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Dreamer128 01-24-2002 11:42 AM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
stealing is stealing, and no means can justify it.
Didnt the US belong to the Indians before you people stole it? Why don't you start by turning your ground over to them?

Sir ReGiN 01-24-2002 11:50 AM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jorath Calar:
"can open, worms everywere..."

wow, could we calm down a bit guys, I don't want my thread to change into a religious war...

You guys didn't see this?!
In that case I'll post it again!

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jorath Calar:
"can open, worms everywere..."

wow, could we calm down a bit guys, I don't want my thread to change into a religious war...

Respect people! Respect that he/she doesn't want you to discuss this at his/hers thread!
Geez :rolleyes:

MagiK 01-24-2002 11:59 AM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jorath Calar:
I was watching the news yesterday and they were talking about this volcano eruption in Kongo and that 60 people had died in a gasstation explosion because they were stealing gas. They would run over lava that was starting to cool down with barrels full of gas.
What people in their right mind would go into a gasstation when there is a stream of lava heading for it...? and whats more, what are these people thinking, buildng a city... and not a small one mind you no the damn capital right next to an active volcano? They said that the last eruption was in 1977 and 3000 people died and you'd think that would have given these people clue as to maybe... move.

I don't want to sound racist or anything (believe me I'm not, I hate everybody equally) but this just puzzles me endlessly...

This is called "The process of natural selection". This process is the mechanism in which nature allows the "stupid" to kill themselves off and remove them from the gene pool. When the process functions correctly, this happens before the afore mentioned "stupid" people have the chance to reproduce and thus halting the passing of inferior gene sequences.

Here in the USA we don't allow these natural mechanisms to kick in, we set up committees who make it illegal for anyone to do anything stupid...such as riding motor cycles without helmets and/or driving without safty belts. Personally I don't think we are doing ourselves any favors but..Im just one voice [img]smile.gif[/img]

Elif Godson 01-24-2002 12:00 PM

Let's not start pointing finger's and he said she said and pin the tail on the donkey. We have all stolen in our lives be it a kiss or a toy or yes food or gasoline. The point here is, the people took it out of th epump's and carried it over hot but cooling lava flow's.
It takes some serious gahonnies to do that and I am sure some of them got burned for it. Poverty striken or not they took it without paying or permission and got caught red handed and will be punished for it. albeit a little to severly for there actions but punished none the less.
So let's cool our jet's and just be thankful we can all go online and do this. All bet the people who took the gas do not have this luxury as we all do....

MagiK 01-24-2002 12:03 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dreamer128:
I'll talk to you again when your kids are dying because you don't have the money to buy food.<hr></blockquote>

How about talking to irresponsible people having children they have no means to feed? Don't tell me they can't afford contraception...there is one 100% effective method of not conceiving children that you cannot support that every human on earth can afford.

MagiK 01-24-2002 12:07 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dreamer128:
Its easy to have morals when you live in a rich western country, have a good job, a nice house and can take a holiday once a year. These people don't have that luxery.<hr></blockquote>

Dreamer there are hundreds of millions of people of good concience who do not steel who dont rape, pillage or plunder just because they are in bad situations Who do NOT live in "rich" western countries. Being hard up does not give anyone license to do harm unto others, wether it be stealing or other crimes. Would I do it in their place?? Thank god I dont have to find out, but I HAVE been in situations that were tough and where I HAD to make some hard far fortunatlley for me, ive managed to hold onto my convictions.

MagiK 01-24-2002 12:10 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dreamer128:
I do believe there are far more occasions where he didnt take care of those that believed in him.<hr></blockquote>

Can you prove that he did not take any one of those people you are implying that he ignored into the paradise that christianity calls heaven?

Barry the Sprout 01-24-2002 12:11 PM

But what "harm unto others" is being done here? It is not like the petrol in question would be used by anyone else. The only people who lost out here were the theives, even if they had pulled it off the petrol station owner would not have lost anything. He had already abandoned what was there. Someone mentioned it earlier - "plundering" is probably a better term in this context.

MagiK 01-24-2002 12:12 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jorath Calar:
"can open, worms everywere..."


ROTFLMAO That is the funniest thing Ive seen all week [img]smile.gif[/img] thank you thank you thank you [img]smile.gif[/img]

MagiK 01-24-2002 12:14 PM

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dreamer128:

I'm sorry but I have no idea what you just said. [img]graemlins/confuse21.gif[/img] (Your not one of those creepy religieus fanatics are you?)

What is your native language? Maybe we can get a better translation so that Larry can make his point? (absolutley NO sarcasm here) Im thinking maybe your not understanding the words and with the proper verbiage we can communicate better.

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