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Kazilan 05-13-2006 03:04 AM

<font color ="66CC00">

"Draw, sight, keep the rhythm..." the training he had received as a young man kicked in and Pandaros was smoothly pulling back a second shot the instant the first had left the bow.

His motion faltered for a moment as his eyes swept the room. This was no enemy infantry charge, moving in a massive column. He had to take special care with each shot. Deciding that Sever could handle the mage and that the guard facing off against two opponents required immediate help, Pandaros switched targets and let his next arrow fly. His hand dropped to the quiver and plucked another arrow without letting his eyes leave the target.


Larry_OHF 05-13-2006 02:46 PM

<font color=white>For Sever and Pandaros:

The rogue saw his opportunity for his specialty in ending the lives of men, and took it. With his skill, he placed himself in and executed the act of stabbing with lethal results the Mercenary mage known as Sergio. The mage flailed his hands about for a moment in the throws of death before falling backwards to rise no more. </font>

OOC>>>Sergio has been killed.

<font color=white>
The archer took his aim and fired the shot directed at the man that was left for the DM to name. Due to the fact that Tanor would be closer and more immediate in the line of sight, Pandaros must have been aiming at him, and therefore the DM is satisfied in naming Tanor as the victim of the shot.</font>

(you can name your own shots in the future, btw)

<font color=white>The arrow raced towards the flesh, hungry in its search for blood. It found it along with the scream of pain that accompanies such a bite that an arrow brings with it. Tanor fell out of the fight against Karl and realized that without armor or protections of any kind...arrows hurt really damn bad! </font>

<font color=yellow>Karl meanwhile was relieved that one of the two swordsman had been taken off his back. As soon as he saw Tanor fall to the side and grip at his back, he turned his full attention to the innkeeper who could be no match for him alone. Pressing now into an offensive strike technique against the innkeeper, Karl began to tire the older guy down until a mistake was made and Karl's sword found an opening.</font>


<font color=white>The innkeeper stopped, glared, tried to say something, then slid backwards off of the sword protruding from his gut. He fell silently to the floor but for the loud crash of his overweight hide meeting the stone.

OOC>>>The innkeeper has been killed.
<font color=white>
Tanor, feeling dizzy and unable to stand, realized that he was now alone. He glared at the guards and the two men that were working with the guards. It was four against one, and he was wounded badly. </font>

[ 05-13-2006, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]

Kazilan 05-15-2006 12:33 AM

<font color="66CC00">

Pandaros quickly drew another arrow and kept it trained on the one remaining enemy. The battle had gone well but he could not be sure if this last man had any tricks left.

"Don't try to run. Don't try to fight. Drop your sword and you may get out of this room alive."


Sever 05-16-2006 07:48 AM


As the mage fell backwards in death, dagger wedged firmly into his skull, Sever turned his attention towards the sole surviving fugitive. Pandaros seemed to have the situation well and truly under control. Sever didn't favour the chances of any injured, immobile npc escaping an arrow at point blank, and this guy was outnumbered to boot. Deciding that the initial urgency was over, but still wary of trouble, Sever stood his ground whilst casting an eye out to assess the status of the other survivors.

<font color=white>OOC>> A PM for you, Larry.</font>

Larry_OHF 05-20-2006 10:21 PM

<font color=white>Wrap up post:

Sam had recovered his crossbow as Karl tied Tanor's hands behind his back. The two guards told Pandaros and Sever that they were going to take Tanor to the medical building and remove the arrow, and that is when Pandaros mentioned the cleric up-top that had healed his wound. Upon searching the grounds outside the Inn, no healer by the name of Andurel could be found. It was hard to hide an elf in this town, but strangely enough nobody had noticed one except for Milanthir who had wandered off somewhere.

Actually, what had happened is that Andurel had come here seeking the assistance of the men that had been with his brother for several years until a terrible tragedy struck and killed him. Andurel knew that the loss of his brother to the companion travelors had been hard, but once Andurel had come here and had seen Oley's condition, he knew that the mage had never recovered and chose to try to hide away his emotions in strong drink. Vindson was wounded in the leg and seemed to not be much help to anyone but to make some weaponry and armor. Neither of them could accomany him on his quest. He deeply wanted it to be these two men to go on Mystra's errand. However, neither was well enough anymore and Andurel felt horrible to ask them for such a favor. No...he'd not be greedy...he'd get somebody else.

He had met up with Pandaros earlier and had healed him by Mystra's Divine Grace and then the young man wanted help in dealing with a town's problem. Andurel at first wanted to accept the quest mostly to see how this Pandaros was in a difficult situation of opposing forces, hoping that he'd found a traveling partner so soon! However, before asking for such, he consulted with the Divine Lady and she instructed him that Pandaros would not be suited for the quest. She did not point him in any direction, leaving him to find potential adventurers on his own, and so he decided to tour the town a bit more and see who happened to show up. He had heard of a temple in town. He decided to go visit this home of Demeter and pay his respects in the name of Mystra.

Back in the afterglow of the action with Tanor, Sam and Karl indeed led the prisoner away to the medical building, and asked the guards to make aware the Lockes that the town was safe again. The portal that was opening up in the cellar had reached its full power and was awaiting for the two criminals to come through. After fifteen minutes of waiting, the portal closed abrubtly.

