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G'kar 09-11-2001 02:06 PM


Originally posted by Blade:
It sound like a religon i wold like. Curantly i am an athiest but i love nature and the sight of the stars and the moon. Is there any way i can become one? Or just learn more about it in depth?

I definitely reccomend the bookstore route. There maybe a Wiccan oriented bookstore in your area, that would be a likely place to gain indepth information from Witches/Wiccans themselves. I helped operate one a while back in Alabama, and we had classes and open meetings on a weekly basis.

Neb 09-11-2001 02:15 PM

One should be careful revealing that he/she is a Wiccan however, I have heard rumours that fanatical "witchhunters" are willing to go to great lengths to "convert" Wiccans, including psychological and physical torture, some of these psychopaths even hunt down Wiccans in order to kill them, I have these rumours from a reliable source, so I wouldn't discount them as complete rubbish.

Blade 09-11-2001 02:18 PM

sadly old hatreds die hard and unterating people allways will be around.

All blades cut, be they made from metal or wood, but the sharpest and deadliest blade is the one of knowledge.

An Archmage of the HADB

DragonMage 09-11-2001 02:39 PM


Originally posted by Sazerac:
I think it's:

"Bide the Wiccan Rede ye must,
in perfect Love and perfect Trust,
Eight words doth the Rede fulfill,
'An it harm none, do what ye will."

I have Wiccan friends; they follow this as a normal matter of course.

That is part of it, but the whole Rede is VERY long. Around 30 or so lines.

And, yes, look into it on the net and in books. The reason I got involved is that I got interested in tracing my family history, which took me to Wales and Ireland on my paternal Grandmother's side and Scotland on my Mother's. I've always felt a very strong pull to nature. I love being (alone or with those I care for) in the wilderness. I have an innate rapport with animals and I can feel the life and energy all around me when I'm outside. I don't do much spell casting at this point, but I do make some supplication to God and the elements when need arises (i.e. - trying to get a little rain in Georgia, et al to end this drought - it's worked so far ). Just don't let any exotic offshoot convince you that you should kill someone (or something) to get what you want. You might get more than you asked for. Some people try to turn Wicca into exactly what the witch hunters make it out to be.

"Allright! We'll call it a draw."

"I'm INVINCIBLE! ... You're a LOONEY!"

Dare to dream. Be bold enough to try.

The day we stop learning is the day we start dying!(c)

Blade 09-11-2001 02:44 PM

Thanks for all the info. pleaze keep it coming. Is there any spicific religious book like the Christian's Bible?

All blades cut, be they made from metal or wood, but the sharpest and deadliest blade is the one of knowledge.

An Archmage of the HADB

G'kar 09-11-2001 02:44 PM


Originally posted by Neb:
One should be careful revealing that he/she is a Wiccan however, I have heard rumours that fanatical "witchhunters" are willing to go to great lengths to "convert" Wiccans, including psychological and physical torture, some of these psychopaths even hunt down Wiccans in order to kill them, I have these rumours from a reliable source, so I wouldn't discount them as complete rubbish.

I will chance a random psycopath in order to share revelant knowledge to interested individuals. Fearing oppression and doing nothing will only serve the purposes of the fanatics who believe their way is the only right way.

As I stated earlier, I worked openly for several years at a wiccan bookstore in a very christian southern city. The store I worked at even had a full page article in the local newspaper during halloween one year. Occasionally a local church or another would send some missionaries in to convince us we are all sinners. It was good for a laugh, a compassionate laugh that is. Considering we never had any sort of violent trouble, I would have to take such threats with a grain of salt.

[This message has been edited by G'kar (edited 09-11-2001).]

Diogenes Of Pumpkintown 09-11-2001 05:21 PM

It's cool to see so many wiccans here.

I don't follow any one particular religion, but I am a nature loving pagan at heart, and find wicca to be one of the more appealing religions out there.

Absynthe 09-11-2001 05:28 PM

There was a thread which covered religions a while back, prox 2-3 months. I'm surprised and delighted to see more Wiccans coming to the forum. As Neb mentioned, not everyone is accepting of us, and some discretion may be necessary, depending on what community you live in. Still, it's cool to see so many folks openly proclaiming their beliefs.
Blessed be

MagiK 09-11-2001 05:32 PM

Laughing at people who are trying to discuss and debate you is to be guilty of the same bigotry and folly wiccans seem to feel they are subject to.

No I do not aregue that some Wiccan groups aren't persecuted but from my knowledge there are far more groups that don't have any real problems being who they want to be and believing what they want.

Out of curiosity, are there any Wiccans from europe on here? I am curious about their numbers and what kind of relations they have with the general populace. Is persecution a problem for wiccans in europe?

And my last question...why do there seem to be so many more Wiccan groups in New England than in other parts of the there a locational significance?

While I do not believe in Wicca as a religion or belief system for myself. I am fascinated by it and wish to learn what I many.

Disintigration is easy, If you really want to impress me, ReIntegrate it.

Absynthe 09-11-2001 05:44 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by MagiK:
[B]Laughing at people who are trying to discuss and debate you is to be guilty of the same bigotry and folly wiccans seem to feel they are subject to.

The humor of the situation MagiK, from being preached at many a time, is the sheer ridiculousness of the pitch: You are a sinner (even though there is no "sin" in your religion) and you will go to hell (a place that does not exist in your religion) unless you forswear everything you believe in, and engage yourself in a mindset that is at least 160, if not 180 degrees from where you currently are in respect to your relationship with the universe.
A debate or even a discussion has absolutely nothing in common with proseletyzing and missionary work. So, yeah, it does get sometimes amusing when some beknighted person is trying to scare me into their belief system.

No I do not aregue that some Wiccan groups aren't persecuted but from my knowledge there are far more groups that don't have any real problems being who they want to be and believing what they want.
You lost me there, Magik, was that double negative intentional?

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