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KDogRex 03-20-2001 09:49 AM


Originally posted by Moridin:
Good morning gentlemen!

I have 'limited' my forum time these last couple of days (and will continue to do so ) to concentrate on other things. I put a post somewhere about it. I leave for London tonight so I am having a hard time concentrating at work

That's right! I'm sure you'll have a great time. You mentioned that you were thinking of renting a car to travel to Wales and Scotland. Are you still planning to do that?

-Resident Corset Loosener and Bard of the OHF

Draconia 03-20-2001 09:50 AM

Looks up from her cup and smiles at Kdog's tale. Looks away embarrassed at the thought of what her dragon has done. I really hope she doesn't eat the new bartender. Finishes her java and pours herself another cup.

Draconia, Dragon Queen

KDogRex 03-20-2001 09:51 AM

Draconia- You look lovely, even after an evening of too much Elven wine. You and the Silver Mage were a thing of beauty on the dance floor last night (especially after I got your name right!)

BK - No prob, here you go. *Hands him a steaming, foamy cup of the Cap.

-Resident Corset Loosener and Bard of the OHF

Gray Mage 03-20-2001 09:52 AM

Draconia, Thank you for the Dance last night. I hope we can do it agsin soon, when you get the blood pumping again. You dance divinely. Due to technical difficulties I was unable to continue the conversation but was there in spirit. From what my brother in solidarity told me we danced the night away.

Moridin, have fun in England, be sure to stop back at the inn to tell us of your adventures. Have a safe trip, and I'll see you when you get back.

Feel My Power

Arcane Adept of the OHF, "So let it be written, So let it be done"

Black Knight 03-20-2001 09:53 AM

BK steps out of shadow with a coffee pot and pours a cup for Draconia . . . if this fighting evil thing doesn't work out, I might have to find a new gig . . . Bartender of the Moon's Hope Inn . . . hmmm


Black Knight 03-20-2001 09:55 AM

Thanks KMastif. Ahh. that is just right. . . so who IS the new bartender? I have been known to mix some good drinks in my day . . .


Black Knight 03-20-2001 09:56 AM

I could help out on a part time basis . . . I know a great little drink called a Purple Rose . . .


KDogRex 03-20-2001 10:00 AM

I suppose I could lend a hand, too, I mix a mean Femme Fatale and have been known to pour a draught or two in my day!

-Resident Corset Loosener and Bard of the OHF

Draconia 03-20-2001 10:00 AM

Looks up from her cup and smiles. Blushing a little from the memory of dancing the night away. I understand about the difficulties, I had the same problem but I was able to get back in. I hope we will be able to dance again soon. You dancing took my breath away.

Looks over at Kdog and blushes at his comment.Don't worry about the name. I knew who you were talking about.

Looks over and sees BK and waves a greeting. I see that you are ok now. Poor Storm Queen was so worried about you. I was going to send my dragons out looking for you. It is good that you are safe.

Continues sipping on the hot liquid, trying to get the fuzz out of her head. Ack, too much Elven wine.

Draconia, Dragon Queen

Moridin 03-20-2001 10:02 AM

I will be sure to drop in here at the Moon's Hope to tell of my fair adventure!

BTW what did happen to the bartender? I heard something about goose grease and being 'pooped' out is this correct

I hope the new bartender has better luck (and keeps a larger supply of elvin wine )

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear ignorant,
than open it and remove all doubt!

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