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Killing Spree 10-09-2001 06:35 PM

~Nods to Kaz as she points to the Northwest, turning the wheel.~ "Larry, go turn the rudder a bit to the left." ~The night is fairly warm and a soft coastal breeze blows through their hair.~ "We should take advantage of these winds, Deiter go open up the sail." ~She laughs~ "Sorry everybody, but I'm rather keen at being the one with knowledge for once."

[This message has been edited by Killing Spree (edited 10-09-2001).]

Kaz 10-09-2001 07:24 PM

OOC: am going to bed now. Past 1 in the morning. Bye everyone!

Killing Spree 10-09-2001 07:25 PM

ooc: Night Kaz!

[This message has been edited by Killing Spree (edited 10-09-2001).]

mistral4543 10-09-2001 07:34 PM

(ooc: Good morning all! And thanks for speeding up the plot ... now it's just a matter of cut and paste for me

Mistral examines the structure of the palace. Coral… big deal , she frowns. At the sound of the familiar footsteps, she sighs. Without turning her head, she asks, “Yes, Fabian?” Unexpectedly, there is no reply. She casts a sideglance at him and perceives his troubled and sorrowful face.

“I know I’ve behaved atrociously to you in the past, Mistral. The heavens know how much I regret it.” ~ He gestures helplessly with his broad hands, “But it’s been so trying to be bound to these...” ~ his voice fades into a whisper ~ “creatures. I am human despite Serephine's wishes and I… I can't tell you how glad I am to see another of the same kind as I."

Without waiting for her reply, he continues. “You've been so civil to me despite my boorish ways that I feel you will understand… I was once like you, adventuring on my own and trying to prove my worth in the human world. But killing beasts and man alike was simply not enough; I wanted to conquer.” ~ His eyes gaze far into the horizon, so that for a moment he seems to have forgotten Mistral's presence ~ “Yes, conquer a new land for my own! And so, tired of everything I had known before, I decided to set sail from the city.”"

“It was at the port that I met Tudor.” ~ The sound of knuckles cracking ~ “He persuaded me to board his ship. Said the scythe ornament would bring me good luck and even offered to throw in a crew for free …” ~ his voice breaks slightly, then regains firmness ~ “The ship set sail well enough, but it met the same fate as the one we arrived in. That was when Serephine appeared.” ~ Breathing deeply, he pauses before going on ~ “From the moment we met, I could feel the attraction between us. She ordered every other human on board the ship to be killed, for as you may have guessed, this city is considered holy ground and none are allowed to enter without permission. Serephine’s permission.” ~ Snorts contemptuously ~ “She’s the Elite Commander of the sea-elf guards, by the way. Well, being the besotted fool that I was, I readily swore to spend the rest of my life with her. Laughingly, she asked if I would prove it by allowing her priest to cast a permanent spell on me. And I agreed in the fun of the moment… well, she has all the fun now. The day I leave her or end my own life, I shall be condemned to be an undead warrior of the sea-elves… and in return for my ‘obedience’, I have the privilege” ~ winces ~ “of living for as long as she does.”

“But to get back to the story - the more we went on assignments back to the city, the more I longed for human female company. Serephine is too possessive, even for a sea-elf. Our relationship is stormy, to say the least. Unfortunately, she still loves me, for I swear at times I’d rather die by her hand and end this miserable life… anyway, you now know my plight. And I… I beg for your forgiveness.”

Mistral looks into Fabian's gray eyes, sensing the anguish in them. “I forgive you, but I did have a part in encouraging your interest earlier,” she replies softly. “Please... if there is anything you know about Meldrin or my father… share this with me. I have spent eleven years unsuccessfully searching for my past… I fear that I'm doomed to die ignorant of it."

For a moment, Fabian ponders over the request. Then, he sets his jaws firmly. Casting a furtive glance around to ensure nobody is listening, he nods his head.

[This message has been edited by mistral4543 (edited 10-09-2001).]

[This message has been edited by mistral4543 (edited 10-09-2001).]

