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Skydracgrrl 10-05-2001 08:45 PM

Skye laughed nervously at the look Liliara gave her. "Ahem, uh, hi, guess you're ok then. Mind introducing me to your friend?" She gestured towards the warrior standing behind her. Liliara's eyes widened suddenly, as she spotted something behind her. "Maybe you should introduce us to your new friend..." Liliara asked Skye wryly. *sigh* "This is Lyulfe, a song dragon, and also my new partner. Don't bother asking, I'm still a bit confused about it myself," Skye added hastily as Liliara started to open her mouth. "Hello wild elf, and human warrior. I guess you are friends with Skye then?" Lyulfe asked in a husky melodic voice. Skye gaped at the dragon along with Liliara and Bullvye. "Why didn't you tell me you can speak, let alone elven tongue?!" Skye yelled at Lyulfe. He shrugged (well, as best as a dragon can do). "I never felt like it. Dragons can speak any language, we just find it easier to use telapathy (sp?) so that our minds don't get rusty," Lyulfe replied. Skye was just about to reply with a scorching remark when she felt a sudden weight added to her pack. "Hm? What's this?" Skye wondered aloud, as she pulled out some relics, causing Liliara to gasp. "That's what we have been searching for! How did you get them?" Liliara asked Skye, but she didn't seem to be paying attention, like always. ^_^;; Her face suddenly got very serious, as her eyes narrowed. She seemed to be concentrating, then her eyes widened as she seemed worried. She started to run off down the hallway. "Look's like you're going to have to introduce your friend later. Shade is in trouble, I can feel it!" The others quickly caught up with Skye. "How do you know where he is?" Liliara asked breathlessly. (eh, probably not breathlessly, but it sounded like a good descriptive word to use. ^_^;; ) "Don't ask me how I know, we need to hurry. If I know him, he might do something stupid during his fight. I have known him ever since we were children, and with me there he might not try to do anything dumb. Come on!" Lilara, Lyulfe, and Bullvye rushed onwards and upwards, with Skye leading.
OOC- Um, sry bout controlling er characters a bit there Liliara and Bullvye... just trying to move things along... ^_^;;


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
Princess of Blondeness, second only to Aerie, who is Queen of Blondeness.
Entertainer/idiot and Elven bard at the Bar.My Website!

[This message has been edited by Skydracgrrl (edited 10-05-2001).]

Nanobyte 10-05-2001 09:15 PM

OOC: Little tidbits, Skye, Dragons speak Draconic as a common language. Of course, Song dragons are very active with Humans, Elves, ect. so there is a definite possibility that this one could have caught on to the language. I mean, the Draconic language DOES use the Elven alphabet.. (Of course, it may be the other way around..)

IC: After stumbling upon an old friend, Shade makes his way around his new-found foes. He thinks to himself, *Hmm.. A Robot.. A Mind Flayer.. or Flash..* Seeing the Flayer as the biggest threat, the Assassin takes short work of the Psion. Lord Flash hears a sudden gag, ending with a small *thud*. He turns to see the Mind Flayer sprawled across the floor, blood seeping from the back of its head. A voice is heard from behind, "Something drastic? Oh, please do. I could really go for some entertainment right about now." A gentle tap on his shoulder, Lord Flash hurls his Rune Axes around to bash the Elf. To his surprise, there is nothing there. The same voice is, again, heard from behind, "Foolish Human.. I am your worst adversary, I am trained to kill. Unlike you, you pathetic mongrel.." The robot holds up its arm, transforming it into a huge laser-like weapon. A short blast of electric energy sends Shade through the Tower wall, down 50 feet.. (OOC: 5th floor is 50 feet up, LF. Not 50th floor..)

Encard 10-05-2001 09:38 PM


Originally posted by Lord Shield:
Encard stops when he hears the largest of the robots trundling overhead. One of the vampires looks at the wall and notices a slim crack

"must be a sliding door"

He dissolves into mist and slips through the crack

Later on the door hisses open. There was a human in white clothing on the other side but he looks a bit drained

Eh... a human? Do you mean that the vampire opened the door, or that somebody else killed the vampire and opened the door? I'm not sure, and don't want to post something until I am...

The Eternal <font color="PLUM">C</font><font color="YELLOW">h</font><font color="BLUE">A</font><font color="RED">o</font><font color="GREEN">s</font>-bringer of <H3>HADB</H3>

CCCCCCcccccccHHHHHHHHhhhhhhAAAAAAAaaaaaaaOOOOOOOoo oooooSSSSSSSsssssss.............

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 10-05-2001).]

