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Gabriel 03-04-2001 11:29 PM

<font size=100> <font color=FF00ff>I </font><font color=ff6633>s</font><font color=ffff00>p<font color=cc66ff>a</font><font color=9933cc>m </font><font color=996600>t</font><font color=cc9999>h</font><font color=002200>e</font><font color=00ff00>r</font><font color=993300>e</font><font color=9999ff>f</font><font color=333333>o</font><font color=ccffff>r</font><font color=993300>e </font><font color=001100>I </font><font color=66ff00>a</font><font color=660066>m</font><font color=aa0000>.</font> <font size=1>

This was a size test.

[This message has been edited by Gabriel (edited 03-04-2001).]

JJ/newbie 03-04-2001 11:35 PM

yet once again i find myself in slack-jawed awe of you ing commandos.

When given a choice, take both.

Ziroc 03-04-2001 11:37 PM


Originally posted by Black Knight:
Hey, does anyone know how long a thread can be here before we crash the board? or is this a testing of that. Either way, I'm just curious.


I've seen some UBB board go into the 1000's! So its stable. The Ultraboard wasn't meant for such heavy use I guess.. but it did ok for its time


Ladyzekke 03-04-2001 11:42 PM

No doubt the old board has a lot of sentimental value to us all. This board is amazing!!


Cloudbringer 03-04-2001 11:50 PM


Originally posted by Yorick:
9 pages

Has anyone read all 9!

I havenīt been in on this conversation and iītīs quite daunting. Anyone care to summarise!!!!

(9 pages of spam?????)

Yes o Bard, NINE glorious pages of spam! And this is not the only thread like that, either! Oh and it's up to 10 as I type! It's a bit meandering, don't think we can encapsulate it without several pages... best to find a quiet spot with a computer and read a while! It's fun stuff!

------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

Ziroc 03-05-2001 12:02 AM


Originally posted by Tobbin:
Hey Epona, I did it. Made Drow Warrior. WOO HOO. I also passed CB's posts. I can't believe I made it. 155 posts in one day. Can you believe the spam. LOL

(As the Spider Queen would say: "You're just a male!" )

Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 12:04 AM


Originally posted by Epona:
Tobbin: 155 posts in ONE DAY? Do you have a team of people to do your typing, because I think my hands would be dead after that! And I thought no-one would EVER pass CB! All these long multiplayer sessions are taking their toll on her spamtime!

Stealth: Aaaarg! I'm going to have to speed up a bit or you'll get to Drow Warrior before me! I WANT TO BE A DROW WARRIOR TOOOOOOOO..... I'll have to give up my job.....

Epona- it's awful having to cater to all my various addictions- Email, BG2 forums, BG2 multi games, reading(temptation arrived by way of UPS, I now have all 10 of the Forgotten Realms books I ordered on recommendation of this crew!), Star Trek re-runs, Disney cartoons, gardening (not a temptation today, ...we are getting 18-28 inches of snow btwn now and Tues morning!)....sigh I am going to need cloning soon I tend to cycle the addictions...but boy it's rough with this new board up and all! LOL

Yes, multi-gaming does cut down on spamming, but it is a RUSH to play it that way and I love it!

Hey I got my Archaeology magazine for the month and haven't had time to read it...sigh. Cover lists "Land of the Golden Fleece: Chasing Jason and the Argonauts in the Republic of Georgia", "Celtic Blood Rites: Headhunting Warrior Cults", and "Egypt's Pyramids:Inspired by Nature?" Now if I don't drop my multigame or board spamming for that, well, you know I'm addicted...hahahahaha

How is the weather in London?

Cloudy, headhunting for Memnoch

------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 12:08 AM


Originally posted by Black Knight:
Besides, like I have time for anything other than chase Cloudbringer across cyberspace.


Aww, you can email me and we can set up cyberdates...hahaha!
hey, be glad you aren't getting MY weather, BK! It's snowing out now and we expect from 18-28 inches by day after tomorrow! I hate shoveling snow.

Is it gray and cold in Ohio?


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

Ziroc 03-05-2001 12:11 AM


Originally posted by Gray Mage:
Anybody here watch the sopranos??

Hell yeah! Did you see the 2 hour opener? Did you see the mother, she wasn't really there--she died in real-life, so they super imposed her onto the image of another old lady. (also, did you notice EVERYTHING she said, she's said before, and in the exact way?) I've worked with bluescreening and superimposing, and could tell right away, and the way they shot the scene.

Awesome show! I bought the First season CD, but have not seen most of season 2's ep's--will buy the cd set to catch up.

I got HBO to watch just that.. I also love Stargate-SG1 on Showtime.


Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 12:12 AM


Originally posted by bilqis:
Surrrrre!! I leave to actually spend time with my family, and play some IwD and what do I find when I come back??? I'm left behind in the dust.

I'll never make Magister at this rate!! And nobody missed me either, you turkeys!

This place is amazing! 11 pages and counting! I say let's go to infinity and BEYOND!"

(any chance of finding a rocket or superman type smiley? )

GO BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!!!! I love Disney! And don't feel bad bilqis! I left to multi-play BG2 and they left me behind too! So lets just jump in with both feet and who cares where we land! All forward, full steam ahead!


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

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