2001).]

Jerome 03-30-2001 04:08 PM



Jerome, Arch Nemisis of the OHF

Cloudbringer 03-30-2001 04:14 PM


Originally posted by Black Knight:
Hmmm I seem to notice YOU posted three times in a row.

BK MY hero! Gosh, a real live gallant amont us! (and one of the named in Leonis' post! hehehe..methinks we are in rarified and prestigious company, BK! Maybe we should start a Clan of the Off-Topic starters...LOL)

So there, Memny, nyah nyah! pfffft!

CloudSpammer...hey, are in that little circle too, hahaha!

------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

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