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Ilander 12-06-2004 11:51 PM

<font color=yellow><font size=4>Yeah, ummm...My worst experience with alcohol involves me being curious and scientifically see, we were very recently out of mouthwash...and I looked at the active ingredient. It happened to be isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, which we had PLENTY of course I poured rubbing alcohol in my mouth and swished it around!

And of course I lost all feeling (and epithelial cells) in my mouth for a little while...but that was after the burning.</font></font>

Don't drink rubbing alcohol, kids!

aleph_null1 12-07-2004 01:15 AM


Originally posted by Ilander:
Don't drink rubbing alcohol, kids!
Are you kidding me, dude?

My worst experience ever has to be 2002 college sailing nationals in Hawaii. Two of my friends and I (all freshmen then) got so impossibly drunk after a bad first day that we ended up puking until about 2pm the next day. Never had that happen before or since -- and we were in Hawaii! So warm and sunny, but the stomach kept rejecting everything we put in it (including water!) for the whole next day.

Horrible day -- but great surf (2 to 3 ft. overhead) that afternoon and evening!

Landon Contressior 12-07-2004 01:16 AM

I think my worst(meaning intersesting) drunkin story would have to be a freinds going away party.It was at a cabin in the woods. (No Cops:))

He was off to the Marines basic training. Well he wanted some freinds to party with him before he left. I decided that i would join him that night. It was my first time getting drunk. Once everyone had arrived and got pretty tipsy, everybody started having a good time as usual, but then people started leaving. I wanted to go too, However there was a Creek beside the cabin and i stumbled into it. I tryed to get out for like 10 minutes, until finally i figured out where i was. So i took out my trusty cigerette lighter and found my way out. It was great.

johnny 12-07-2004 04:28 AM

Yeah, i have loads of stories, except none of em are bad. The question was "do you have any bad experiences with alcohol" and i honestly don't think i had any.

Well...maybe one. I think i was 17 or 18. There's this unspoken rule here, that you shouldn't drink and eat fish afterwards. I kinda forgot it that time, since i was hungry like crazy and i always hated going to bed on an empty stomach. So i had two sandwiches with salty haring, and went off to bed. After a few minutes, the inevitable happened....i had to throw up. Now...i was really drunk and didn't have the strength anymore to get up and walk downstairs to the bathroom, so i rolled over and threw up beside the bed on the carpet. My grandma, with whom i lived at that time, woke up because of the noise and came checking on me. When she saw what happened she immediately started to clean things up (lovely job in the middle of the night) and went back to bed.

Here's the bad part.... the haringsmell never came out of the carpet, no matter how many times my grandma cleaned it. When sunlight entered the bedroom and things got warmer, it became really bad, like rotten fish or something, so it left my grandma no other choice as to completely recarpet the bedroom.


shadowhound 12-07-2004 06:44 AM

"Last time I saw you... you were climbing up a tree with banana spread all over your body chanting 'Whos a pretty monkey' "

...nuff said.

The Hierophant 12-07-2004 06:50 AM

Once when I was 14 a friend got us some whiskey and I drank alot of the whiskey and my friend broke a window in my face as I was pulling a blowfish thingie on it and my face started bleeding and I kinda freaked out and then fell down a bank and I got lots of scratches when I fell down the bank and then must've gotten sick and my friends left me passed out in the rain when I got sick...

Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-07-2004 06:59 AM

This isn't the worst story, but it's kinda funny.

When I was 5-6-7 years old, I would sometimes wake up when my parents were seeing company out the door at night. I'd go down and say hi (in german of course) then, as they were saying goodbye I'd go in the living room and finish off all their drinks! Then I'd stagger back up to bed. ..maybe that's why I don't drink today.

dplax 12-07-2004 07:26 AM

My worst story was on the night of our class ball in secondary school. We had to do a dance at six pm and we had started drinking at five. We still managed to do the dance and were even in shape to have the food after that, but the trouble was that before going to the after party we dropped off to a supermarket and tanked up. This was during winter and it was a cold night so during the walk to the afterparty we drank most of what we had bought. I remember crashing a full beerbottle on the steps up to the club, where the afterparty was held. I wanted to hide it under my coat, to take it in, but forgot to hold it. [img]smile.gif[/img] The toilets in the club were disgusting and basically everyone was too wasted to dance. There was the whole year, so about 120 people there and it was just loud music and mostly inactive people. Around 4 am I managed to call myself a taxi, and luckily I managed to get out of it, without throwing up inside. The throwing up came about half an hour later... That was an extremely wild night, for a lot of my friends it is also their worst.

J'aran 12-07-2004 08:15 AM

Waking up one morning with a large portion of my body covered in (mostly superficial) cuts and scratches, and having no clue whatsoever of how I got them. I remember leaving the bar that night, and bits and pieces of the way home, but to this day I don't know what caused those cuts. No torn or stained clothing, no bruises or anything else that would indicate a fall or some other kind of accident, there was still a rather large amount of cash in my wallet so I wasn't mugged... It's a complete mystery.

A wierd escapade rather than an exactly bad one, but I thought I'd share the story nonetheless.

Lady Sedai 12-07-2004 08:46 AM

I've got a couple...

One started out with me closing the shop I was working at and going next door waiting for my friend to finish closing with her boss (he ran a video store and it took them about an hour longer than me to count the money, etc.).

We started out drinking coolers in the back room while counting the money. When they were done, there was a little bar in the same shopping complex, so we went over there. He put down his Gold Card and told us to help ourselves. Which we did. [img]tongue.gif[/img] I started then drinking margaritas and tequila sunrises.

When the bar closed, we headed over to his house where he and his wife served us "real" tequila (they were Puerto Rican). ;) He tried to entertain us on his guitar, but the bar stool tilted and he landed flat on his back still holding his guitar with a stunned look on his face. think all of this is cute and sounds like I had a great time.

However, when my friend and I finally left, she drove me the couple miles back to the parking lot so I could get my truck and go home. It was probably 6am by then and sunrise would be in about 30 minutes.

I get in my truck, put the key in the ignition, turn the key and hear that old V-8 engine rumble....then I wake up completely dressed in my bed at home.

I don't remember a THING about that drive home...then or now. Needless to say, it's the LAST time I ever drank and drove.

I remember sneaking downstairs so as to not wake my parents and checked out the truck. No damage. Looked around in the cab and in my tickets. And apparently I managed to get in the house without waking my parents or making the dog bark (thus waking my parents) or I'd likely not be alive today. My father would have KILLED me if I'd disturbed his sleep.

The second incident is a short story. Drinking before going to the club, drinking heavily once I *got* to the club (we had a designated driver this time). I'd had nothing to eat in 3 days due to a second bout with anorexia, so all that alcohol so quickly hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't stand, I had a cold sweat and the room was spinning. I looked across the way to see the door to the bathroom and *knew* I was going to be sick.

Somehow, I managed to stumble into the bathroom before losing it and all the alcohol I had drunk went down the sink. But once I sicked up, I felt much better and went on to dance and have a good time that evening. I just didn't drink anymore.

[ 12-07-2004, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Lady Sedai ]

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