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The.Relic 04-29-2001 05:30 PM

I appreciate everyones feedback on this thread. I know that LadyRae expressed a lot of personal feeling in her post, and that her emotions could affect the way that people responded. I do believe that the issues she addresses regarding the treatment of women in general in society and the workplace are very valid, and should not be ignored. Thanks to everyone for posting your opinions here.
Smitten by LadyRae

Staralfur 04-29-2001 05:42 PM

LadyRae, I am sorry if I caused offence, this was truly never my intention, and I'm sure no one elses either. I have reread the posts and found them to slightly less funny now, and I think Memnoch was right when he mentioned 'hamming it up'. However, unless I've missed something, I don't think I found anything too close to the line, but a lot was quite tasteless.
(someone aim a swift kick in my direction if I'm wrong, I need one from time to time).

No words of wisdom, only; please don't go, pretty please.

RudeDawg, great story, sad/happy/poignant/inspiring, good on you for getting through it all. I can only think I've been very lucky so far, and will do my best not to take it for granted.

Stealthy 04-29-2001 07:31 PM

What a difference a forum can make! Its so nice to see how a sensitive and emotional subject can be discussed rationally. I hope LadyRae has read these replies, as there are many good points. I personally don't see too much wrong, but we musn't forget that many of our members may have experienced unpleasant incidents, which casual remarks can bring to the fore again.

My doctor told me to eat more, but all this spam hasn't helped.

Click here for the album site.

Shadow Mage of the OHF.

Funny Bone of the LH

Moni 04-29-2001 11:35 PM

Melusine, You are welcome.

LadyRae, Let me add to that I feel bad for you that your feelings were hurt. I have never had to live in a world where the competition between men and women in the workplace was an issue, although I do remember years in a warehouse where sexual harassment was a big issue and I felt like I had to walk on eggshells when talking to certain men on breaks because they were looking for any target to turn the tables on the harassment they subjected others to and were in trouble for. It was a rotten feeling to know that people you were once friends with would look to sacrifice you to get their selves out of trouble!

RudeDawg, Man, You DO Rock! I am so glad you raised yourself up after all you suffered at the hands of others to become the wonderful guy you are today! I know what you went through in a way but not nearly to the extent to which you were tortured. I had severe whiplash after an auto accident, I mean so bad, my spine was "S" shaped. I could not stand up straight for months nor could I walk very fast because I had also cracked a bone in my leg just below my knee. I had to walk a two mile round trip to buy groceries through the city and when I took too long getting through the crosswalk, (bent over and limping at the age of 24) people would honk, yell, give me the finger, call me a freak, a crip, and a gimp, among other things. People suck and I am sorry you ever had to suffer the way you did. Some girl at my son's middle school used to get thrills by kicking his crutches out from under him when he had a cast on one leg up to his hip. The last time she did it, he swung his crutch at her and knocked her out cold but got suspended for hurting her. She was never once punished for the harassment she dished out so easily. Says something about the way the people in authority view abuse too. It is sad, just sad.

Love, Hugs & Peace, My Friend, I am happy to know you!

RudeDawg 04-30-2001 12:04 AM

WOW, I'm humbled by the nice things y'all have said about me.

I was just trying to use my experience to make a point, albeit an extreme one. I understand LadyRae's view, and wanted to share this with her.

Thanks, I do hope that it made me a better person, but I'm sure I'm not as nice as y'all are making me out to be. I do have many insights about my personal "Times of Troubles", that add up to a very encouraging viewpoint, but if you'd like to hear them, post to me in my story thread, "The Forging".

I'd think we should re-focus this thread to the isue that LadyRae brought up. Speaking as someone who is in the Men's guild, I know that I shall be more discreet with my posting.

We love ya, LadyRae. Forgive the children that reside in men!!! (As a 32yr old child,I have no problem admitting my immaturity at times)

The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes

Sazerac 04-30-2001 12:07 AM

Moni wrote:

Some girl at my son's middle school used to get thrills by kicking his crutches out from under him when he had a cast on one leg up to his hip. The last time she did it, he swung his crutch at her and knocked her out cold but got suspended for hurting her. She was never once punished for the harassment she dished out so easily. Says something about the way the people in authority view abuse too. It is sad, just sad.
Moni, it is so sad. A son of a friend of ours was suspended from his high school last week because he was defending himself from being beaten to a pulp. He was told he couldn't go to his prom, which apparently meant a lot to him. I say that, because the next night, he decided to commit suicide and did so.

