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Lord Shield 07-15-2001 05:20 PM

Lord Raptor casts Improved Invisibilty on himself. His magical elven chain doesn't hamper his spellcasting. He then drops back a bit to wait. When the critters catch up they're in for a rude shock (*5 backstabwith Celestial Fury & Girdle of Giant Strength)

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

jabidas 07-15-2001 06:33 PM

Jabidas catchs up with the group and the dead goblins are splatered all over the place, he sighs unhappily. No fun left here and follows goblin tracks so obvious even a sorcerer can understand them. The group calls the Elf back and he mutters hesitantly that he will Dimension door back later, he throws Lord Raptor a token so he will know the groups position and casts invisability. The sorcerers voice fills the air again and he invites anyone who wants to go and kill some easy green skins.

The sorcerers Similacrum stays with group so no one can avoid night time pranks.


Grinch 07-15-2001 08:46 PM

Ash covers his grief at Skye's departure by laughing loudly and leaping into the air and clicking his heels together.

Ash stares at Rhazor as though he's nuts,in fact he thought to himself there are so many nuts in this party I'm surprised we haven't been attacked by the Planter's Nuts Peanut Guy. He draws his sword anyway, even nuts can be right sometimes.The brush on either side crashes as wolves come in from both sides at them. Rhazor's scimitars blur into action slahing wolf throats.Ash's response is long sweeping cut that dismembers the three wolves that have rushed him. There is silence then ,only broken by the sound of thick ,hot,red blood dripping from swords. Suddenly two red-eyes blaze into existance before them and a creature steps out onto the path.
"A wolfwere",Rhazors mutters bringing his scimitars up to a guard position. Ash does likewise.
"I think it's a Greater Wolfwere myself,look at the spacing of the eyes."
"Nonsense,",Rhazor replies,"look at the ears."
"At the Radiant Heart College for Paladins we were always taught that you differentiate the species by the space between the eyes."
"I'm telling you it's all in the ears,smaller ears for the wolfwere,larger for the greater wolfwere."
"Well,if that's a wolfwere it's got the widest spaced eyes of any wolfwere I've ever seen. Let's ask Lord Raptor what he thinks." As Ash turns to ask Lord Raptor his opinion the creature loses patience and lets forth a blood chilling howl and leaps upon them. Rhazor's scimitars blur into action slicing away one of it's arms. Ash,satisfied that his ploy worked,swings the Holy Avenger around over his head too fast for eyes to follow. The end of the swing comes one inch above the ground. Both halves of the creature,split vertically fall to either side of the blade thrashing futilely.
"Let's see you regenerate from that! And I still say it was a greater Wolfwere."


Nanobyte 07-15-2001 11:41 PM

OOC: A paladin arguing with an elf about creatures of the forest, ROFL! But just remember one thing, Grinch, my scimtars do frost and fire damage..
IC: Rhazor can sense nothing else, and so tells the party that they should set up camp. "It would not be wise to travel in the dark, I hear voices, but I cannot tell from where they are coming from. Either way, it is best we rest here." Rhazor walks over and checks the body of the Greater Wolfwere. "These beasts do not reside in this forest, something has forced them here.."

While the party rests, Rhazor is practicing his martial skills. He swings his blades with remarkable speed, Ash looks over to see two blurs on each side of Rhazor's body. In the morning, the party heads out to the caves, where a great evil resides.

Lord Shield 07-16-2001 05:02 AM

~cluck~ ~buk~ ~scratches floor~

Lord Raptor transalted: "Fine! We'll slaughter the bosses too!"

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

[This message has been edited by Lord Shield (edited 07-16-2001).]

Ace Flashheart 07-16-2001 05:36 AM

"O.K. one more time, Delphie and I jump over that ridge and shout 'Your money and your life!', meanwhile Thief hides in the shadows over there with his knives ready to attack from behind when then undoubtibly refuse to hand it over.", the knight franticly scribbled away on a clipboard decorated with small wyvern skulls.

"Are you sure that is technically correct? Aren't we getting there magical items too?"

"Yeah what about their gems?", the sourceress and the thief having given up their attemps to create a magical trap with their joint skills, had instead just worked on a plan incase anything went wrong, and were in the process of trying to carve a series of small holes into the rock wall.

Sighing deeply the anti-paladin started crossing out words on the paper.
"It really doesn't matter they always refuse... it's kind of sad really, so much killing, does money really bring happyness when it all comes down to it?"

"Yes." The reply from the other two warriors was symultanious and totally without hesitation.

Muttering something about being evil making people shallow the black warrior turned towards his companions.
"Anything else you two want before I finalise this?"

"Beer definatly... I'm nearly um... whatsit called... not drunk?"

"Sobre" Delphie harzarded

"Yeah that's it." the theif concluded.

"Oooookay, beer. Is that all?"

"Er..." Delphie turned a bit red as she began speeking "well, I don't know how to say this but it's been two weeks since I last had a chance to shave my legs."

There was a blank stare from the two men.

"Why didn't you just borrow thief's razor?" if it had been possible to see under the black helm you might have seen a look of total bewilderment.

"Thief uses it to shave his foot hairs and he doesn't wear any shoes... remember some of the stuff we had to walk through in the last few weeks?"

Taking a second to think about that, the anti-paladin wrote legwax down on his list.

"Right... I'll just read this back. 'Your money, magical weapons and items, assorted gems and jewlry, alcaholic beverages, legwax or your life'."

Dropping down on his knees the fighter began to sob into his gauntlets.

Bruce The Aussie 07-16-2001 09:52 AM


Originally posted by Nanobyte:
Rhazor walks over to the tree where Sky sits, and rests himself down next to her.

so let me get this staight... we have on, the boat, a tree? ok kind of wierd.

artemis stands up and runs to the side of the boat looking rather green.


Nanobyte 07-16-2001 02:10 PM

Maybe if you had read from where you left off, Bruce, you would see that we are not even on the boat anymore. Where are you?

Lord Shield 07-16-2001 02:59 PM

The caves are oppressive. No goblins come to meet your entrance. This isn't very surprising giving the group make-up. Titan Goblins are known for their traps, so be careful, folks. Lord Raptor can detect traps. How about the others?

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

Nanobyte 07-16-2001 05:10 PM

OOC: Um, no, Rhazor can't, but he can detect ambushes. It's a Stalker thing.

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