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Earthdog 05-17-2001 12:27 PM

this reminds me of the Thomas Covenant series. I know one of those books was called Lord Fouls Bane. I think there were 3 books in all and they started out pretty well but it got more and more boring as it went along. By the time I finished the third book it was by shear force of will. I hated reading all those hours to quit 50 pages from the end and not know how it finished. IT SUCKED.

As for not limiting how many characters you can have in the party youre going to run into some serious problems on that. I think if you limit it to about 8 members youll have a decent level of control. Realisticly you wouldnt be able to manage 100 or even 20 very well. Maybe not even 10. If you want big battles it will turn into a strategy game and lose all its RPG characteristics.

Im a little unclear as to whether it was just one guy who got sent through the portal to the alternate Earth or if his friends went with him.

You caould always try it like this: your party gets sucked through the portal.
As the story unfolds you have the chance to gather new party members (keeping it an RPG) then 3/4ths into the story your party members will become Generals each with his or her own talents and skills. Those party members will ahve to lead 10,000 troops each into a huge pitched battle against the forces of evil.(this would take on the strategy feeel of the game.)

Do any DEFECT to the other side???? How many???? What was the outcome of the battle???? Was it all just a distraction so that your core party could make it to the gates of hell then battle their way to Satan and termintate him???

Were all the Dragons Satans minions to distract the hero??? I could give ya more ideas than you could count. (Im a schizophrenic Gemini hehehehehe)

Earthdog 05-17-2001 12:35 PM

One more thing and its a biggie. If you use an AD&D monster manual
YOULL GET SUED FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. if you use any creatures from any of their books youd better make some changes. OR youll have to get permission to ususe their stuff and I'd have to think that would cost millions. Plus they will want Royalties. Im sure you could get away with using common names like Ogres and Minotaurs but make sure you change the HP and attacks... know what I mean??


Atomizer 05-17-2001 04:47 PM

Online Monster Manual:

Offline Version:

ShadowUK 05-17-2001 04:58 PM

Thanks Atomizer
That could come in usefull


Link 05-18-2001 03:54 AM

OK first of all:
- Email me at; don't play any tricks at me (viruses and stuff).
- Party amount: it would be your own choice. Of course there won't be hundreds NPC's, but you can take them all with you. I know it can be risky, but it will be something new, and different comparing with all the other games. Because you can chose the amount of NPC's coming with you, you can find the perfect balance (in amount). This way you can say: well, I'll take (for instance) 10 people in my party, and live with the consquences (being noticed pretty often, etc.) On the other side you can say: well, i only take 4 NPC's with me, and live with those consequences. Again: All the things written (??? typed) down here are just ideas, i don't know what to do with them just yet, and i consider all of your advice well.
- I am not sure either, Earthdog. I don't know yet whether to send just you through the portal, or you and a couple of friends. The problem lies with the fact that the Final Quest is to return home. If you're alone, that's no big problem ( save the world, and you can go). When you go with more people than yourself, then you got a problem. You cannot simply toss them out of the group, cos they need to get home as well. The solution you gave me was something i thought of earlier on. Battles were something i planned to use eitherway, and that would be a perfect solution for the one-or-more-person problem. Thanks!
- Other sides. Yes, i know. I was thinking about letting the gamer chose between good & evil. That means you'd have two different campaigns (for good to conquer evil, and secure Earth for another 6000 years, and for evil to get rid of the Chosen One, and conquer Earth). To let a person in your group be defected to the other side is a pretty good idea, and very good for the storyline. I guess i'll have to chose between good & evil, and that one, cos both won't work ( advice most welcome on this one!!!!)
Somehow a choice between the right and the wrong path must be available, cos that's what gamers want. Not everybody wants to be the good guy only!! Bad rulez for some (probably a load) of them.
- Thanks for the rest of the ideas, more of those are welcome Earthdog!!
- I know about the monster problem. It's not good to have just 30 different monsters. That would bore a gamer in no time. Dunno what to do about that one. Might ask Memnoch about this.
- Thanks very much Atomizer!!!

OK. So much for all the questions. Keep sending in, and I'll try to answer them all, and work on the rest of the story/ inform you on new ideas!

In the foul darkness one figure will emerge to save the world from evil and despair.... Light flashes as his sword comes down, and thunder rolls through the sky when he points his sword up to heaven to signal his victory....People whisper his name as he walks by, evil tries to hide as they sense his presence nearby.... His name? Link......

