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Ladyzekke 04-06-2001 04:11 PM


Originally posted by Ramon de Ramon y Ramon:

LW, now that you have officially lifted the ban or ended the moratorium: may I asked how many birds you've already sucessfully lured to your new backyard ? And how about a housewarming party, have you reconsidered on that. My last experience notwithstanding, I think it is a good idea to feel more "at home" right from the start. And don't worry about the guests ruining your new home: that is the way it is supposed to happen, that is part of starting to feel at home !

Alas, I have yet to lure any birds as of yet. I need to find a good spot to hammer in the bird feeder! I don't think I'll have any problem though, as there are many birds around because of the neighbor's feeders. Funny, the other day I was walking down the bike path in the park looking at the baby ducks in the water and happened to look down at the ground, and about a foot beside me was sitting a large goose! I didn't even see her she was sitting so still, she looked like one of those cheap plastic ornaments you see in certain lawns! I left her alone as she seemed very confident and proud of her "blending in" ability so I "played along"!!

Don't know about having a housewarming party. I really don't have a lot of friends nearby as they all stayed back in my hometown. I have worked at the same small office for 12 years, so have not had any chance to meet new people over the years (not the bar type either). Most of the friends that could be invited would probably be my husbands and they would definitely trash the place and probably get the police called! Exactly why I designated THE BASEMENT for hubby's space!


Yorick 04-06-2001 04:13 PM

In listening to this Mandarin, I'm actually appreciating what a stunningly beautiful language it is. So poetic, with soft consonants. Suits sung vocals very nicely.

The written characters are of course an artform in themselves.

I WANT TO LEARN MANDARIN! WAAAHHH I'd love to learn Irish Gaelic too. Why is the country I was born in so monolingual!

O.K..... what do I do now?

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Ramon de Ramon y Ramon 04-06-2001 04:57 PM


Originally posted by ladyzekke:
Alas, I have yet to lure any birds as of yet. I need to find a good spot to hammer in the bird feeder! I don't think I'll have any problem though, as there are many birds around because of the neighbor's feeders. Funny, the other day I was walking down the bike path in the park looking at the baby ducks in the water and happened to look down at the ground, and about a foot beside me was sitting a large goose! I didn't even see her she was sitting so still, she looked like one of those cheap plastic ornaments you see in certain lawns! I left her alone as she seemed very confident and proud of her "blending in" ability so I "played along"!!

Don't know about having a housewarming party. I really don't have a lot of friends nearby as they all stayed back in my hometown. I have worked at the same small office for 12 years, so have not had any chance to meet new people over the years (not the bar type either). Most of the friends that could be invited would probably be my husbands and they would definitely trash the place and probably get the police called! Exactly why I designated THE BASEMENT for hubby's space!

LW, a woman like you does not need any "tools" to lure anything or anybody, not even birds !

I really liked your little, seemingly insignificant, goose story, you made it sound almost poetic: I like a lot what it tells about the way you look at - certain aspects - of the world, so:

If Ramon had not already been madly in love with Ladywendy, he would be now !
( don't worry about that, okay ? Look exactly at how I phrased that, I am usually very precise on such things. One of the reasons I am such an awfully slow poster. ).

Seriously, I'm happy for you that you have a park nearby. Is it one of these old parks with huge old trees ? You mentioned that you now lived near the city center, so that would be possible. I love such places, mostly I because of those old trees like oaks, beeches, maples or lindens. That is also why I am so fond of old cemeteries, they are often the only places that have gone unchanged, undisturbed for decades or even centuries. I also like to look at the tombstones and to imagine how these longgone people might have lived. Does that sound too morbide ? (Note to Cb: if you happen to read this: you already knew that I lived in a tomb, didn't you ? Sorry LW, insider joke. )

Couldn't a housewarming party also serve to get to know your neighbours, some of which could, if you are lucky, later become new friends ? And ones for whom you didn't need the police present when they visit. Sorry, if that touches on anything too personal.

Oh, and why don't you invite the local police as well in the first place, so your husband's friends could come, too.

So long !

R³ - new, much improved signature under construction !

[This message has been edited by Ramon de Ramon y Ramon (edited 04-06-2001).]

Ladyzekke 04-06-2001 05:29 PM


Originally posted by Ramon de Ramon y Ramon:
LW, a woman like you does not need any "tools" to lure anything or anybody, not even birds !

I really liked your little, seemingly insignificant, goose story, you made it sound almost poetic: I like a lot what it tells about the way you look at - certain aspects - of the world, so:

If Ramon had not already been madly in love with Ladywendy, he would be now !
( don't worry about that, okay ? Look exactly at how I phrased that, I am usually very precise on such things. One of the reasons I am such an awfully slow poster. ).

