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Legolas 07-22-2005 02:44 PM

<font color=FFFF77>Ydalon

He observed. He made it a habit. Observe and learn. Remember and recall. If you paid attention and watched closely, you could pick up many basic skills in time.
The tearing of the dress upset him. It was not right to tear the clothes straight off just any girl you'd never seen before. But the bleeding had stopped, and Ydalon was as glad at that as any other thing.

"Thanks mister," the boy smiled, and Ydalon patted the girl's shoulder reassuringly before turning his eyes to the fighting.

Left and right they fell. The man was a brute, plain and simple. It was a shame he had not thought ahead, charging into a fight without a plan, for four now were the dead innocent before him, and his own life's end looked soon to come. Ydalon did not quite fancy such a turn of events, and so it was that he jumped up. Nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste to be seen and heard, the lad only barely kept his balance.

"Off the road! Get off the road, now!" he yelled, waving his arms to distract and delay the archers' shots. If the other's reflexes were up to par, Ydalon had at last found just the people he was looking for. There was but the matter of the banditry, and whether they had other urgent goals to pursue.</font>

OOC: I'm sure the bandits didn't like any fighting or display of strength no matter who attacked who. They either fled to behind their archers, got killed by someone else (perhaps the villagers), or Narar was sketchy on who was whose guards exactly and did in the bandits by accident. CD's call of course but it needn't be a problem.

[ 07-22-2005, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: Legolas ]

Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-22-2005 02:44 PM

<font color=silver> At the newcomer's (Kagarioni) remarks, the girl narrowed her eyes, but so barely it was almost undetectable by all those save with the keenest perception. <font color=skblue>"Too kind..."</font> she murmured in reply to Kagarioni, a faint twitch her only sign of irritation. <font color=skblue>"I can fix my own dress..."</font> she sounded almost indignant, eyeing Kagarioni with distaste, perhaps believing firmly that women should not be garbed as men, or maybe she was irked at her tone or nonchallant attitude. Finally, Isokla whispered, <font color=skblue>"I did not require your aid, child, as others have already tended to my injuries. I thank you none the less."</font> It was perhaps clear, that this was anything but a 'thank you', or at the very least, a dismissal, though a polite one.

Struggling to stand, Isokla pulled herself to a sitting pose and smiled her thanks to Detheriel again, her tone changing to one of profound graditude as opposed to her coolness earlier; <font color=skblue>"May I trouble you further, kind lord? May I have use of your arm, at least long enough to cut a walking staff from the nearby bush?"</font> Her smile was as warm as the sun, as were her eyes, as though she had put the matter with Kagarioni far from her mind. She turned to Ydalon, <font color=skblue>"I thank you also, kind sir. I would trouble you no further, young lord, but I have no way to repay any of you..."</font> Her words did not point out that a true gentleman would require no payment, in fact, by not saying it, she had indeed posed it to them.</font>

Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-22-2005 02:46 PM


Originally posted by Dalamar Stormcrow:
OOC:I killed the noble's guards, not the highwaymen, I slipped by using the gold sovereign from one of the guard's pouches...but too late for that!
OOC: Oh! Sorry. I'll edit or something. Hmm... give me a moment. Even so, I think the bandits would still attack - either the noble or yourself. Let me fix that!
Edit: I'll fix it so it doesn't screw up Leggy's post either!
Edit 2: Fixed the bandit's behaviour - heh, I didn't think <font color=plum>plum</font> was quite so <font color=pink>pink!</font>.
I hope its clearer now [img]smile.gif[/img] .

[ 07-22-2005, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]

Saliarasri 07-22-2005 03:04 PM

<font color="#fc34cc">
Kagarioni shrugs, and with a polite look on her face <font color="white">"As you wish. I hope you get better soon"</font> This is said in a polite tone but still warm tone, as well.

