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Attalus 12-13-2004 02:38 PM

Hmmm, Shagrath. Tolkien had an Orc named Shagrat in the LotR. Coincidence?

Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-13-2004 02:46 PM


Originally posted by Attalus:
Hmmm, Shagrath. Tolkien had an Orc named Shagrat in the LotR. Coincidence?
Doubtful! There's also Shadowfax, which I'm sure not many of you have heard of. And David Arkenstone which, I'm sure must be his name however strange...

philip 12-13-2004 03:16 PM

TheGodThatFailed I'd say Dimmu Borgir is black metal ;) Talking about Finnish bands with LotR themes do you know Battlelore? Awesome band you should check it out!

On another hand: NOOOO!

-I don't have to go to school wednesday april 27
-Finntroll is coming to the Netherlands at april 27
-There is NO train back after 23:39. With the concert starting around 20:30 I fear we'd miss a bit. On the other hand we'd have like 3 hours of fun (give or take a bit, planners say it's only a 4 minute walk from the station to the venue but I'd take 10 just to be sure)

Now I think the best option is go, hope they play fast and it's finished by then. The other is not going ( :( ) and last is sleeping at the train station or not sleeping and wait till 5:39AM for the next train. Problem is that I've got to be back before 9AM next morning to check my marks at school.

philip 12-13-2004 03:41 PM


Originally posted by Attalus:
Hmmm, Shagrath. Tolkien had an Orc named Shagrat in the LotR. Coincidence?
Could be he liked Shagrath from LotR when he chose this pseusonym?

Calaethis Dragonsbane 12-13-2004 08:11 PM

I'm cold, its cold, and Canada's cold - and its been snowing for the past three days.

Hi all!

How are ya all doing? Anything new?

Dron_Cah 12-13-2004 08:27 PM

It's really #@*&ing cold, CD!! I just walked back from the library, and it sucked horribly bad. Drinking some coacoa, now, trying to get warm. I think my roomy's having troubles with his g/f, so that'll put a damper on the rest of this week. Oh well. I have loads of studying to do still, so I need to go. Later.

Callum 12-14-2004 03:36 AM

Definitely the third option philip... :D

Signed, King Dances with Squirrels

Attalus 12-14-2004 09:36 AM

35 degrees F., here, and sunny. Which figures to 2 degrees Celsius, so it didn't freeze, yay.

aleph_null1 12-14-2004 10:17 AM


Originally posted by philip:
Now I think the best option is go, hope they play fast and it's finished by then. The other is not going ( :( ) and last is sleeping at the train station or not sleeping and wait till 5:39AM for the next train.
Not going is never an option! [img]graemlins/biglaugh.gif[/img]

Many a time have concerts turned into all-night parties followed by early morning classes. Same problem here, getting into and out of Washington, D.C. In this case it's subway & bus schedules, but same thing.

Said at about midnight: "We're partying until lunchtime, guys!"

philip 12-14-2004 10:49 AM

A friend of mine who we asked to go with us immediately called some friends if we couldn't stay the night at one of their houses [img]smile.gif[/img] She said it'd be easy to get some place. So I'm going to Finntroll!!!

Trollhammaren!!! [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img]

[ 12-14-2004, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: philip ]

Attalus 12-14-2004 02:24 PM

Well, I gave Galadria an early Christmas present. A "House-Organizer" and her minions are going though our house, organizing and cleaning to a fare-thee-well. Trash day tomorrow is gonna be a big thing, I think.

Blunderbuss 12-14-2004 02:28 PM

I dissected a heart today..It was great! We were waiting for some more gloves, but I couldn't be bothered waiting, so I did it bare-handed. It was brilliant. You may think i'm some kind of heart-dissecting lunatic and, well, you'd probably be right but it really was fun, you shuld try it some time. But, do make sure it isn't a human heart, I wouldn't want to be promoting murder now, would I. :D

Attalus 12-14-2004 02:30 PM

I have dissected several human hearts, though not without gloves on. I don't think it was all that exciting. Of course, they were expecting me to dissect seveal other things at the time. The abdomen, now ... :D

Blunderbuss 12-14-2004 02:34 PM

Maybe it shouldn't have been so exciting, but I'm used to Biology lessons, where we draw dodgy pictures and answer boring questions, so when they gave us a heart and a scalpel, it was definitley an improvement.