Seriously, I'm happy for you that you have a park nearby. Is it one of these old parks with huge old trees ? You mentioned that you now lived near the city center, so that would be possible. I love such places, mostly I because of those old trees like oaks, beeches, maples or lindens. That is also why I am so fond of old cemeteries, they are often the only places that have gone unchanged, undisturbed for decades or even centuries. I also like to look at the tombstones and to imagine how these longgone people might have lived. Does that sound too morbide ? (Note to Cb: if you happen to read this: you already knew that I lived in a tomb, didn't you ? Sorry LW, insider joke. )

Couldn't a housewarming party also serve to get to know your neighbours, some of which could, if you are lucky, later become new friends ? And ones for whom you didn't need the police present when they visit. Sorry, if that touches on anything too personal.

Oh, and why don't you invite the local police as well in the first place, so your husband's friends could come, too.

HAHA! Glad you liked my goose story. Just thought it funny that I almost didn't see such a large goose sitting so close to me! Ever heard the phrase "If it was a snake it would have bit me?"! I am learning a little bit more about you as well from our conversations. You have surprised me in a lot of good ways. When trying to get to know people on this board I have noticed it usually takes time before you really get a clear picture. Of course you only get in so many paragraphs vs. real life conversation. I must say I now look at you completely differently than I did when I first met you on the old board. It is also the same with others I have met here, the more time goes by the more the picture either changes or enhances, if that makes any sense.

You are an incredibly intelligent, witty, charming person, that is my take on you

(I can also be a slow poster, don't feel alone. Yes, at times (not many) I actually THINK before I type!!)

Well, sorry, but this park is not exactly breathtaking. It has only so many trees, mostly bordering small open fields with picnic areas. When I walked down the biketrail I came upon a bridge with grafitti on the walls and further on construction and railroad tracks, eventually the path ended with a highway. Of course, I have yet to traverse in the other direction down the trail, and I know it goes for miles. We shall see.

I see nothing morbid about visiting old graveyards, as long as you don't have a shovel with you! Doh! Sorry.

Ah, the neighbors. That's another story. Talked about that one last night at the Inn to CB. Don't know what page it is on though.

Invite the local police? Well, that would be really easy as they actually drive up and down the bike trail at regular intervals!


Ramon de Ramon y Ramon 04-06-2001 06:20 PM


Originally posted by ladyzekke:
HAHA! Glad you liked my goose story. Just thought it funny that I almost didn't see such a large goose sitting so close to me! Ever heard the phrase "If it was a snake it would have bit me?"! I am learning a little bit more about you as well from our conversations. You have surprised me in a lot of good ways. When trying to get to know people on this board I have noticed it usually takes time before you really get a clear picture. Of course you only get in so many paragraphs vs. real life conversation. I must say I now look at you completely differently than I did when I first met you on the old board. It is also the same with others I have met here, the more time goes by the more the picture either changes or enhances, if that makes any sense.

You are an incredibly intelligent, witty, charming person, that is my take on you

(I can also be a slow poster, don't feel alone. Yes, at times (not many) I actually THINK before I type!!)

Well, sorry, but this park is not exactly breathtaking. It has only so many trees, mostly bordering small open fields with picnic areas. When I walked down the biketrail I came upon a bridge with grafitti on the walls and further on construction and railroad tracks, eventually the path ended with a highway. Of course, I have yet to traverse in the other direction down the trail, and I know it goes for miles. We shall see.

I see nothing morbid about visiting old graveyards, as long as you don't have a shovel with you! Doh! Sorry.

Ah, the neighbors. That's another story. Talked about that one last night at the Inn to CB. Don't know what page it is on though.

Invite the local police? Well, that would be really easy as they actually drive up and down the bike trail at regular intervals!

Well, it is "blushing season" again

Thank you very much for your - overly - kind words ! But watch out, I am starting to get used to it.

Now, that might appear vain - oh my, that word again - or narcissistic on my part, but I would really like to know what you thought of me, before changing your mind and deciding that I was such a "wonderboy", and especially why you thought that. I am no masochist, but I might really be able to learn something from that. Or was it just more generally a feeling of unfamiliarity ?

Oh, what I really liked about your goose story was not above all the funny aspect, but how you imagined the "thoughts and "feelings" of that goose and decided to respect that. There are people to whom that sort of thing might appear silly, but I think it is very telling of how imaginative and sweet you are. And yes it was funny as well.

But what happened to your mischievous side ? You won't go too soft on me here, will you ?

Sorry about the park, but let's hope better things lie ahead for you, "beyond" - down the trail in the other direction that is. Not going to propose anything "new age" to you or will I ?

In another thread, I think, you mentioned owning fishes, didn't you ? But sure don't make for the greatest walking companions in the park, though.

So long !

R³ - new, much improved signature under construction !