She walks up to the bandit guards, next to the other man, her stance neutral <font color="white">".."</font>

shamrock_uk 07-22-2005 03:09 PM

<font color="CCCC99">Detheriel

Detheriel looked down at her trying to struggle through the pain and smiled gently. At least she was talking - that was always a good sign. He wished he could think of something to say to keep her mind occupied but was saved the trouble after she addressed the other figure who had come to aid:


Originally posted by Calaethis Dragonsbane:
<font color=skblue> "I thank you also, kind sir. I would trouble you no further, young lord, but I have no way to repay any of you..."</font><font color=silver>Her words did not point out that a true gentleman would require no payment, in fact, by not saying it, she had indeed posed it to them.</font>
<font color="CCCC99">Detheriel let lose a good-humoured snort at her words.
"Enough of that kind of talk my Lady, I'm just doing what I always do."
He smiled to himself as he rose. Was the world so cruel that a kind deed was no longer expected in these parts?

He found a stout looking branch on a nearby bush and was able to break it off without too much effort. Turning back to the maiden he frowns:
"Moving is perhaps not the best thing for your injuries my Lady, perhaps if we constructed a litter of some..."

He broke off at the sight of her features about to form an indignant protest and then laughed, his face lighting up into a grin. "Well, if you think it's best my Lady" he chuckled, presenting the staff to her.

"But perhaps you'll suffer yourself to be aided by my arm at least? We should move you to safety before those archers seek targets further afield."</font>

OOC: Detheriel isn't really the sort of man to do a 'gentlemanly fawn', hence the response ;) Edits and additions, sorry.

[ 07-22-2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: shamrock_uk ]

Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-22-2005 03:28 PM

<font color=silver> Isokla smiled warmly and inclined her head to Detheriel, murmuring, <font color=skblue>"As you believe best, good lord. I only wish to be of no trouble, nay a distraction to you. I am sure that m'lord has better things to attend to then tend to a wounded woman?</font> Despite her words, she gracefully accepted his arm, gratified at his kindness. Taking the staff in her other, she hobbled experimentally and nodded again with a smile, pleased with the staff. It was a bit rough, but that could be worked on later.

As she looked up, her eyes narrowed at the bandits and the girl who had spoken to her earlier. To both Detheriel and Ydalon, she hissed in frustration, <font color=skblue>"That fool child will get herself killed. Please, stop them? There has been enough blood already and I do not wish any more to be spilled, either on my account or any other. The Lords of Vision are the new power around here, so much so that they are the law in these parts... please stop them?"</font> Her tone was a genuine plea and her pale eyes were wide though oddly enough, showed no signs of fear.


The bandits glowered at Narar and than at the newcomer in the form of Kagarioni, the leader snapping <font color=plum>"One gold soveriegn to pass."</font> he paused and added <font color=plum>"Those who do not pay the fee shall be dealt with, such as these four peasents who saw fit to flee and break the law."</font></font>

OOC: Edit - is my post still okay, Shamrock? Btw, I like Detheriel :D
Edit 2: I just noticed that we all ignored Ydalon's warning to get off the road... opps. Uh, maybe someone can address that in the next post?

[ 07-22-2005, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]

shamrock_uk 07-22-2005 03:53 PM

<font color="CCCC99">

Detheriel inwardly rolled his eyes at her comments - trouble indeed! He wasn't stupid after all and it was quite clear that there was more to this lass than met the eye - her lack of fear and her ability to cope with trauma for example. Her speech was almost too submissive for a person such as her. Still, if she wants to play the 'courtly dance', what is it to me? he thought.

