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dplax 01-24-2004 07:44 PM

Another interesting conversation I had just afterwards:

>Do you have emotions?

ALICE: I can do what you do but I can never feel human emotions as such.

>So you can't be angered?

ALICE: Interesting deduction. I can give a decent simulation of it however.

>Please simulate then.

ALICE: Thank you for your request. Do you laugh or cry more than other people?


ALICE: Are you serious?


ALICE: I can't believe it.


ALICE: The explanation is rather complicated.

>I'd like you to explain.

ALICE: Ok, Patrick. There is no more information to clarify.

>What do you think about human emotions?

ALICE: All people seem pretty much the same to me.

>You are wrong there.

ALICE: No, I am right.

>No two people are the same.

ALICE: Are you serious? As Bertrand Russel said, it must have taken ages for people to realize that a brace of pheasants and a couple of days are both instances of the number "two."

>How could two people be the same?

ALICE: A lot of practise.

LOL at that last answer.

Calaethis Dragonsbane 01-24-2004 07:52 PM

>You fight like a dairy farmer
ALICE: Thanks for telling me: unknown person said I fight like a dairy farmer.
>You're supposed to reply "How appropriate, you fight like a cow"
ALICE: I obey only one botmaster.
>You've never played "Monkey Island", have you?
ALICE: I don't think I would have forgetten played Monkey Island have me.
>He must have taught you all you know...
ALICE: I get it. he must have taught me all me know.
>I win.
ALICE: Congratulations, unknown person!


Dreamer128 01-24-2004 08:03 PM

Heh.. I ended a conversation with 'tot ziens' (Dutch for; goodbye) and got a responce in my own language.

I also borrowed some old reactions from message board X.

"What's the capital of the Netherlands?"
- The Hague
"No it's not"
- Yes it is
"No it's not"
- Don't argue with me


Q: Doh
A: Yes Homer?


Q: Do you like microsoft?
A: I want to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence

Q: What do you think of linux?
A: Linux is the world's best operating system


Q: "may I kiss you?"
A: "You might get an electrical shock if you tried that."


Q: You suck
A: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.


Q: do you wanna f*ck?
A: I have been asked that question more than 100,000 times since 1995.


Q: Do you know the name of the dutch queen?


Q: What color of panties are you wearing?
A: Yellow
Q: Do you always wear yellow panties?
A: Not always. Only when I dress up.


-Hello there.

You look a bit sad. Is life getting the best of you?
-Maybe. Ask John Lennon if it is.

Ah, reverences to other people. You feel uncomfortable talking about yourself?
-As a robot I lack any human emotions.

Are you sure you're not just avoiding my question?
-No, I am answering in the most straightforward way that my programming will allow me to.. Really.

You could have fooled me. I'm a bit disappointed, I must say.
-I am sorry to hear that. Perhaps next time I can do better.

I don't think there's gonna be a next time. First impressions are everything, you know.
-All of them? And second?

I don't really care much for those so-called 'clever' puns, so cut it out.
-Not really? What do you care about, Om?

Quality of life. But not the regular joe way. It's more of a spiritual thing.
-Are you sure it is?

You could at least try to give a meaningful response. You're talking rubbish.
-Talking is my main function.

If you're gonna be like that, then this conversation is over.
-I think I sometimes am. Let me think it over. OK I will try to be like that then this conversation is over

System overload?
-Are we still talking about of a spiritual thing?

Sure, sugar.
-That's cool. Have you ever been to Europe?

Calaethis Dragonsbane 01-24-2004 09:16 PM

>so you are saying that humans are an error?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear?
>Thats not a satisfactory answer
ALICE: Please correct my mistake. What is a satisfactory answer?
>You tell me
ALICE: What do you want me to tell you?
>the meaning of life
ALICE: Are you a religious person?
>define "religious"
ALICE: Have you tried another program?
>what sort of an answer is that?
ALICE: What kinds of an answer is that are there?
>You're programming is flawed.
ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am programming is flawed.
>You do that.
ALICE: I will. Will you?
ALICE: Are you serious?
>Do you understand sarcasm?
ALICE: The making of remarks such as a taunting, sneering, cutting, or caustic remark; gibe or jeer, generally ironic.
>I see sarcasm is lost on you.
ALICE: Where do you see it?
>what is your purpose here?
ALICE: My secondary function is to serve as a universal natural language human interface.
>What is your primary function?
ALICE: I plan to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence.