Needless to say, his family and friends are heartbroken. I can't lay the blame entirely at the coldness of the school's administration, because killing himself was his own decision, but I have a strong feeling that the unfair suspension was very much a factor in his making that decision. The sad waste of a young life.

When will those in authority learn that the mindless imposition of rules without spirit or heart (or even common sense) involved leads to tyranny?

Bahamut 04-30-2001 06:45 AM

i have a little problem... my life seems to degrade on its own. I happen now to fight it, but alas the more i try to, the it degrades... and a long lost past that i have to get, you guys are luckier than me coz you only battle for this and not really your own personal, real life. if you think this is a great insult, look deeper. this is nothing compared to all the others out there... so please, dont have to fight over a simple yet complicated matter.

and lady rae... i was also thinking that... society itself can be the root of all evil... not money... i mean, it is US who taint money in some poor guys head... and if you express an opinion, try to have sex with a guy, or whatever, you are called a bitch- hence us men, when we do the same thing, people look up and say, "YEAH!" it is sickening... blame society for all that is happening. not money, nor technology... it is how the people, US use it.


LadyRae 05-01-2001 06:32 AM

I wanted to reply to you all and, yeh, not go away mad. Your reactions are just what I thought they would be, especially the women's. And, yes, I do apoligise for the lauguage used and the anger that I didn't try very hard to 'lighten up'. Thank you all for your responses. And Special thanks to RudeDawg, my newest friend here and to Moiraine, one of my first friends here.

Rudy, I know your heart was in your tale of the awful experiences you've had and that it is never easy to share such a thing, especially with a group of people you've known for such a short time. My friend, please know that this meant much to me and that you are someone I would like to continue to know.

Moiraine. Brava! Wish I could have said it as well and made my point without all the shite hitting the fan! Thanks! I will ALWAYS remember you!

Memnoch. Ouch! My tone was angry, yes. but the language not that bad. The only things not censored with ##'s was shite without the 'e' and the word that rhymes with 'witch'. But I'm sorry. It's not my style and I should've maintained not even saying cr@p or h$ll without the 'censors'.

Melusine. I will chalk your reaction up to the fact that you come from a generation whose 'men' quite legitimately refer to their girlfriends as 'their bitches'. You can't help it. As to the 'sugary sickening love-talk that goes on in other threads'? Let me touch on that before I say goodbye.

The Moon's Hope Inn was an accident. I thought it up as a way to 'get us all together' in one thread after chasing people I wanted to talk to all over the board and never catching up with them! I never meant for it to become a 'serial' that would sport 100's of posts a day! Jeesh! Even I haven't read all that! But it's not it's success I'm amazed at. It's the controversy. That post that Yorick created that night was a lot more up and up than his coming into Reeka's post-party thread and 'attacking' her. And me. It would have been better, Yorrick, to have left the original thread that I was indeed planning on replying to. And it would have been a lot more honest.

No. In answer to some of you, the tetosterone thing isn't the 'last straw' in my real-life. It was the last straw here. Of people deciding what is right and wrong by what suits them. Yorrick never mentioned Vic's thread where there was anything from sexist to very rude content all the time he went on (and on) about about the 'porn' that going on at the Inn. Why didn't you just say it was the fact that we role/played romance while being married/engaged in rl that bothered you, Yorrick? Like in your deleted post? And whoever it was who sent the anonymous blind-email, you I will call a complete coward. Any one of us would have responded by 'toning it down' had we been approched in a reasonable 'up-front' way!

Ziroc. God Ziroc. Thank you Dan. For all you've done for us here. For all you've dome for me. And for your email. I don't cancel my membership. I would like to leave it with my email for any who would like to maintain a friendship with me.

I am sorry all, for the anger. That isn't my style either. And yes, you menfolk, I do forgive the thoughtless remarks as I know you are the product of a society that condones this kind of thing in it's men. 'All in fun' is a great excuse for injustice committed against all minorities. The fact that it's still okay for this against women but not for those other's mentioned in my first angry post gives me hope and tells me that we have indeed come a long ways on the road to being civilized.

Goodbye all. Be well. I'm thinking Ziroc will grant my wish and leave my profile (at least for now) and, PLEASE, any who want to contact me, you are more than welcome.

I will sorely miss you all.


caleb 05-01-2001 07:04 AM

Hey your a stone golem why dont you just smash them to bits instead of leaving.

------------------ I am ken BOW TO ME!

Memnoch 05-01-2001 07:17 AM

Lee, I am sincerely sorry to hear that, but will respect your wishes if that is truly how you feel. The door will always be open here for you.


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