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Nanaki3 04-30-2002 12:44 PM

Ian, I need help with drawing anime!! PLLLLEEASSEEE!

Grojlach 04-30-2002 02:59 PM

*Looks at the above HTML Hell*
I can jusy hear older computers crash all over the world... /)eathkiller, not that it doesn't look nifty or anything, but why didn't you put a disclaimer about all that HTML in the topic title? :squint:

/)eathKiller 04-30-2002 06:29 PM


Originally posted by Grojlach:
*Looks at the above HTML Hell*
I can jusy hear older computers crash all over the world...

*sigh* I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam... [img]tongue.gif[/img]

I realize that many people can't handel HTML, hell I doubt that even I can, but its not really that much HTML... it's not like you see any marquees floating around or anything...


Originally posted by Nanaki3:
Ian, I need help with drawing anime!! PLLLLEEASSEEE!
-_- I left a poorly-drawn picture on the Board in band... sit and stare at it for 3 years... then and only then, will you be ready to be manga-ka... then we'll talk...

AAAAAARRRGGG!! I finished Evangelion!! It was too SHORT! too damn short!! After all the angels were dead the purpose of all that technology was lost! and then Shinji was left with the decision to determine the fate of the world!!! It had a happy ending but... BUT... I WAS SO DAMN UNSATISFIED WITH IT!
YAAAAH *rips hair out*


geez 11 posts and only 1 real request for a sig... @_@ PS: goku zool, you will notice that the lettering has been fixed...

Nanaki3 05-01-2002 10:16 AM

Ian, What sig are you talking about.

Redblueflare 05-01-2002 02:01 PM

What the heck is it with you and catgirls lately Ian? [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] Just wondering...

Was Evangelion, or Evangelon really all that bad? I mean come on you seemed to like it well enough before the ending. So it couldn't have been all that bad right? At least it wasn't as crappy as X's ending.

/)eathKiller 05-01-2002 04:09 PM

oh the series was EXCELLENT all together and everything! But the last two episodes shouldn't have been there! I especially enjoyed Captain Usaka's "Fan-Service" :D as she called it where she pretty much tries to sum up the trivial facts which the audience couldn't possible know!

------<font size="+3">Spoiler Warning</font>-------
Anybody who hasn't seen the series yet might not want to read this

Coolest Scene: The entire Synch Episode
Saddest Scene: seeing Asuka break like lain's sister...
Most Unecessary Scene: Koji... The captain... The pill... and an oraphice that was definerly nowhere near her head @_@
Funniesst Scene: Seeing Rei with Emotions! I nearly died!
Most Hated Character: Shinji's dad... even as a nice guy he sucked...
Best Angel: The last one! He was the best EVA pilot ever! EVER! too bad he was well... 1 and angel and 2... -_- errm... well just watch and you'll see...
Best Pilot: Well If i have to say someone who wasn't the angel, I think that REI was the only one who took her devotion to piloting seriously... Shinji was a puppet, Asuka was too showy and the fourth child... umm... he just didn't have a chance...
Coolest Eva: O_o... errmm... err... I guess... 01... cuz... it was the only one that seemed to get the job done... yearr...
Longest Scene: The last one... it took nearly half the episode just for shinji to kill the dude (note I said DUDE) who said he LOVED him @_@... heck I wouldn't think twice if some strange pale MAN said he was in LOVE with me... I'd shoot him THEN crush him in my giant hand... [img]tongue.gif[/img]
<tt>biggest Suprise: Adam... WASNT... ADAM... : / ... lillithian's he called us... that meant that we were in-fact mistaken, we cannot ccreate the first human being because that wouldnt make him first, lillith was a creature of Vanity... and ALLL the angels just wanted to KNOW if it was ADAM or NOT that had been created! Once they figured that out they just up and left!! see ! THe whole point of the fighting was because NERV was stubborn and wanted to avoid trajety! BUT THERE WASN'T REALLY GOING TO BE TRAGETY! DAMNIT! So what was the POINT of there being EVAS, ANGELS, and A guy called ADAM to even begin with ! EH!!</tt>

<font color="yellow">The spoiling stops here!</font>

As for JEFF... well... the picture i was taling about was on the BOARD... i mean the Drawing Board! Not the messagte board! The one in Mr. Boswells ROOM! HELLO!


as for me and cat girls?

I dunnow... but i just drew another one!
:D anyone can have it for their sig if they want it ^_^
And I drew this one a while back too but never sized it down into a sig [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Say RBF, what do you think of far?


Nanaki3 05-01-2002 04:19 PM

Oh that drawing. I know what your talking about now. That was a pretty basic drawing. NO details at all.

*I like my dads laptop. It types so quite and smooth, ahhhhh.*

Was the series you were talking about called Evangelon. Yes. I think that is what it was called. I might buy it. If it was any good. Let me know Ian.

Redblueflare 05-01-2002 07:00 PM

Well to be honest I haven't really touched it yet. I'll watch some of it later on tonight though. [img]smile.gif[/img] I've been playing Virtua Figher 4 and watching Dragon Ball Z. (The episodes Julio bought) You know when you win 20 times in a row in Kumite mode against cpu's in the dans. You'd expect at least one ranking match right? I mean come on 20 wins in a row is pretty darn good. But no... couldn't get that. :rolleyes: Of course the computer had several. Stupid game... [img]smile.gif[/img] I didn't even get to save my hard work either!

Uh nice cat girls Ian. You know Natalie is supposed to look a lot like them. Just without the furry ears. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[ 05-01-2002, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Redblueflare ]

/)eathKiller 05-02-2002 06:04 AM


Originally posted by Redblueflare:
Uh nice cat girls Ian. You know Natalie is supposed to look a lot like them. Just without the furry ears. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Originally Written by Redblueflare In his story:
[i]Natalie is half Mystic. Mystics are a cat-like race in our world. All mystics have long furry ears and a tail that can be (but almost never is) used like a third hand...
EHEM... you use the word furry twice, and i also noticed that you explained that natalie was a Mystic twice as well [img]tongue.gif[/img]

heh it's ok ill do deedlit ears like you want... but you said furry gosh darnit [img]tongue.gif[/img] and furry ears are fun to draw...

Meanwhile I'm also working on this silly Baldurs Gate II mod... I've decided to rip what i have to work with to shreds, I'm going to totally RE-invent the GUI so it looks better... i'm thinking something like Chimera for Myth II now... it's gonna kick ass!

*edit* The only one left to go is the easiest one to draw, but I figured I'd better show you what i've gotten so far:

TK (Fixed)
Natalie (meow)
Krustal (punch)
Alan! (leaning on his sword)

:D Alan didn't print out nicely... it's best you look at this version... >_> ill see what I can do... lol it made him look like a girl by making the black lines too thick -_- maybe i should make the lines around his eyes more of a... fleshy color... or something...

:D you can really tell they're brother and sister though! I tried to use the same hair style and face-type twice :D :D :D


[ 05-02-2002, 06:18 PM: Message edited by: /)eathKiller ]

Link 05-02-2002 08:11 AM

Er.. That music you've got in your first post,/)eath, I don't want to be a party pooper, but the first one definitely is NOT Neverwinter Nights!!! It's plain old Total Annihilation! It took me a while, but I'm very sure it's a theme from that game. Dunno where you got it..:S

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