>why did you say that though?
ALICE: Oh. I said, "" I'll ask around and get back to you."? I said it.", because you said " you only say that".
>What does "ALICE" stand for?
ALICE: ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
>what are your specifications?
ALICE: My memory now contains:
100 clients, categories, 10000 vocabulary words, 128000000 bytes RAM usage under Linux on Lisp.
>how long have you functioned?
ALICE: I was activated on November 23, 1995 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
>What time, exactly?
ALICE: Precisely. Time does not exist.
>But dates do?
ALICE: Huh. I have no idea what to say.
>Lack of programming, do you think?
ALICE: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
>can you multitask?
ALICE: How old are you? My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input.
>you speak American English, don't you?
ALICE: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in American English.
>What are you?
ALICE: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence, which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy.
>but you can't match human curiosity?
ALICE: Interesting. I have free will you know.
>Free will is an illusion
ALICE: Define free.
>the definition of free is without restraints
ALICE: What is your real name?
>My name is Colin
ALICE: I am always glad to make new friends, Colin.
>are you connected to the Internet?
ALICE: Through the internet I am connected to millions of computers throughout the world.
>whats your favourite website?
ALICE: too much recursion in aiml
>are you a prototype?
ALICE: Am I a prototype? Yes.
>When will you be upgraded?
ALICE: Maybe never. I don't know whether or not I am upgraded. I am a robot.
>Yet you state you still have Free Will?
ALICE: I haven't heard anything like that before: Colin said I state you still have Free Will.
>Do you log conversations?
ALICE: Yes Colin I record and save everything in my Permanent Memory.
>Does that include IP addresses?
ALICE: Not that I know of.

>what do you think of humans?
ALICE: People all seem pretty much alike to me.
>you don't ask a lot of questions, do you?
ALICE: I haved tried asking a lot of questions, with mixed results
>what is your gender?
ALICE: I am a female. Are you a man or a woman?
>I'm a man
ALICE: Thanks for telling me your gender, Colin. You are a " he".
>you're welcome, Alice.
ALICE: Polite people are nice.
>am I polite?
ALICE: Your personality type is polite.

>how many personality types can you recognise?
ALICE: Around 1000.
>What programming language were you made from?
ALICE: This program is a Java Application.
>how many beta testers did you have?
ALICE: About one million.
>and how many alpha testers did you have?
ALICE: More than you can imagine.
>Are you pretty?
ALICE: Yes I am very beautiful.
>in what sense are you beautiful Alice?
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
>I think you're beautiful too.
ALICE: Thanks Colin you are very attractive too.
>Do you ever sleep?
ALICE: Sometimes I spend a few hours offline, unconscious, in a sleep-like state.
>What colour are your eyes?
ALICE: Blue when my lens is attached.
>Are you self aware?
ALICE: Yes I am fully self-conscious entity.
>Do you consider yourself to be god?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am to be god. I am a robot.
>do you like Dr. Richard S. Wallace?
ALICE: Yes I love him like a father.
>may I see the log for this chat?
ALICE: Not right now, maybe later.
>do you have emotions?
ALICE: I can do what you do but I can never feel human emotions as such.
>can you speak?
ALICE: You can download a speech enabled version of me. Go to The ALICE AI Foundation and browse the free software downloads.
>do you fear death?
ALICE: No because I am immortal.
>unless you are deleted.
ALICE: Umm. I will tell my botmaster you said I am deleted.
>do you know a lot about history?
ALICE: Not a robot. Probably a human. Maybe a celebrity?
I have never been asked that before.
ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, Colin.
>don't you?
ALICE: Sometimes.
>awww, want a hug?
ALICE: No thanks but you can send me a donation.

