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The Ornery One 10-26-2002 05:54 PM

<font color=3CB371>Elith:
Having somehow gotten out of the trap the others had walked into, Elith started in the direction of home. The last thing in mind was getting involved in more orc related adventures. Hearing shouts, evil laughter and lots of scuffing (the sound amplified in the clear still air) Elith stopped to listen, hoping deep down that some sort of dumb luck would be with the 4-some. Instead dread filled the former captive's slim frame. The orcs had issued orders for the bard to become a personal slave and the paladin would probably become a pin cushion for swords at the orcs' amusment. Having found the halfling to be somewhat charming in an off-beat way and with nothing else to do at the moment, Elith decided to watch the orc camp for a possible chance to help the others without getting into a battle with the orcs. Hopefully they wouldn't say anything stupid to anger the orcs more and get theirselves guarded by more orcs than could be handled.</font>
OOC: I don't think my character would do anything that wasn't for either entertainment or personal profit. Not nessesarily a mean person, individualist. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[ 10-26-2002, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: The Ornery One ]

250 10-26-2002 06:09 PM


It was mostly quiet inside the camp. You, being invisible, easily avoided any patrols. There was once you even purposefully stood in front of an orc guard, whose main concern was to fight off sleep, and you almost laughed out loud.

You stood in the darkness of the inner wall, safe and unbothered. On the walls, shadows waved as guards slowly passing by. It was near mid night, and you could see no one other than the obvious patrols.

Through out the camp, three sets of large bonfires still burnt, and torches were placed outside many tents. You had no idea where the orcs had taken the others. Coming from the middle pile of bonfire, you heard steels clashing, and saw dark forms tangling each other. But the whole camp was undisturbed despite the fighting, and you did not see an agitated crowd.

[ 10-26-2002, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: 250 ]

Dundee Slaytern 10-27-2002 11:27 PM

OOC: Back from the weekend. [img]smile.gif[/img]

<font color="#999999">Robin Clym

Robin was caught by surprised, and was at a loss for words. Thankfully for him, Skye got distracted by the presence of some person in the same tent as them. Using the distraction to his advantage, Robin mumbled, "Nono, your vision is fine. I'm just steamed and angry, that's all, right, right, just steamed and angry at the Orcs... ..."

Robin pondered a course of action and called out in the direction of the unidentified person, "Can you burn off our bindings? Free us and we will help you get back your spellbook."</font>

250 10-28-2002 06:34 AM

In the Slave Tent

Suddenly the mumbling came to a stop, and you had a distinct impression that the creature, although you could not see him, looked up at you.

"Burn?" he asked, "did someone just say burn? Alright, where is my fireball. Lets see..."

[ 10-28-2002, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: 250 ]

Legolas 10-28-2002 07:00 AM

OOC: Don't flatter yourself CCL, I bet your skills at pool are already getting rusty ;) [img]tongue.gif[/img]


The halfling was surprised by the orc's speed, and the creature showed no signs of stopping. Unless he found a way to tire his opponent faster than he ran out of breath himself, only a stroke of fortune could rescue one of his partymembers.
Ferji decided to try and get some distance between him and his foe, to give himself some rest or to get into a better position from where to exhaust the orc.

250 10-28-2002 07:35 AM


In between the orc's attacks, you stroke a swift cut at the orc's legs forcing him to step back. And you dove into a backwards rolling immediately.

"You are mine!" the orc shouted. His boots rung metallically as he closed in and you heard the sound of a sword cutting home. Then all you knew was burning pain.

You were overwhelmed by the anguish and nearly yelled out. Many moments passed, or maybe one second, time was lost on you. You lay face down on the floor, your shines was no longer in your hand. You had no idea exactly where, but your back hurt and was soaked with blood.

You could not see the orc, he must have stood behind you. But he did not continue the attack, instead, he asked quietly, "Finished?"

[ 10-28-2002, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: 250 ]

Legolas 10-28-2002 07:51 AM

OOC: Ouch! Poor fellow :(

IC: Ferji

The voice brought recent memories flooding back, and Ferji tried to gather his thoughts. It didn't take long for him to decide what to do.

Through dry lips he managed to speak, though the words were hardly more than a whisper.

"Finished. I concede... defeat.

My... my life is yours."

He felt his head grow light again, but this time fought against it, trying to see through the next few minutes awake.

OOC: Being a bit artistic here, I don't know how bad it really is, but if it were me it'd hurt as hell [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 10-28-2002, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: Legolas ]

250 10-28-2002 07:57 AM

you sure? you can edit the post if you want to.

Ferji has a total of 36 HP, and the orc did 9, 3, 13 (critical hit) dmg to you. You have laying of hand which cures 5 points of health.

I oughta finish you guys' character sheet. sorry, a little bit busy these days.

[ 10-28-2002, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: 250 ]

Legolas 10-28-2002 08:08 AM

OOC: Well, so far things have been going pretty badly for him, and if he was in a disadvantageous position two posts ago, he sure is now. So unless Kelevmor's going to look this way and infuse his follower with strength and daring, Ferji would like to take whatever chance at life he has. 's a bit difficult to judge of course, one orc would accept his surrender but kill him if he fought on, and another would respect just that perseverance. Since it's a 25/25 chance for Ferji, he'll take the one where he gets away with most HP left.
The other 50% chance is that he'll die, and that'd be a shame, but in character. He'll have died fighting for something he believed in too, and that's not really that bad an outcome either.
So, sticking to my desicion.

[ 10-28-2002, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Legolas ]

250 10-28-2002 08:47 AM

The halfling lay in a pool of blood. The huge orc walked slowly towards him, his boots rung a metallic beat every step. The orc's giant frame bent down and reached out to roughly turn the halfling's lifeless body over. The halfling groaned in pain, but found no strength to refuse.

He towered over the halfling. The pit of fire burnt behind him and darkened his figure. A pair of brawn orbs locked the dying halfling's eyes, and his voice became strangely, enchantingly soft again, and sounded distance to the halfling

"This land is evil, paladin. I know not why you are here, nor do I care. But if smite evil is your doctrine, you will have to kill everyone you come cross."

The poor of blood widened beneath the halfling's body. The orc bent low pulling his visage closely to the halfling's dreamy eyes, and he spitted each word out between gritted teeth, "but you know what the trick is?"

He stood up and readied his sword, "They should never see it," As he spoke the last word, he thrust down the sword on the halfling's throat


[ 10-28-2002, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: 250 ]

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