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SomeGuy 10-22-2004 12:01 PM

I'm not quite sure what I'm like when I'm drunk, but I know that drunk people are pretty funny. My friend Paul says that once we get into highschool, him and two other guys are gonna tie me up and get me drunk. (Seeing as I'm one of those christiany people with the no sex/drinking/smoking/dipping policy and they like to mess with me because of it) [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Raistlin Majere 10-22-2004 12:11 PM

Hmmm...Its actually kind of hard to fit into one of those categories, as I tend to get so wasted that I remember absolutely nothing of what has happened the night before [img]graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

But I usually get a bit more talkative, then I drink some more and become quite and just stare into space, then I drink some more and...well, then I wake up, feeling like a million bucks :D

...well, maybe not quite a million...

Sigmar 10-22-2004 12:35 PM


Originally posted by johnny:
I don't shut up anymore, i just keep talking and talking, there's no end to it ? What am i talking about ? How the hell should i know....i'm drunk. :D
Explains the post count! :D

Cool informative posts from all thus far! :D

Gangrell 10-22-2004 01:21 PM


Originally posted by SomeGuy:
I'm not quite sure what I'm like when I'm drunk, but I know that drunk people are pretty funny. My friend Paul says that once we get into highschool, him and two other guys are gonna tie me up and get me drunk. (Seeing as I'm one of those christiany people with the no sex/drinking/smoking/dipping policy and they like to mess with me because of it) [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Everyone has their own reasons. I'm sober because its not a good idea to give mentally ill people alcohol, I may just go on a killing spree :D [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

Arledrian 10-22-2004 01:39 PM

I get obnoxiously philosophical once I've had too much to drink. I really do think I'm Nietzsche when I'm pissed. Often I'll gather my friends round to impart a valuable nugget of knowledge on life, women, or whatever, to which they'll say: "oh, here we go... " and wait for it with baited breath, only to crack up hyserically I've come out with it.

Thoran 10-22-2004 02:45 PM

The drunker I get the mellower I get, if I'm uptight about something, a few beers and all is right with the world.

I'm described by others as a friendly drunk, I can get talkative but usually just hang out and relax.

I've played so much pool while drinking that my game drastically improves as I drink, up to a point (at 6-12 beers depending on how fast I'm drinking)... then it falls off a cliff. I've run the table off the break a couple dozen times in my life... and every time I was at least slightly toasted.

Timber Loftis 10-22-2004 02:48 PM


Originally posted by Attalus:
There are five stages of drunkenness.
1. Witty and Charming
2. Sleepy
3. Can't stop talking
4. "I love you, man."
5. Bulletproof

I now stop at #2. :D

Genius, pure genius.

Kakero 10-22-2004 06:14 PM

Looks like I stop at No.2. Need to sleep after being drunk. though whose bed I sleep in with is another matter entirely. [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

Dave_the_quack 10-22-2004 06:37 PM

Hrmmm.... I can go through up to four stages when I have an "all nighter" heh.

1. Tipsy to drunk: Funny Sarcastic / Most hysterical person alive (at least I think so at the time)

2. Drunk: Runaway. I tend to climb trees and want solitude anywhere from an hour to 4 heh.

3. Drunk to very drunk: Emotional cry baby. This lasts no more than 45 mins. (20 mins on average) This is followed by cartwheels and backflips. This is followed by me landing on my head.... or bum.

4. Wasted: Do things that I hear about the next morning and have no recollection of. Heh, my best effort was drinking so much I have had a blackout of memory totalling 5 or 6 hours.

Good thread Sigmar. [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]

Lord 10-22-2004 06:50 PM

Well, I'm 19, but anyways.... :D

I never know what happens to me. Everything that I've done always has to be told to me afterwards. I forget everything after an hour, then I remember about 3 or 4 mini-clips of what happened over the next few hours, and then after that, I wake up and don't know where I am. I've actually had some bad experiences. A friend actually carried me into my room and I woke up and couldn't figure out how I got there :D .

Next time you get drunk, have a friend record some of the things you say on their cell phone. I can't believe some of the things that I say.

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