Dron_Cah 12-14-2004 02:45 PM

Primeminster McNutty, here! (tried a few others, and I'm also: Colonel Bignuts, Bushy Fluffycheeks, Private Wagglebottom, Brigadier Curlyarse, and Lieutenant McTwitch.) :D
Ah, that's too much fun. [img]smile.gif[/img]
In other news, I have a chemistry final tomorrow. :( I'm definitely not ready, either. Stupid electron configurations!! Well, I guess I'm off to study. Later, guys.

Blunderbuss 12-14-2004 02:51 PM

Good luck with the chemistry!! [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]
And I'm glad to see you're enjoying the squirrel name generator.

[ 12-14-2004, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Blunderbuss ]

Intrepid 12-14-2004 03:19 PM

I've been out with friends and stuff all night, it's beena lot of fun, and it's 7:24 am now.

And where can i find this name generator?
unless it's on page 2, i'll check that next

philip 12-14-2004 03:20 PM

Wish they'd do heart dissectioning in our biology lessons. What hearts did you dissect blunderbuss?

But well I'll be doing some of that when I go studying medicine next year [img]smile.gif[/img]

Blunderbuss 12-14-2004 04:26 PM

I think they were sheep hearts. Apparantly we dissect a liver next year.

[ 12-14-2004, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: Blunderbuss ]

wellard 12-14-2004 07:42 PM

Message for Blunderbuss ... "Mary wants to know what happened to her pet lamb, last she saw it was following someone to your school" :D

Wow that’s cold Attalus! *shiver* I wonder if thermometers in Australia even have zero written on the gauge [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-14-2004 10:20 PM

Sigh, the dog's in the hospital for over night. She was screeming in pain so we had to take her to the emergency clinic. She's getting old. They drained some fluid from her stomach and she seems to be much better. We'll see what they say in the morning; besides give me $300!

Sir Goulum 12-14-2004 10:27 PM


Originally posted by wellard:
Message for Blunderbuss ... "Mary wants to know what happened to her pet lamb, last she saw it was following someone to your school" :D

Wow that’s cold Attalus! *shiver* I wonder if thermometers in Australia even have zero written on the gauge [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Care to trade places for the winter? ;)

wellard 12-15-2004 08:02 AM

Sir Goulum Its a deal ... how about in 6 months time when its winter down here.... and you pay for the airfares [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Just started watching LOTR extended versions to be ready for Santas ROTK present, which I'm sure he will bring [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Cloudbringer 12-15-2004 10:00 AM

Wellard, we get to 0 here in the winter.. but that's Farenheit! brrrrr!

Variol! I hope your dog is ok! It's so hard to watch them get old, isn't it? Still, I've always found that it's worth all the pain just to have the joy of their company all the years that come before that. I'll say a little prayer for your dog- she sounds like she's very loved. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Attalus 12-15-2004 10:28 AM

Variol, cherish her while she's here. I lost my Eroica this time last year at 14 and it still hurts.

Wellard, it's warming up, and I'm still hoping to walk this afternoon.

Iron Greasel 12-15-2004 03:13 PM

Sometimes it gets so cold here that quicksilver freezes. -50 or so I think.

I win.

Blunderbuss 12-15-2004 03:40 PM


Originally posted by Iron Greasel:
Sometimes it gets so cold here that quicksilver freezes. -50 or so I think.

I win.

Show off.

Dron_Cah 12-15-2004 04:17 PM

Well, we're behind you, but not by much. We used to get into the -20s, but this season it's warmer than usual. We're hovering around freezing, right now. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Hey guys, I got back from bombing my chem final a while back. Decided I needed a nap! [img]smile.gif[/img] Anyways, not stressing so bad, anymore, now that it's over. Strange that I never want to take a test before, but wish I was still taking it later. [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] Well, I still have loads of shopping to do, so bye all. [img]graemlins/wavey.gif[/img]

Variol (Farseer) Elmwood 12-15-2004 09:53 PM

Sorry everybody, bad news:
We had to take her in again tonight 'cos she was still in pain and could not walk properly. We took her to our regular Vet and decided it was best for her to end her suffering. Sixteen and a half was more than most dogs get and they were excellent years. I'm sure my wife and I will miss her for a long time.

