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Cloudbringer 06-15-2004 09:45 AM

SpongeBob, I hear you, re: the doctors, but sometimes it can actually HELP if you see one, so do go if you aren't better by tomorrow!

Stormymystic 06-15-2004 01:01 PM

I second cloudy on this one, a doctor is there in case the "obvious" is not what you think it is ;) but I hate them too, and had not gone to one for along time, when I finaly did go to one, they kept me coming back having this test run, and that test run, better to keep a regular doctor so you do not have to do that...also, think about this, if there is internal swelling, there could also be bleeding, and you may not even know it, so if you are not better, go to the doctor!

Mack_Attack 06-15-2004 01:08 PM

Ouch is right. The throat is such a sentive part as well. If I was you I would go to the doctor just to be safe. He may give you some better painkillers that might help with the pain. Well I hope you are feeliing better. I hope the other guy was tossed out of the game. ;)

Illumina Drathiran'ar 06-15-2004 03:24 PM

Normally I hate going to the doctor as well, but even I would swallow my fear and negative feelings towards the medical profession in a case like this.

TyranyuZ 06-15-2004 05:26 PM

Go see a doctor you unlucky bastard.

Arledrian 06-15-2004 06:30 PM

If your neck is unbruised and it's feeling better today, I think you're okay without seeing a doctor. If it was gonna kill you it would've done so in the night. I'd just stick with the soup, take some ibuprofen, and secretly plot to take the guy out in the return game this season. No I'm kidding. I hope you feel better soon. [img]smile.gif[/img]

scudgod31 06-15-2004 08:59 PM

wow man u need to try wrestling lol now thats a tough sport!

Stormymystic 06-15-2004 09:25 PM

actually, I think he should try bull riding, it is much eaiser :D

SpongeBobTheDestoyer 06-16-2004 01:41 AM


Originally posted by Arledrian:
secretly plot to take the guy out in the return game this season.
I wouldn't do that, but the guy is a poor sport to say the least. He didn't do it on purpose but even though the game was stopped as I was doubled over in pain he never once said sorry or anything. If I had done that to someone I definately would have said sorry or my bad or something.

I believe I will be doctor free as it seems to be getting a little better and I couldn't resist pigging out on some real food, and that is going well. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Lauren 06-16-2004 08:27 PM

I agree with everyone here that it would be a good idea to see the doctor. Although you may not like doctor's sometimes they can help.....hence the fact that doctor's exist [img]tongue.gif[/img]

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