Skydracgrrl 10-05-2001 10:25 PM

OOC- yeah, i know that. dragons are known for their vast wisdom though, so... ^_^
IC- The group coughed as a cloud of dust suddenly rose around them, following a great crashing and flying bits of rock and rotten floor board. "What the-?!" Skye choked out. Lyulfe spread his wings abit, and cleared away the cloud some. Everyone stared at the partially mangled heap lying among broken shards of tower. **I believe that Shade is in need of a bit of assistance Skye, if you are done gawking** Lyulfe thought, as everyone slowly recovered from the sudden incident. "What? You have got to be kidding. That's not Sha-" She was cut off as the heap suddenly moaned, and dropped its sword next to Skye's foot. The sword looked very familiar... "Gyaa, it IS Shade!" Liliara walked to Shade's side to assess the damage. ** Didn't I just say that?** Lyulfe muttered. "Many assorted cuts and wounds varying from serious to light, most likely some broken ribs, and maybe some internal damage." While Liliara continued to rattle off a list of other probable damages, Skye was staring at the floor, her hair hiding her face. Lyulfe noticably turned a lighter shade of silver amythyst, and started to inch away from her. "Um, you ok Skye? Skye?" Liliara glanced up, when she felt a sudden increase of power surrounding the normally pacifist Skye (not sure if thats the word im lookin for oh well). Skye's aura almost seemed visible, which is rather strange for a bard. Skye finally looked up, and the look in her eye chilled everyone to the bone, as their blood curdled. Their hair stood up on end as she finally spoke. "They will pay." She walked coldly in the direction that Shade had come. Liliara cleared her throat nervously. "Bullvye, maybe it's best that you keep an eye on Skye... I owuldn't exactly trust her in this state of mind..." The warrior nodded gravely, then followed the receding figure.
Lord Flash growled at the robot. "You idiot, I didn't want to kill the guy! I know that elf from someplace..." Lord Flash struggled with his internal emotions. *Poof* his evil shoulder devil appeared. "Eh, why argue? You would have had to blow the fool up anyway." the devil said, grinning. *Poof* An angel appeared on his other shoulder, apparently having been in a hurry, with its halo and robes askew. "Um, didn't my angel get eaten by my even more evil shoulder devil?" LF asked tentatively. "Yes, but the Shoulder angels were notified, and we took care of the problem" the angel said angelically, while trying to brush some of the blood stains out from its robe. "You should destroy the robot for doing that. Shade was from the Bar, and not only will many people from the Bar be angry at you, he's sort of a friend. well, he could have been." "Those are stupid reasons!" the devil retorted. LF looked back and forth between the angel and devil, obviously getting very annoyed and confused. "Well, think of all the times that the robot has been annoying! When has it not been? And also, would you seriously want LS to be angry with you?" the angel yelled, and the devil paused in thought. "Good point. Yeah, just blow up the annoying thing. It's better than us being blown up later by LS." LF looked up at the robot, who had inched away abit during LF's conversation with no one. "Um, are you ok?" The robot asked tentatively, while LF slowly reached for his weapon. The robot when flying back with LF's blow. "Now to disarm you, you dumb robot! By the way, I never did care about anything you said about your model, and Your singing stinks!" LF yelled. He was about to disable the robot when suddenly the robot shortcircuited, blowing up for no apparent reason. When the smoke had cleared, LF saw the outline of a figure, with smoke coming from their palm. "DIE." The paladin froze at the malice in the one word the figure spoke, then prepared himself as it approached. "...Skye...?" He blinked in surprise at the change that had overcome the sweet, inoccent elf. Her eyes showed no recognition.
OOC- oh boy, think its long enough? ^_^;; sry bout making people do stuff again, i dont nnormally like doing stuff like that. btw, for thos who might be confused, Skye is sorta beserk, because she got upset overwhat happened to Shade (well they were childhood friends...) I know bards can't berserk, lets just say that when someone she knows gets hurt or something, she sometimes goes over the edge, and goes all physcotic and stuff. ^_^;; she's extremely hard to piss off, but when she does, nothing can stop her, unless she is killed or somehow someone is able to snap her out of it. if someone doesnt really like something ive done in the post, just say so, and ill edit it. ^_^;;


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
Princess of Blondeness, second only to Aerie, who is Queen of Blondeness.
Entertainer/idiot and Elven bard at the Bar.My Website!

Encard 10-05-2001 10:33 PM

OOC: Hmm... *wince* I have a feeling there's a chance of it all ending with a large lump on the head... or possibly a bit more than a lump...

IC: Encard looks down for a moment, and sees something shiny lying on the ground. He bends over and picks it up, and it seems to be some sort of flat metal thing with some wierd stuff on it. He looks up again to the door.

OOC: Hmm... I remember you said you'd want to get resurrected reasonably soon. I'll see if I can arrange something, if you want. If not, just tell me.

The Eternal <font color="PLUM">C</font><font color="YELLOW">h</font><font color="BLUE">A</font><font color="RED">o</font><font color="GREEN">s</font>-bringer of <H3>HADB</H3>

CCCCCCcccccccHHHHHHHHhhhhhhAAAAAAAaaaaaaaOOOOOOOoo oooooSSSSSSSsssssss.............

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 10-05-2001).]

Skydracgrrl 10-05-2001 11:09 PM

OOC- Um, encard, are you talking to yourself? ^_^;; you're confusing me a bit... what post are you refering to? and LF, if you have any objections to my earlier post, ill change it for ya, just tell me what to do. ^_^;;


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
Princess of Blondeness, second only to Aerie, who is Queen of Blondeness.
Entertainer/idiot and Elven bard at the Bar.My Website!