Earthdog 05-18-2001 06:00 AM

Something I just thought of concerning your monster problem without infringing copyrights is to create your own. I cant remember if its in the AD&D dungeon masters guide or if its in one of the monster manuals but theres a section where you can create your own monsters and it tells you how to do it along with stuff like if the creature has any special attacks. The more special attacks it has the more XP it will be worth and so on. I used to dungeon master games games for my brothers and friends and it got to the point where they were such high level and they had killed everything but the Tarask(sp) (cuz you cant kill a Tarask) so I had to start creating monsters just so theyd have something interesting to fight. So that might be a way for you to go.

As for npc's defecting it could be something like Yoshi in BG2. How many that defect is up to you. If you put 50 npc's that could possibly join your party you need a limit on how many you can have in the party. That way when the defectors leave you can go back into town and pick up some more npcs to fill your party back out. Also when it comes time for the huge battle you can have your trusted npc's place next to the questionable ones ready to attack them.

I have to ask if youve read the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan??? Ill try to get an email to you sometime tonight or tomorrow. also once weve exchanged emails and if you have it we can add eachother on msn messenger to discuss this a lil more quickly than through email.


Link 05-18-2001 06:27 AM

Wheel of Time?? With that person that is the dragon and should wake up, right??? Yeah i read it, in Dutch version alright! (BTW: i also read the books written by David Eddings, Terry Brooks and of course Tolkien) And I do have MSN Messenger, so we could chat. You could add me to Messenger at the address only problem we'd might face is that I live in the Netherlands, and you in Australia. The time and stuff might be a problem. I'll try to be online in the morning (here in Netherlands) that will be evening in Australia.
I have this little idea as well. You'll probably know that if you create a pretty large world (more gaming fun), it's definitely not good to let them walk all the way. So i made up this Portal idea. All across the land are Portals. These portals can be activated but the spell (or something like that) is long since lost. You find the spell, and can activate the portals. That allows you to travel a lot quicker, and it is a new quest.
(Involved in the Portals is some sort of Head Portal, which transports you the The Necropolis: the city of the Dead. Destroy the evil skeletons and stuff.. That would be some sort of super quest or something. It would also explain why the portal spell would be lost. Some kind of mage got rid of it, because that Portal brought skeletons in the world....That stuff is good for the story!!!)

Another idea i got, is some sort of Cloud City (yeah, i had some inspiration from Star Wars!!). The idea about that is not yet finished but i'll keep ya informed.

In the foul darkness one figure will emerge to save the world from evil and despair.... Light flashes as his sword comes down, and thunder rolls through the sky when he points his sword up to heaven to signal his victory....People whisper his name as he walks by, evil tries to hide as they sense his presence nearby.... His name? Link......

[This message has been edited by Link (edited 05-18-2001).]

Earthdog 05-18-2001 08:15 AM

I had thought of the portal thing too. I think its a good idea. Finding the spell that would take the party to the Necropolis would need to be a super tough super quest.

I read the Books by David Eddings too. The Diamond Throne was good but i prefered the books with Garion and Belgarath. Also theres a series by Raymond E. Feist called The Riftwar Saga. The first book was called Apprentice Adept i think. In this series its abouta young boy who is trying to learn the art of magic. only problem is he cant learn it. something happens and he finally successfully uses magic--- but its not the kind hes been taught. He's discovered a whole new magical system. If you could work someting like this into the story where your normal human being is transported into another world it would enable that character to become a magic user. I dont knoqw if it will work but you could give it some thought.

btw i added you to my msn messenger and you can also add me too

i sent my last post about 30 minutes ago i think and i just read your messenger is on if youd like to chat. Take it easy.

Rikard 05-18-2001 08:29 AM

Link I'm not completly sure what you mean with a new game
You mean creating a whole new game or a BG2 Mod?

Anyway if you need any help I'm creating a whole new realm based on AD&D
So if you need help SCREAM

And Yes BK holland has comicbookstores

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Help me create A Fantasy Realm with your imagination

Link 05-18-2001 09:36 AM

I guess i owe everybody some replies, so:
- Nice ideas. I agree on them, especially on the magic user stuff. It's pretty obvious that you can't let someone from Earth have magic abilities, although one could say that because he is the Chosen One, those abilities are destined to be his. Comments on this one pleaz.
- Rikard: it is my goal to create a game, not a mod. Hope you understand now.

As for new ideas. Yeah, well, new ideas. I'm a little empty on those, but i'm thinking very hard, and that's a task in itself, right?? Don't worry, you can bet on more things to come!!!!

In the foul darkness one figure will emerge to save the world from evil and despair.... Light flashes as his sword comes down, and thunder rolls through the sky when he points his sword up to heaven to signal his victory....People whisper his name as he walks by, evil tries to hide as they sense his presence nearby.... His name? Link......

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