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Redblueflare 08-15-2001 11:28 AM


Originally posted by Jerome:
Being the cynical teenage deppersionist that i am i would have to say no its not true.

But then again, what the hell do i know? Heed the words of those wiser than me

Being an equally cynical person, but still far more postitive than Jerome I disagree. It is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. There's so many things you can learn from a relationship that i'm not going to even try to post them here. How are you going to find your soulmate if you're to afraid you'll be hurt by them? I know I haven't found my soulmate, but I have some best friends who definitely have the *potential* to be that person. This may be wishful thinking on my part, but I definitely wouldn't mind it happening.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just don't have to listen.

Rikard 08-15-2001 12:26 PM


Originally posted by Memnoch:
Rikard, for someone who's the age you are and doesn't have English as a first language you never cease to amaze me with your insights. I don't know how you manage to say it in a few phrases. Are you related to Confucius or something???

Nope i Dislike long texts...


Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil 08-15-2001 01:38 PM

but, if you had never loved at all, you wouldnt have been hurt would you?

this is my last resort, cant work a sig....

Official Villain Of Ironworks
Wishes to be annubis
ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!! how are you gentlemen?

MILAMBER 08-15-2001 02:16 PM

I think that if the good times outweigh the bad then it was worthwhile.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Debaser 08-15-2001 03:15 PM

i suppose that i agree with the saying...
that is, provided you don't become a bitter, emotionally scarred & jaded misogynist in the process.

"devil, thy name is woman"

Rikard 08-15-2001 04:07 PM


Originally posted by Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil:
but, if you had never loved at all, you wouldnt have been hurt would you?

If you open a beerbottle and the top shoot towards your eye
you are hurt
no matter if you love or not...


Harkoliar 08-16-2001 01:36 AM

aaahhh.. nice replies thanks all

i completly agree with you conan, however im trying to look at LOVE at another perspective. it is true that it has never left you in those kinds of circumstances (in which i congratualte you) BUT what about those other people who do. dont say that it is thier fault because they were fooled, decieved, or something even worse. im trying to be practical here and i do admit that it is true for you. but there is another saying in which "it may be true for you, but not true for us". im looking at this problem together with our society and our growing problems that happen because of it and with its tragic results.

for Rikards (the almighty) argument... i can justly say that "he got me there" lol...

Revived I Am to hunt this world... Banish ye evil or face my wrath...

Kinslayer 08-16-2001 03:51 AM

But surely if you hadn't loved in the first place you wouldn't know what you were missing so you wouldn't feel any hurt? I've been through a lot of bad things in my life for someone who's only just turned 24 yet nothing has ever made me feel as wretched as rejection from the opposite sex. As a result of this I've decided that life is more enjoyable without relationships of that sort. To have feelings that overwhelm you and drive you to do things you normally wouldn't consider only to realise they're not returned is something I can do without in my life.

[This message has been edited by Kinslayer (edited 08-16-2001).]

bilqis 08-16-2001 07:32 AM


Originally posted by Kinslayer:
But surely if you hadn't loved in the first place you wouldn't know what you were missing so you wouldn't feel any hurt?

There are many forms of love -- most of us have been fortunate to have the love of a close friend, of a parent or sibling or grandparent, of our children, of our pets -- these are all valid forms of love. Love is necessary for a healthy life. It helps to reaffirm our own belief in our value. Yes we all can live without it, but life is much happier with it! ANY relationship that a person is involved in has the potential for causing pain. Pain is, sadly, unavoidable in life.

As for romantic love --- You may know by now (or not) that I'm in the process of a divorce. My husband of 21 years, who I love and have worked side by side with to build a fairly good life together, has fallen in love with someone else. Very much a shock to me. I always believed our relationship was a very good one, despite our faults.

Now, this situation is extremely painful. The feelings of rejection on my part are deep. But despite that, I am not sorry for having devoted so many years of my life, of my self, to this relationship. I thought it was forever, it was not. It still has been a valuable experience. I would not be who I am today without having married & worked with him (and I like who I am!). I would not have 4 wonderful sons. I would not have learned all that I have learned through the experiences with him.

Life without love in some form is empty ~ or if not empty, certainly not as as rich.

So I do believe, in all ways, it is "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all".

Having abandoned my
search for truth, I am
now looking for a good

For R³ in thanks:
Sometimes I think I
understand everything,
then I regain consciousness.

[This message has been edited by bilqis (edited 08-16-2001).]

Rikard 08-16-2001 03:52 PM


Originally posted by Harkoliar:
aaahhh.. nice replies thanks all

i completly agree with you conan, however im trying to look at LOVE at another perspective. it is true that it has never left you in those kinds of circumstances (in which i congratualte you) BUT what about those other people who do. dont say that it is thier fault because they were fooled, decieved, or something even worse. im trying to be practical here and i do admit that it is true for you. but there is another saying in which "it may be true for you, but not true for us". im looking at this problem together with our society and our growing problems that happen because of it and with its tragic results.

for Rikards (the almighty) argument... i can justly say that "he got me there" lol...

Actually i meant it in 2 ways
The first in the way from fysical hurting
The other and maybe worse is the Loneliness
There is afterall a reason why we love


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