Neb 10-06-2001 02:18 AM

Kivan and his friends had decided NOT to follow Encard into the tunnel because Kharanax was complaining about the magical radiation from his wands and didn't shut up before Rissa threatened him with physical violence, instead, they headed directly for the tower which someone had made a new pair of doors for, they chose one and headed for it.

(OOC: This thing about the tower admitting noone not of elven blood, does that mean that for example Kharanax will be killed by some sort of enchantment if he enters, or does it mean that the door won't open for anyone except elves.)

Worshipper of Tiax.
Wielder of the ancient Lawyer spells.
Member of the HADB clan. Ally of the Fluffy Queen and the Dreaded Red Fluffy
General of the highest class and Leader of the Legal Department in the IW Peacekeeping Force.
ORT member, Official Demander of Stuff.

"If Silence is golden, why does everyone talk so much?"

Encard 10-06-2001 11:05 AM

OOC: Talking to myself... no... Lord Shield posted saying that a vampire noticed a sliding door in the ground, turned into mist, then a little later the door opened and a guy in white was standing there looking drained... but it seems as though he deleted the post. Hmm... I wonder if he meant that the vampire drank the guy's blood... hmm... yes, that could be it...

IC: Encard waves to Kivan his group, and then goes through the door, followed by Plague and the vampires. They have gone into a metal passageway, and the only sounds they can here are their own footsteps. As they walk on, they encounter no resistance at all, and Encard makes the guess that this tunnel has been completely forgotten. After a few minutes of walking, they come to a door. At least, it looks like it is a door, since it's a different color from the wall and vaguely squarish. There is strange looking thing with a thin slot in it by the door, with several light on it that are currently off. THere is no opening for the vampires to get through, and Plague is unable to bash it open. Encard decides not to use his spells, since who knows whether it is reflective or not? He then begins to examine the device by the doo. It isn;t much to look atm just a small metal box with some spiky things, some other stuff that apparently is there for some sort of aesphetic value, and a thing slot. Encard thinks for a bit, then remember the thing he found on the ground a bit earlier. He take sit out of his bag, and slides it through the slot. The lists blink green, and the door opens, leading into what is apparently a storage room of some sort. After testing the doorway and area near it for traps with his spells, Encard leads the way inside.
The room is filled with crates, soem large, some small, some wooden, some metal... none protected in any way. Plague looks at one of the smaller ones and kick it hard, so that it flies againt a wall and shatters. As the pieces of wood fly outward, several guns fall from the crate to ground. The group rushes over to examine them, and they seem to be some sort of laser pistol type weapon, as they found out after testing them on some pieces of crate. Encard grins evilly and says, "We seem to be very lucky today... it looks like we've stumbled onto a weapon storage room!" When they have finished breaking open the rest of the crates, the results aren't as good as they had hoped, but are still fairly decent. They found 6 working laser pistols, 3 X-I170 laser-projectile rifles, a RE-781X large detonator-beam laser, and fair number of energy cartridges for the weapons. After they had divided up the weapons, Encard gave an extra cartridge to each of them, then put the reamining ones in his bag, cautioning the group to aim well, since they didn't actually have all that many extra cartridges. Ater checking the room again for anything of importance, the party leaves and continues walking down the corridor.

OOC: This is going to be the last contribution I can make for a few days, so don't finish everything before I get back, please. Oh, and no, I am not going to have the vampires, Encard, and Plague run through the tower blasting everything to death, just in case anyone was concerned.

The Eternal &lt;font color="PLUM"&gt;C&lt;/font&gt;&lt;font color="YELLOW"&gt;h&lt;/font&gt;&lt;font color="BLUE"&gt;A&lt;/font&gt;&lt;font color="RED"&gt;o&lt;/font&gt;&lt;font color="GREEN"&gt;s&lt;/font&gt;-bringer of &lt;H3&gt;HADB&lt;/H3&gt;


CCCCCCcccccccHHHHHHHHhhhhhhAAAAAAAaaaaaaaOOOOOOOoo oooooSSSSSSSsssssss.............

Lord Shield 10-06-2001 11:47 AM

I didn't delete a post - is it not still here then?

to recapitulate:

There was a technician on the other side of the door. The vampire went through thte crack, killed him, and opened it from the other side

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Ironworks Dark General
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King of Pointlessness

Skydracgrrl 10-06-2001 03:20 PM

OOC- Gyaa, what is this doing on the second page?! bump! and also, if anyone has comments on my earlier post involving going sorta, er, physcotic, mention it. ^_^;; i dunno why i did that, i just felt like it i guess. its better than creating another character, just have skye have 2 split personalities or something (sorta not really... ^_^;; ) if you ahvent realised it by now, i just had a huge cup of coffee, so i better step back from my computer before i hurt something besides myself. ^_^;; eheheh...


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
Princess of Blondeness, second only to Aerie, who is Queen of Blondeness.
Entertainer/idiot and Elven bard at the Bar.My Website!

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