The Lockes had been made aware that Sever had once again helped save the town, twice now! He was becoming quite the topic of conversation in town now. Too was mentioned that a friend to Sever named Panda Rose or something like that was also involved in helping rid the town of its criminal scum. Both men were invited to come to the Locke manor after they had cleaned up themselves and have dinner that evening with the Lockes themselves. </font>


Currently, Sever and Pandaros are preparing themselves to go to dinner at the Locke Manor.

The guards are back to regular duty and all gates are open access for incoming and outgoing.

Karl has been called as chief officer and Captain, with Sam as the assistant captain of the Guard.

Tanor has been healed and returned to prison.

Milanthir has been spotted here and there in town, observing the customs of humans.

Andurel was last seen going to the temple of Demeter to investigate but it is not currently known where he is now. He is looking for adventurers to go on some quest he is assigned to but even though he had come seeking the aid of Oley and Vindson, he will not ask them because for help now that he sees that they are not fit for it. Since the gamer Andurel is busy in real life, his character will not accept invitations to join a party if he is seen by any PCs. Mystra will simply tell him no to the invite.

Oley is either in the tavern or home by now. If he is needed for something, I will be playing his part as an NPC. Otherwise, Oley has no major part in the game at this time.

Vindson is available for weapons and armor still. He can be approached as an NPC.

The time is late evening. A few hours before these farmers go to bed.

Kazilan 05-21-2006 02:22 PM

<font color ="66CC00">

Pandaros sat down heavily on the edge of a cot in the medical building. He held up the leathers that he had left here after being treated for injury. They were like a second skin. A dirty, ragged second skin.

"You've seen me through thick and thin, yet we've never been in a situation like this one. A stately dinner."

Pandaros turned the armor around in hands and made an attempt to brush off some of the dirt. He sighed and hung his head.

"Seeing as I've got nothing else." He turned to face the nurse on duty. "I don't suppose you have a washbasin I could use?"

The nurse directed him to a small tub of water and he used it to scrub the grime from his face and hands. He then put his armor on, as well as his sword, and displayed himself before the nurse.

"How do I look?" He shot a quick look down at himself and added, "Nevermind, don't answer that. Thank you for your hospitality today."

Pandaros turned and walked out of the medical building. His steps took him to the Locke Manor.


Larry_OHF 05-21-2006 09:45 PM

<font color=white>For Pandaros:

A knock at the heavy oak door brought a butler who welcomed Pandaros into the Locke Manor.

"Very well met, good sir. If you please, weapons are not allowed in the presence of the Lockes, so if you will check them in with me, I shall remove them to a secure location for your retrieval as you leave tonight."


Sever 05-23-2006 08:01 AM


What a day!

If the court clown that had given Sever his Lockesville assignment had told him that his first day would've progressed as it had, he would have laughed in his face. Not to mention decline the job. Fires and rescues, prison breaks and basement raids. It was as hectic as a bad day in the city! But all had presented more opportunties than he would have thought possible from a town the likes of Lockesville. As entertaining as it was, Sever didn't doubt that everyday farm life would return to the town on-the-morrow, and he might make some serious progress towards his mission.

Sever thought once again about his mission. The meticulous approach he usually adopted had definitely sunk into the shadows. Maybe he was just tired from a long day, but for the first time ever, it didn't feel as though there was any great rush to complete his job...

The thought left him as he knocked on the door of the Locke Manor and a well dressed butler greeted him. After removing his dagger and throwing blades, he caught sight of himself in a full length mirror in the entry way. In his thieves' circle back in the city, he'd fit right in. "Dodgey" was the highest praise he could give himself when he judged the standard of his attire for the impending meeting.

With a smile, he said to the butler:

"I hope i'm not overdressed, good man. I guessed the Lockes would be opting for smart-casual but, dang it all, i've gone and dropped my other togs in the drink, dockside. I do hope full formal will suffice?"

Larry_OHF 05-23-2006 08:57 AM

OOC>>>Can I assume that Pandaros obliged with no questions or comments?

<font color=white>For Sever and Pandaros:

Both men were now disarmed and their weapons were taken to a safe room to await retrieval.

Both of the heroes of the day were escorted to a waiting room where they could wash up if they needed to, and await their hosts' invitation to the dinner table. The kitchen was closeby, for the smell of food cooking was lingering in the air here. They were left alone in this room to wait. </font>

Sever 05-23-2006 09:49 AM


After the many dramas during the day, the smell of cooking reminded Sever that he'd barely eaten all day. He was really looking forward to a proper meal, but had to be content to wait a little while longer. After washing up and making himself as presentable as possible, he turned to Pandaros, the well travelled scout he'd met in unusual circumstances earlier in the day.

"Well, crisis over for the day it seems. It might even be safe to venture into five minutes of conversation before an Oblivion gate opens!" Sever offered a friendly smile. "I heard mention that you, too, were a recent arrival to Lockesville. Tell me, friend Pandaros, what brings you to the busiest little village in the forum."

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