Deiter Leafblade 10-09-2001 07:42 PM

ooc: Arg...i've been haveing computer problems. Took me 2 hours to finally get back online. But I finally got it to work

-Deiter went to open the sails then walked back to the deck. He looked over at sea then at Killing Spree"Need me to do anything else?"-


" If you are guided by the stars, you will only be able to travel by night. If you are guided by a map, you will be dependant on a piece of paper that is easily lost. If you are guided by your soul, you will always choose the right path."

Killing Spree 10-09-2001 08:02 PM

~She turns to him, her eyes afire with something dreadfully mischievious. She grins, speaking in a light-hearted voice. Then curling a finger, motioning for him to come forward.~ "Come here."

Deiter Leafblade 10-09-2001 08:15 PM

-Deiter walked over to Killing Spree wondering what she wanted. But seeing the look in her eyes he had to bite his lip to keep from smiling.-


" If you are guided by the stars, you will only be able to travel by night. If you are guided by a map, you will be dependant on a piece of paper that is easily lost. If you are guided by your soul, you will always choose the right path."

mistral4543 10-09-2001 08:29 PM

This is it , Mistral clenches her fists excitedly, I'm finally going to get some answers to my questions! ~ Frowns as she sees Fabian's solemn expression ~ "What is it?"

Sighing, Fabian looks at her piteously. ~ "Your father has just died, Mistral. That's why we went after you… for his blade." No! It can't be! He's been alive all this while and I've just missed seeing him?! A wave of giddiness strikes Mistral, and Fabian catches her in time before her frame collapses onto the ground. "H…how did he die? Where did he die?" ~ Fabian continues gazing at her with concern, and she grows impatient. With a harsh voice, she hisses, "Speak! I'm well enough!"

Fabian has no choice but to continue ~ "Your father was in the city, looking for you. We believe he wanted to hand his blade to you before he died. And he was dying, from frail health and a tortured mind. To worsen matters, he did not know how you looked, having not seen you since your time of birth."

Is this really my father he's talking about? Can it be true that he wanted to see me at last? But… "Why did he leave me in the first place?" a sob escapes from Mistral, and her eyes well with tears. "Why?" she repeats defiantly.

"I am only repeating what Serephine told me some time ago. Apparently he was much grieved when your mother died giving birth to you. He felt he couldn't forgive you, and sent you to a female fighting society for them to train you as soon as the time was right…he expected you to make a living for yourself being a swordswoman." And I did fulfil that partly Mistral thinks dreamily, except that I felt a second calling… I wonder… ~ Aloud ~ "And my mother? What was she like?"

Deep furrows form in Fabian's eyebrows; he is clearly trying hard to recall what he had heard from Serephine earlier. "Your mother, Mistral, was a sorceress."

It all fits in so far , Mistral tries to push away her sorrow and piece the information together, no wonder I have always felt magical energy flowing in my blood. ~ Remembers she has missed out something: "Do you know their names?"

"Your father was a paladin by the name of Lord Aragorn Brightblade, and your mother was called Eilonwy." Aragorn… Eilonwy… Mistral's eyes turn misty as she tries to picture them, a loving couple blessed with the complementary combination of might and magic. ~ Feels a hand on her shoulder and turns around. ~

"I'm glad to have been of some assistance to you, Mistral. And now, I thank you for your repayment." Saying, Fabian shoves a dagger into her hand, grabs her hand and aims the dagger at his own heart.

Deiter Leafblade 10-09-2001 08:39 PM

ooc: LOTR eh?


" If you are guided by the stars, you will only be able to travel by night. If you are guided by a map, you will be dependant on a piece of paper that is easily lost. If you are guided by your soul, you will always choose the right path."

mistral4543 10-09-2001 08:48 PM

(ooc: Aragorn - LOTR; Eilonwy - Black Cauldron. Couldn't resist, and the names sound romantic enough.. Btw, can you and Killing Spree go on posting a while, I need to add in a biiiitt more action.)

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