Sir Goulum 12-15-2004 10:22 PM


Originally posted by wellard:
Sir Goulum Its a deal ... how about in 6 months time when its winter down here.... and you pay for the airfares [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Just started watching LOTR extended versions to be ready for Santas ROTK present, which I'm sure he will bring [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Sure! It's probably just as warm there in the winter, as it is here in the summer! [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Cloudbringer 12-15-2004 10:42 PM

Oh Variol! I'm so sorry. :( You had her with you a long time and I'm sure she was pampered and loved and knew it! I know you'll miss her, I still miss kitties I lost years ago.

Just popped in to say good night to everyone, Oh and our washer blew today.. well, overbalanced and leaked all over (front loader)....whoohoo and joy bills and waiting on repairmen!

Sir Goulum 12-15-2004 10:55 PM


Originally posted by Dron_Cah:
Well, we're behind you, but not by much. We used to get into the -20s, but this season it's warmer than usual. We're hovering around freezing, right now. [img]smile.gif[/img]

I heard on the news today that this year has been the 4th warmest on record, for the world! ( I think it was the world, anyways....)

wellard 12-16-2004 12:18 AM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:

Just popped in to say good night to everyone, Oh and our washer blew today.. well, overbalanced and leaked all over (front loader)....whoohoo and joy bills and waiting on repairmen!

How did a washing machine fall over ???. When you say it blew what exactly went bang? They are not hard to fix if the electrics are OK.

In the meantime perhaps Someguy can stop sweeping the floor and start doing the laundery by hand for you [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

aleph_null1 12-16-2004 12:31 AM


Originally posted by Sir Goulum:
I heard on the news today that this year has been the 4th warmest on record, for the world! ( I think it was the world, anyways....)
I wouldn't at all doubt it, dude. Until yesterday there hasn't been a winter in the D.C. area. It was literally in the 70s this weekend!

Now, of course, it's 29 degrees F with an 8 knot freezing wind.

[img]graemlins/dunno.gif[/img] Had to happen eventually, I guess!

Jorath Calar 12-16-2004 12:56 AM

Sorry about your dog Variol... but you know, all dogs go to heaven.

Anyway, I've been up since 2 am and now it's almost 6... thankfully I'm on evening shift today so can catch some sleep before it hit's 4 pm...

or should I call in sick and play video games all day.
never called in sick in the 2 and a half years I've worked there
hmmm choices choices...

dplax 12-16-2004 01:27 AM

Sorry to hear about your dog Variol. May her memory live on for long!

Callum 12-16-2004 04:22 AM

Sorry to hear about your dog Variol. That must really suck.

Cloudbringer 12-16-2004 09:21 AM


Originally posted by wellard:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cloudbringer:

Just popped in to say good night to everyone, Oh and our washer blew today.. well, overbalanced and leaked all over (front loader)....whoohoo and joy bills and waiting on repairmen!

How did a washing machine fall over ???. When you say it blew what exactly went bang? They are not hard to fix if the electrics are OK.

In the meantime perhaps Someguy can stop sweeping the floor and start doing the laundery by hand for you [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]
</font>[/QUOTE]Hehe...SomeGuy will love that, I'm sure. ;) :D

It was in final phase of the spin cycle, Wellard. Then it started making 'clunk clunk' sounds like the cylinder (wash tub) was off balance (which never happens with this new front load machine!) so we stopped it and rearranged the clothes then set it to rinse and spin again.

Started hearing the same sounds and then when Nacht ran to see what was up, he found water all over the floor, so we stopped the machine and emptied it and I 'm calling a repairman. HOPEFULLY it will be something that is still under warranty as it's now over a year old. :( Nacht said he heard something like a 'ball bearing' rattle, but I didn't hear it so I can't say what it was.

[ 12-16-2004, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: Cloudbringer ]

Blunderbuss 12-16-2004 11:25 AM

[quote]Originally posted by Sir Goulum:

I heard on the news today that this year has been the 4th warmest on record, for the world! ( I think it was the world, anyways....)
Isn't that a bad thing? With global warming and all that and I'm sorry to hear about your dog, Variol.

[ 12-16-2004, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Blunderbuss ]

RoSs_bg2_rox 12-16-2004 12:59 PM

Ah Variol that sucks. Our last dog lived until she was 17, then started to have fits and we had to put her down. You do miss them. But now we have some new dogs, another black lab, who is now 6 years old, and a springer spaniel which is 3 or 4. Great company [img]smile.gif[/img]

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