Stealthy 04-06-2001 06:30 PM


Where are you going on vacation? How long will you be away? Maybe you will outdrive the rain! 400 miles is quite a lot of driving. I do the same thing a few times a year to visit family (usually alone) and end up leaning on the steering wheel to let the blood back into my rear end! They really need to make some sort of seat cushion for those types of long drives!! At least spring is finally in the air eh?
I have been told I have wonderful hands if you need a massage to stimulate the circulation, mine already is! I see you and Ramon are at again as soon as my back is turned. I know there are three of them, but isn't one enough?

My doctor told me to eat more, but all this spam hasn't helped.

Click here for the album site.

Shadow Mage of the OHF.

Funny Bone of the LH

Ladyzekke 04-06-2001 06:36 PM


Originally posted by Ramon de Ramon y Ramon:

Well, it is "blushing season" again

Thank you very much for your - overly - kind words ! But watch out, I am starting to get used to it.

Now, that might appear vain - oh my, that word again - or narcissistic on my part, but I would really like to know what you thought of me, before changing your mind and deciding that I was such a "wonderboy", and especially why you thought that. I am no masochist, but I might really be able to learn something from that. Or was it just more generally a feeling of unfamiliarity ?

Oh, what I really liked about your goose story was not above all the funny aspect, but how you imagined the "thoughts and "feelings" of that goose and decided to respect that. There are people to whom that sort of thing might appear silly, but I think it is very telling of how imaginative and sweet you are. And yes it was funny as well.

But what happened to your mischievous side ? You won't go too soft on me here, will you ?

Sorry about the park, but let's hope better things lie ahead for you, "beyond" - down the trail in the other direction that is. Not going to propose anything "new age" to you or will I ?

In another thread, I think, you mentioned owning fishes, didn't you ? But sure don't make for the greatest walking companions in the park, though.

Well, since I know you better, I feel I can be honest with you and you will understand. I can't really give you any particular examples, except on the old board I didn't notice a lot of general conversing (maybe you did with other people and I didn't see it). You kept your posts short and to-the-point and when you mentioned my "Zekke" name I didn't know how to take it. When I replied to you, you said something back like "as long as you see what I meant". Then, a month or so later when I talked to you once again and I mentioned the "name" conversation, you empathized with me and said you understood that there was no way I could have known about things going on in another country, and you just worded things in a much different, kinder manner. Before, when I first met you, I don't know, I just imagined you as a strict type person who would frown upon certain things. How wrong was I eh? See what I mean about how much time it takes to get the real deal?

As for the goose, I have always been a type of person that tries to think what a person and yes, even an animal, is thinking and go from there. I am one of those who notices a lot of things and takes them all in. I especially for some reason have a soft spot for animals that like to "blend in." At the old house we had a pond with some frogs and I'd go out to plant flowers or weed or something and I could see them sitting around the perimeter of the pond thinking they were invisible to me. I never looked them in the eye and pretended it was working, and as time went by the never ran away when I saw them. I do the same thing with birds, I always keep my head down and pretend I'm just going about my business, nope, don't see you (peek)!

What do you mean my mischievious side is gone? Last I looked it was still anchored!

What do you mean by "new age"? I gotta hear this!!

Yes, fishes are not good walking companions, but I could go on and on at the things about life I have learned owning a fish tank.


Stealthy 04-06-2001 06:45 PM

My crack has all the sensitivity of a nuclear deterrent amongst LadyWendy's and Ramon's exchanges. And I thought she meant another kind of goose entirely! Suffering from forum withdrawal symptoms me-thinks! No ducks or geese nearby, but we do get seals on the shore of the river here, as we are very close to the sea. I love their smiley faces, they manage to look happy and sad at the same time.

My doctor told me to eat more, but all this spam hasn't helped.

Click here for the album site.

Shadow Mage of the OHF.

Funny Bone of the LH

Ladyzekke 04-06-2001 06:46 PM


Originally posted by Stealthy:
I have been told I have wonderful hands if you need a massage to stimulate the circulation, mine already is! I see you and Ramon are at again as soon as my back is turned. I know there are three of them, but isn't one enough?

Yes circulation is slow Ssssstealty! I could use your "assistance." Now you know you are the ONLY one who has my heart pounding so loudly I cannot even control my mouse my hands are shaking so! You really need to come around here more often!! To say I missed you would be the understatement of the century!


Ladyzekke 04-06-2001 06:57 PM


Originally posted by Stealthy:
My crack has all the sensitivity of a nuclear deterrent amongst LadyWendy's and Ramon's exchanges. And I thought she meant another kind of goose entirely! Suffering from forum withdrawal symptoms me-thinks! No ducks or geese nearby, but we do get seals on the shore of the river here, as we are very close to the sea. I love their smiley faces, they manage to look happy and sad at the same time.

Oh sheesh StealthyLove, praytell what kind of "goose" did you think I was referring to? Yes, you need to stick around more, you are quacking up a bit! Hey, seals are much better than ducks, and of course, you live in beautiful Scotland so you will always have my envy!!


[This message has been edited by ladyzekke (edited 04-06-2001).]

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