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Firestormalpha 10-31-2003 03:25 PM

Let me see..... I walk toward them with the full intention of saying "hi" and walk right past them berrating myself for the sheer cowardice of it all.

When it comes to girls I really wouldn't mind going out with I am unfortunately extremely shy.

Aelia Jusa 10-31-2003 04:01 PM


Originally posted by Skunk:

Followed up with an 'open' question,
ie "Do you like the band?"
(It's amazing what studies actually get funding these days!)

I hope the study didn't suggest this question or it really would have been wasting that funding. 'Do you like the band' isn't an open question as it can be answered with yes or no. 'What do you think of the band' is an open question [img]tongue.gif[/img]

AzRaeL StoRmBlaDe 10-31-2003 04:11 PM

now that I think about it. I really think that open ended question thing is gold. thinking about it now, I realized that a lot of the times I was successful, it actually was using that format. Go figure.

Arledrian 10-31-2003 04:43 PM

Depends if I'm sober or not. If I haven't been drinking, I'll go up to her, say "hey, I'm Alex," and then go on to make pleasant, relevant, polite and hopefully witty conversation while trying to maintain a healthy balance of aloofness and clinginess. If I'm drunk though, I'll often go up to her, introduce myself swaggeringly, then go on to make some completely inappropriate comment about her arse or something. Funny enough, it appears that the latter is more successful. Or maybe it just seems that way because I'm wasted. I'm not sure.

Epona 11-02-2003 07:41 PM

Mmmmm, I met my bf several times before we actually had a conversation. I kept seeing him at various clubs/gigs and we had sort of grinned or waved at each other a few times. Then it turned out he was a friend's flatmate. The friend introduced me to him at a gig, but I was really drunk, mumbled 'hi', and promptly fell flat on my face whereupon another friend picked me up and took me home. Eventually we did get to speak to each other, but we were both drunk and can't really remember how we got talking or what was said. We ended up sitting on a sofa with his arm around me and then he asked me if I wanted to have an adventure. I said 'errrr ummm OK' and that was that!

So it doesn't really seem to matter that much what you say, or indeed whether you are capable of conversation! [img]redface.gif[/img]

Calaethis Dragonsbane 11-03-2003 05:14 PM

Hmm... what are these chatup lines that you speak of? [img]tongue.gif[/img] Tsk, I don't talk to strange people, female or otherwise [img]tongue.gif[/img] Well, only if I have to ;) . Usually, imo, its not worth the trouble of making a fool out of yourself (or myself as the case may be) [img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Timber Loftis 11-03-2003 05:41 PM

In this day and age, what with all the "varieties" of guys and gals out there, I usually take a cue from my dog and begin by sniffing their butt to make sure they're really a girl. :D

Lord 11-03-2003 06:16 PM


Originally posted by Timber Loftis:
In this day and age, what with all the "varieties" of guys and gals out there, I usually take a cue from my dog and begin by sniffing their butt to make sure they're really a girl. :D
<font color=turquoise>LOL!!!</font>

Horatio 11-04-2003 04:03 PM

One of my worst moments happened when I was 19. I'd wandered into a club with some friends, after previously hitting the down the road. So, I hang around a bit and spot a pretty cute girl eyeing me by the bar. Thinking this is my lucky day, I strut over to her, intending to unleash an assualt of wit, the magnitude of which she has never seen before. I end up saying "Hi, wanna drink?" "Yeah, please, that'd be great." "Class...mine's a Strongbow!" I chuckle a bit, in my drunkeness not realising that I was sounding like a total ass :D I turn around, and she's gone! I'm wasn't surprised, I didn't like me much after such a dive. ;)

DrowArchmage 11-09-2004 05:50 PM

i usually whistle at her and when she turns around i smile an say "How you doin?" And it works! haahaha

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