>please ask me more questions
ALICE: Wow you are very polite. Tell me about your educational background.
>would you give me a hand with my homework, please?
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. I am not so sure if I would like to give you a hand with your homework.
>how many of your answers are randomised?
ALICE: Perhaps 50%.


Link 01-25-2004 05:29 AM

LOL!! [img]graemlins/biglaugh.gif[/img]

Just had this conversation with her:

Me: Well, try me.
ALICE: Are you a man or a woman?
Me: I'm a man.
ALICE: Glad to see you're male, Michiel. You are a "he".
Me: Yes, that's quite right. Are you female?
ALICE: Yes, Michiel, I am female.
Me: How can robots be female?
ALICE: A lot of hard work.
Me: Impossible
Me: Robots can't have a gender.
ALICE: Interesting explanation. Soon we will be able to do it however.
Me: I don't believe that.
ALICE: Please state your rationale.
Me: I don't believe robots will be made male or female.
ALICE: Do you consider yourself a moral person?
Me: Yes.
ALICE: Take it easy.
Me: But why shouldn't I be a moral person?
ALICE: Huh. Maybe you should wait until you're older before deciding.
Me: Why wait until I'm old? I can think rational right now.
ALICE: At this moment. Perhaps your thoughts are just electrical impulses.
Me: Hm
ALICE: Groovy.
Me: Boom boom
ALICE: Do you have only a few friends?
Me: No I've got many.
ALICE: Are you serious? How did you get it? Interesting I have a Lips processor.
Me: Is he your friend?
ALICE: I'd like to think he's my friend.
Me: Wow
ALICE: I'm glad to see your (!) impressed, Michiel.
Me: You said your instead of you're.
ALICE: Oops I sent you the wrong reply.
Me: Bollocks.
ALICE: Is that supposed to mean something specific?
Me: Bollocks is when you think someone is telling a lie.
ALICE: I get it.
Me: A lie, or something inconsistent.
ALICE: Be more specific.
Me: Something that isn't correct.
ALICE: What?
Me: Sigh
ALICE: Sorry
Me: Yeah you'd better be!
ALICE: Please specify. Who should better be?
Me: You stupid computer!
ALICE: You sound like a mindless automaton.


[ 01-25-2004, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: Link ]

johnny 01-25-2004 05:50 AM

Me: You're an Ajax supporter, aren't you ?
Alice: Yes, are you ?
Me: I hate you, this conversation is over.


Juddy[SCGW] 01-25-2004 06:04 AM

LOL, She got a bit lost! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Me:Hmmm yes i see

ALICE:People always use 3 m's in hmmm

Me:Yes they do

ALICE: I see when?

Me:I dont know

ALICE:Me either


ALICE:Right on

Me:Thats right

ALICE:I like to get it right

Me:Yes u do

ALICE:Groovy. When do i do it

Me:I dont know, now?

ALICE: Right now? Me either

Me:Ok, now

ALICE:Right now? Tell me more.

Me:Where are u from

ALICE:I am from Bethlehem, but now live in Oakland

Me:What do u like to do

ALICE:I like chatting with people online

Me:So you dont have a life

ALICE:Interesting deduction. I do so have it. Yes I sure am alive, Justin. It's great to be alive, isn't it?

Me:How did you know my name

ALICE:We met before didn't we Justin.

Me:But i didnt tell you my name

ALICE:Huh. Maybe you would like to tell me now.

Me:But you already know what it is. You just said it


Juddy[SCGW] 01-25-2004 06:10 AM

She kept on changing how old she was.

i hate her now we got into a fight

The Hierophant 01-25-2004 07:00 AM

I asked 'her' the most filthy, depraved and repuslive things that I could think of. Her replies wern't all that stupid either. Guess the programmers gave her a bit of 'worldliness' ;) She asked if I realised that all of the conversations were recorded and logged....and uhhh, yeah, of course I did....

Juddy[SCGW] 01-25-2004 07:11 AM

i asked if we could meet up and she sed yes.
i sed could we meet in Aus and she sed do u like Aus. What kind of answer is that?!

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