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KDogRex 03-28-2001 06:32 PM


Originally posted by Zeeke75:
*Zeeke hops from his chair, slides over to the fair Reeka, and offers her his hand.*

Shall we? I think Kdog can watch for the Mage.

*looks about, lost*

Damn, when did I become the ugly skinny guy that they bring along when they go out?

-Bard Extrodinaire of the OHF
Man of Sweet Words and Heart Aflame
Keeper of the Heart of Charean

Zeeke75 03-28-2001 06:33 PM


Originally posted by KDogRex:
*looks about, lost*

Damn, when did I become the ugly skinny guy that they bring along when they go out?

You have taught me well, Kdog! Shouldn't the teacher be pleased to see his student applying the knowledge he as acquired?

Reeka 03-28-2001 06:35 PM

I've got to go guys! Thanks for the dance, KDog, Zeke, I'll catch you later. Ladies take care. Tell the Silver One I was here. . . he wasn't. Can we all say star crossed lovers. I'll try to check in tomorrow. Can you believe i actually want to go back to work. I'm sick. . . really, really sick

Good night!

Reeka--The Hand of Death

250 03-28-2001 06:35 PM


Originally posted by ladyzekke:
I'll take a dance after you and Bilqis have finished your conversation! Yeah, the flower thing got to me!

SO you are here after all!!! how are you?

I cannot talk now though, busy busy busy busy, i hate life....

beauty of the land

O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits in Thy mercy.

KDogRex 03-28-2001 06:36 PM


Originally posted by Zeeke75:
You have taught me well, Kdog! Shouldn't the teacher be pleased to see his student applying the knowledge he as acquired?
Aye, my friend, aye, you speak truth. Methink's I'll pull me another draught and slide in between the fair Bili and cloudy, to consider myself fortunate to have such wonderful and *wipes brow* attractive friends!

-Bard Extrodinaire of the OHF
Man of Sweet Words and Heart Aflame
Keeper of the Heart of Charean

Zeeke75 03-28-2001 06:36 PM


Originally posted by Reeka:
I've got to go guys! Thanks for the dance, KDog, Zeke, I'll catch you later. Ladies take care. Tell the Silver One I was here. . . he wasn't. Can we all say star crossed lovers. I'll try to check in tomorrow. Can you believe i actually want to go back to work. I'm sick. . . really, really sick

Good night!

Farewell, Reeka! May your path stay clear, and your mind stay focused!

Ok, did someone cast a spell on me? I don't remember talking like this before...

Zeeke75 03-28-2001 06:38 PM

LadyZ, care to enrich my life by taking me up on that dance?

Epona 03-28-2001 06:39 PM

Hi folks,
Just stopping in to say goodnight (how did I know you would all be here?)

LadyWendy: Good luck with the move, hurry back soon and tell us all about it.
We'll miss you while you are away!!


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas.

KDogRex 03-28-2001 06:40 PM


Originally posted by Epona:
Hi folks,
Just stopping in to say goodnight (how did I know you would all be here?)

LadyWendy: Good luck with the move, hurry back soon and tell us all about it.
We'll miss you while you are away!!


Goodnight, fair Epona, we really must dance sometime!

-Bard Extrodinaire of the OHF
Man of Sweet Words and Heart Aflame
Keeper of the Heart of Charean

Tobbin 03-28-2001 06:41 PM


Originally posted by bilqis:
Oh yes. I intend to be here for awhile. So much reading to do!! And this place is very pleasant after today.

I do have one question you could all help me with perhaps? Honest opinions please. Many of my volunteers are very poor, and the stipend they receive from us really helps. Well, one of them came in today and asked me to front her $150. She would give me a post-dated check, but she needs to pay her rent.
There is no way our program can pay her in advance. (her check will arrive around the 20th of April). We have been instructed to say NO when someone comes in asking.
We called all the social service agencies today to see if they could help, and they can't.
She needs it. I've worked with her for 2 years now and know her situation well. She's never asked me before. I'm heartsick.
Kindness says yes.... practicality and cynicism and the RULES say no.
What do I do?

My recommendation is that you look into your own pocket book and see whether or not you can afford to help her or not. Your only recompense, since this is against the rules of your organization, is to lend her the money as a friend. If you do this, you have to take it for granted that you may not receive it back (at least all at once). That's how I view it whenever someone asks to borrow money (and not just from someone that is poor). I figure whether or not I can afford to NOT get the money back. If the answer is yes, then I would suggest you help her. You have already worked with her for a long time, so you are the best qualified to determine what kind of person she is. Life happens though, and she may not be able to pay you back right away. That's just the nature of money. Sorry if this sounds pretty rough, but that's how you have to look at it.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

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