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Dreamer128 08-17-2003 05:36 PM

Thats ok. I'll take care of the exterior. Thanks for the offer though [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 08-17-2003, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: Dreamer128 ]

Chewbacca 08-17-2003 05:53 PM

Cool! I await:

a)Confirmation of task assignments:

b) A look at the the exterior, or atleast an idea what the exterior of the barracks will look like so I can align doors and such. I've been fiddling in the toolset with an interior assuming the generic Bioware rural barracks would
be used. My thoughts are to include a basement for soldiers quarters, possibly a second floor for officers quarters and leave the first floor for indoor training area, weapons/armor storage, and the commanders office. Considering the default rural barracks is a one story building, I could put officers quarters on the first floor, or do away with them with the assumtion they have houses around town.

c) Input on what the militia should look like with regards to uniform, weapons and such. Also are woman allowed? What about non-humans? How big should the militia be?

D) Anything else I havent thought of.

Feedback please... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Legolas 08-17-2003 05:59 PM

My Bioware handle's Golas.

I think that for magical items, scrolls and the more effective potions a weekly caravan would be an excellent idea. If we're going with a joinable highwaymen faction it could become quite the event as the bandits try to get as much of the valuable goods as they can (most of which are taken by the leader and can be bought back from coin earned through banditry), whilst the caravan guards and any other adventurers try to ensure the goods make their way to their merchants. Of course, in order for that to work we'll need a long snaking road somewhere.

As for the weapon types, I'd try to avoid names as 'blunt'. There's nothing wrong with a blunt club ;)
Also, if we're going to put a shatter chance for one type in the scripts, we might as well include a possibility for all of the quality types including magical weapons. They'd range from 1/20 for the lowest quality to as little as 1/2000 for the magical weapons. Also, I feel that once a magical item has shattered players should be able to gather some chunks of enchanted metal and wood. With enough materials collected the blacksmith could then craft a new, though very basic, enchanted weapon. For example, two bits of enchanted wood would get you a club, and you'd need four for a quarterstaff. A halberd would take four for the shaft, and three bits of metal for the head. That way people won't feel as bad about losing a weapon, and there's a CCG aspect to it as well [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I too would go with four levels of quality for the unenchanted weapons.

Chewbacca 08-17-2003 06:07 PM

Possible village names:

Carvana (spin of the word caravan)

Hearth (a warm spot on the cold road)

North Road (duh)

North Hearst (duh)

Also I like Frostgate, Northgate and Icegate come to mind as variations.

Anyhoo I'm just brainstorming and thought I would share! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Legolas 08-17-2003 06:22 PM

I think that in a harsh climate like ours the militia would welcome any who are willing to join and able to withstand the freezing cold and the wind which drives it.

Their uniforms should at the least include a helmet with two tiny slits for vision, used for much the same reasons as one uses a snowmask. It'll mean they are not that perceptive but are able to remain outside at all hours.
Aside from that, their outfits should form a contrast to the snow to make sure they can be spotted from some distance off by friends and enemies alike. As little metal as possible, because that's simply not practical in the snow.
They should carry a torch at nights and during the worst of the snowstorms, and possibly a battleaxe or similar with it. If they're ever alone and lost at least they can cut down a tree and build a fire :D

True_Moose 08-17-2003 06:24 PM

Good point about the blunt, Legolas. Would dull or maybe decaying work better?

My Bioware ID's True_Moose. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Dreamer128 08-17-2003 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Chewbacca:
Cool! I await:

a)Confirmation of task assignments:
I can only confirm that I will be handling the exterior
b) A look at the the exterior, or atleast an idea what the exterior of the barracks will look like so I can align doors and such. I've been fiddling in the toolset with an interior assuming the generic Bioware rural barracks would
be used. My thoughts are to include a basement for soldiers quarters, possibly a second floor for officers quarters and leave the first floor for indoor training area, weapons/armor storage, and the commanders office. Considering the default rural barracks is a one story building, I could put officers quarters on the first floor, or do away with them with the assumtion they have houses around town.
I was thinking of using the default rural barrack twice, then placing a wall around it. I'll have another look at the Toolset tomorrow.
c) Input on what the militia should look like with regards to uniform, weapons and such. Also are woman allowed? What about non-humans? How big should the militia be?
I suggest white armor, as they are operating in the snow. I could mail you my 'snow guard armor' .erf from another mod I created, though you'll probably want to design your own guards ;) . I guess most of the town guard should consist of male humans. Though adding some females and members of other races is perfecly fine with me.

[ 08-17-2003, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Dreamer128 ]

True_Moose 08-17-2003 07:01 PM

How is our stance towards demi-humans going to be, anyways? Will this be an integrated town, with dwarves, elves and half-orcs, or will they be separated. I think it would be cool to have an elven forest and some dwarven mines nearby, but that's just me. :D

Chewbacca 08-17-2003 07:20 PM

Alrighty, I like the two-building barracks idea. I cant wait to see it! [img]smile.gif[/img]

As far as guard uniforms, mail me that snow armor Dreamer128 so I can look at it. Part of the fun of creating with other people is not being limited to my own creativity. [img]smile.gif[/img]

I like Legolas's idea about having the uniforms stand out, so I am tenatively thinking of a design for the town gaurds that is red cloth with light brown leather and a darker metal breast plate with a matching helmet and a second design that is geared for being less visible in the snow, ie. the snow armor or a variation of it, for scouts and other less conspicous roles in the militia. Officers will have fancier versions of the regular armor.

Also I may need the templates for "fine" weapons, assuming the militia is fairly well armed, or I can just use stock weapons.

Here is my email- <----notice it is EARTHLING not earthlink!!!

I would love to recieve emails from everyone with tidbits of what's being worked on. Having the weapons will add to the consistency of the module, but aren't totally nesseccary I suppose.

Furthermore I will want to pass around my stuff for feedback assuming we don't have a webspace to upload the stuff soon. I am not afraid of honest critism, yet another perk of creating with a group. So if you want to see the stuff post your email or PM me with it.


Chewbacca 08-17-2003 07:25 PM


Originally posted by True_Moose:
How is our stance towards demi-humans going to be, anyways? Will this be an integrated town, with dwarves, elves and half-orcs, or will they be separated. I think it would be cool to have an elven forest and some dwarven mines nearby, but that's just me. :D
Oooh good question! A little racial tension always helps make D&D atmosphere. I'm for a mostly human village with a few non-human inhabitants to spice it up. I was considering a mercenary Dwarf Sargent in the militia, and maybe a couple of 1/2 orc grunts to fill the ranks-Bastard children of orc raids a generation past, only accepted by society because of their willingness to defend it or something like that.

edit- Yes if the village is mostly human, it would allow for dwarf, elf and gnome communities nearby and expand the "civilized" world a bit. I like that idea!

[ 08-17-2003, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Chewbacca ]

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