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Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-25-2005 06:35 PM

<font color=silver>Giving them all a long look, Isokla nodded slowly. <font color=skblue>"I can walk... I need only reach the forest. From there, I can gather herbs and rest. Lord Ydalon, I appriecate your offer and gladly accept."</font>

To the newcomer's voice in the shadows, she frowned and hissed softly, <font color=skblue>"Reveal yourself, stranger. Those who hide within shadow are rarely to be trusted, nay, off times they desire something in return. I fear that I have nothing you could desire..."</font> Her eyes narrowed, knowing well what most males desired from a pretty lady, but worldly enough to know that not every male would act upon such base instincts, wonts, or desires.

Turning to the others again, Isokla whispered, <font color=skblue>"Please sirs, let us leave this place and not look back."</font> Her eyes held a odd glimmer within them that most would not notice, so fast was the flash. It was in the bandit's direction, one that promised their comeuppance one way or another. <font color=skblue>"Let's go..."</font>
OOC: Guys, if you PM me your email addys, or come on msn, I'll give you all a map (after I draw it up)

[ 07-25-2005, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]

Saliarasri 07-25-2005 07:28 PM

<font color="#fc34ca">

Kagarioni nods in agreement as she sheathes her sword <font color="white">"I agree... no point in adding more foolishness.."</font>

DrowArchmage 07-25-2005 10:12 PM

Zak cought the womans movement and did as she implied. Although he didnt know why,he was oddly drawn to htis women.So he followed along,but still kept in the shadow, enough so none noticed but this girl,this Iskola.

Ivelliis 07-26-2005 04:26 AM

<font color=grey>Telryn Gale

"Well let us be off then, the quicker we get away from here the better, those bandits are starting to look impatient,"
Telryn suggested.</font>

[ 07-26-2005, 08:05 AM: Message edited by: Ivelliis ]

Saliarasri 07-26-2005 09:21 AM

OOC: DrowArchmage, don't say no one notices. It sends up red flags.

Kagarioni blinked as she looked at Zak, directly, apparently seeing him despite his attempt to hide in the shadows
<font color="white">"... I don't know about the rest of us, but I'd trust you more if you stepped out into the open, or at least semi-open."</font>

DrowArchmage 07-26-2005 12:41 PM

OOC:Sorry, i forgot to look at all your perceptivness.

<font color=lightblue> If that is what you desire,then so be it. </font> Zak stepped out of the shadows,into the sunlight so everyone could see. <font color=lightblue> There, thats better. Now, then, down to bussines.

Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-26-2005 05:21 PM

OOC: Backtracking a tad to before DrowArchmage's post:
<font color=silver> Isokla bristled against Detheriel's arm, her knuckles clenching white against her staff. Very softly, she hissed to Zak, <font color=skblue>"I do not trust you, whoever you may be. You lurk within darkness, even still, attempting to hide from my companions. Stand aside and show yourself."</font> her tone was sharp, and clearly a command. Even now, her pale eyes were guarded and wary and she eyed his cloaked figure suspiciously as he stepped from the shadows, even as Kagarioni spoke.


After Zak had stepped from the shadow, Isokla asked warily, <font color=skblue>"What business do you have? What manner of profession are you to dress such? You do not appear to be a Seer, nay, a Sorcerer or Magi."</font> Isokla's eyes narrowed further and her wrist tightened around Detheriel's arm. <font color=skblue>"Out of all the others, you alone attempt to conceal yourself - maybe you have something to hide...?"</font>

Oddly enough, despite her injury, Isokla seemed to be ignoring the pain so completely she did not appear to be wounded whatsoever, save for the bloody gash across her stomach and bloodied bandage. It may also occur to her benefactors that so far as yet, she had not given her name. Her manner had become brisk and sharp, as though she wished to leave this place and all within it. Soon.


From the bridge, the bandit guard watched them in silence, their eyes following Zak's lurking figure suspiciously.</font>


Ivelliis 07-26-2005 05:49 PM

OOC: This post is just as DrowArchmage's character steps out of the shadows.

<font color=grey>Telryn Gale

As soon as the figure stepped out of the shadows Telryn's instincts stepped in. With huge force he pushed the figure, one hand on each shoulder. By the time the figure had hit the ground Telryn's flail was unstrapped and in his hands.

He knew that people sneaking up on him usually didn't mean good news. His natural reaction was to react in a way, disarm first, question second, clean up third.

He stared daggers at the figure on the floor. Standing over him, obviously looking extremely intimidating, he didn't move a muscle. He was sure, however, that the man on the floor would not try anything stupid.

"Who are you, and why are you lurking in the shadows?" Telryn asked impatiently.</font>

OOC: If anything is wrong with the post please say in the conversation thread.

[ 07-26-2005, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Ivelliis ]

shamrock_uk 07-26-2005 07:53 PM

<font color="CCCC99">Detheriel

Detheriel blinked slightly, surprised at the sudden aggression shown by the tall warrior after the warmth he had seen before.

He regarded the man lying on the floor with some curiosity but was mindful of the increased pressure on his arm from Isokla. Shifting uneasily he glanced back towards the guards at the gate. "My friends, I fear we have dallied long enough. Bring him with us if necessary but time is running out."</font>

[ 07-26-2005, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: shamrock_uk ]

Saliarasri 07-26-2005 10:15 PM

<font color="#fc34cc">
Kagarioni nods to Detheriel's situation <font color="white">"I agree."</font>

Kagarioni strides off into the forest, headed away from the bridge

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