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Dace De'Briago 06-19-2006 11:52 AM

Can't dye the hood of acid protection black.

It's a serious bug for someone wanting to appear stylish!!!

Secondly, and far more importantly:

"Area High Treasure Base Container" (Blackstaff's Tower). Lock DC100. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN IT!!!!

Could you please put something worthwhile into it, I created a new character soley to open it and its a bit of a downer to see it empty.

Oh, just thought of another one, in the passageway between Mirts > Khelben "You hear the sound of battle up ahead", this happens even on the way back once you've killed everyone.

EDIT: Edited above for clarity, Z pretty please put something nice in it for me :D

[ 06-20-2006, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Dace De'Briago ]

ArmpitLint 06-21-2006 04:00 AM

Not sure if this is a bug or not(Halaster could have just been messing with me), but I ran into a very cool giant on level 10 that was invincible. There was a Nature Giant hanging out with the fire giants and I hit that thing with everything but the kitchen sink and it could not be harmed. I tried every weapon and spell that I could think of but nothing worked. This monster was like Treebeard on steroids!!

robertthebard 06-22-2006 05:28 AM

I saw that guy too. Had to run away. Not sure of the cause, but I got client side crashed on page 10 of Durnan's store. Char lvl was 20, and I think that matters. Something in there that my system didn't like. First crash since the .hak though.

Dace De'Briago 06-27-2006 02:34 PM

Anything in that chest yet Z?

Dace De'Briago 06-29-2006 04:24 PM

Anything in my chest yet Z?

T-D-C 06-29-2006 06:14 PM

No double posting please [img]smile.gif[/img]

Mozenwrathe 06-29-2006 06:55 PM


Originally posted by Dace De'Briago:
Anything in my chest yet Z?
Aside from the accidental double posting, there was something about this request that caught my attention. Inside of the High Moors, there are a set of chests (when I was there last) which also had an insanely high score to defeat in order to open them. Both of them were Black Chests and placed in an obscure spot where you actually had to be on the lookout for ANYTHING in order to find them. Will there be anything placed in those chests as well? If so, I would assume they would be brand new rogue/bard items which we haven't had the opportunity to check out yet. I am sure if you place something cool in there, Dace will be the first (,second, and third!) person to find them. *grins*

As well, there is a Black Chest placed in a rather "odd" section of Level Eleven I was reminded of today. Will anything significant be found in there in the new revisions? If so, expect more people to be raiding Level Eleven. (Not that there isn't a lot of great stuff inside of Level Eleven to begin with, mind you.)

Oh, something else about Level Ten. There is a white patch on the south end of the realm, just underneath the Lizardman Village where you can pass it by on the way to the other side of the realm. It is where one of the new floor cage/trap sections is. Maybe this is a problem with the hakpack itself, as this is the exact same situation as on Level One? (Same tile set.) If this is the case, don't worry about it. I am sure we can live with the error if it is something that is attirbuted to the engine. (By the way, Teri-Sha's portrait is another casualty. Nothing but a white spot.)

Finally (at least for this post) has the top level of XP been changed? Using my level 8 fighter/level 2 rogue character inside of Levels Ten through Twelve, I have been noticing that the most my character gains per battle is 480 XP. I was wondering if that was an intentional downgrade of XP from the 600 XP maximum we were sitting at originally. (Please note, that is for regular battles, not quests. Giving catnip to Choc has also been downgraded from 1000 XP to 800 XP per piece. If Charly does make an appearance, instead of catnip can we instead find toy mice or play toys for him for any bonuses? Just a random thought I had.)

«edited long after the fact»
Dace's post was in fact not double posting. the exact wording IS different between the posts and they were more than 36 hours apart.

[ 07-08-2006, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Mozenwrathe ]

robertthebard 06-29-2006 11:40 PM

Is your fighter/rogue human or half elf? If not, you are taking the 20% hit on xp for the difference between your class levels. Only humans and 1/2 elves are immune to this, as they have no "favored class". Note that if you take the races favored class, or keep the levels within 1 of eachother, there is no penalty.
Disclaimer: That only applies if you take it from level one, otherwise, you will still take the hit for the differential between the existing classes.

Mozenwrathe 06-30-2006 12:14 AM


Originally posted by robertthebard:
Is your fighter/rogue human or half elf? If not, you are taking the 20% hit on xp for the difference between your class levels. Only humans and 1/2 elves are immune to this, as they have no "favored class". Note that if you take the races favored class, or keep the levels within 1 of eachother, there is no penalty.
Disclaimer: That only applies if you take it from level one, otherwise, you will still take the hit for the differential between the existing classes.

1) pure elf. (dark elven)
2) never suffered the wrath of the twenty percent hit before with previous attempts involving elves, dwarves, or half-orcs - at least not as far as I saw.
3) this really hurts me, so I should get more gold to feel better. (*goes off to get some ice cream in real life instead.*)

Ziroc 06-30-2006 12:36 AM

I haven't touched any XP changes...

Those chests are not meant to be opened. They are used for random items 'special random items' that need to be in there, and will spawn in chests throughout the level.. That is why they are where they are. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Oh yes, expect loads of new items, and some of your ideas you sent too! [img]smile.gif[/img]

I'm waiting till tomorrow night to see the new free premium content release, and see if I wanna add anything to the patch from it. Other than that, the patch is ready to go! Added fixes for the minimap whitespot too ;) .

Also, all NPC Port's should be back to normal in v1.1.

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