After giving her a quick appraisal to check she could remain standing he gave her a reassuring smile and bowed his head in assent. "As you say my Lady" he agreed and, notching an arrow loosely to his bow, jogged down towards the bridge. </font>

OOC - It's fine thanks Calaethis, I tried not to change anything of substance anyway. I hope I interpreted her remarks correctly by the way - just shout if I'm barking up the wrong tree ;)

[ 07-22-2005, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: shamrock_uk ]

Saliarasri 07-22-2005 04:07 PM

<font color="#fc34cc">
Kagarioni frowns '.. someone needs to cut these people down. They aren't law, per se, and this is ridicouls. Still..' Kagarioni decides to be nice and pay anyway, since she has no real reason to fight them until she knows what's going on.
<font color="white">"Very well.. I'll return to pay shortly."</font>

Kagarioni turns and walks back off, muttering to herself as she again asks Ydalon and Isokel, and Detheriel <font color="white">"I'd like to say I could loan you money, but at this moment, I have exactly 2 gold coins. And I'm reasonbly sure this is the only crossing for a fair distance.. so I'm going to let the wounded girl borrow the money - I'll just walk around this, or try to find a different crossing. It's no big deal where I go"</font>

[ 07-22-2005, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: Saliarasri ]

Legolas 07-22-2005 04:33 PM

<font color=FFFF77>Ydalon

An impish grin spread across his face as the archers held their arrows afterall. He shrugged, straightened his dirt-dusted shirt and swung his left leg around to face the other three once again.

The man among them stood unpleasantly close to the injured young woman, and was smugly miladying away. No doubt he'd 'support' her all the way to the healer, and then for ages after until he was sure she'd made a complete recovery. Ydalon gave him a harsh glare, though he seemed not to notice.
His eyes passed over the lady in the torn dress, and finally came to rest on the woman in armor. 'You play that game then, and I'll play this,' he thought to the second.

The harsh edge had all but gone and there was certainly no jealousy in his eyes as his smile grew into one of gratitude.

"Lady, it would be the greatest kindness," Ydalon said. "My friend and I have only coppers on us but she truely needs to cross. She's hurt, as you see."
He gestured to the subject of his words, leaning on a staff.

"A gold coin each is no small thing, and it's no loan if you disappear forever after. I know I can repay you soon on her behalf, if only you'll travel a day or two in my direction, please give me that oppertunity, lady."</font>

[ 07-22-2005, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: Legolas ]

Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-22-2005 05:12 PM

OOC: Rules on Currency (Also in the Rules Thread)
<font color=gold><u>Currency</u></font>

<font color=skyblue>A note to clarify: a <font color=gold>gold sovereign</font> is worth about <font color=silver>ten Silver Crowns</font> - and is more then a peasent will see in a year. Hell, a peasent will be lucky to see a <font color=silver>silver penny</font>. (Ten of which makes up a single silver crown). Five small coppers make up one large copper, and ten large coppers make up a silver penny. It's a bit odd, but there you have it.

<font color=gold>1 Imperial Royal (IR)</font> = <font color=gold>10 Gold Sovereigns (GS)</font> <font color=red>(these are uber rare)</font>
<font color=gold>1 Gold Sovereign (GS)</font> = <font color=silver>10 Silver Crowns (SC)</font>
<font color=gold>1 Golden Penny (GP)</font> = <font color=silver>5 Silver Crowns</font>
<font color=silver>1 SC</font> = <font color=silver>10 Large Silver Pennies (LSP)
1 LSP</font> = <font color=silver>10 Small Silver Pennies (SSP)
1 Small Silver Penny</font> =<font color=bronze> 10 Large Coppers Marks/Pennies (LCM/LCP)
1 Large Copper Mark/Pennies</font> =<font color=bronze>5 Small Coppers Marks/Pennies (SCM/SCP)</font>

Pennies tend to be smaller than their counterparts, being 2.5 cm in diameter. There are three sorts: gold, silver and copper. The currency system operates on a basis of fives and tens. Depending on their size (and value), coins tend to be worth ten or five of their higher or lower counterpart.
Silver Crowns tend to be the highest form of currency that anyone aside from Merchants, Minor and Upper Nobility and of course, Royalty will use. It's rare to see gold coins in use, as gold tends to be valued a lot more highly in this world than in ours. Copper tends to be regarded as the lowest form of currency, and some 'classier' merchants won't accept it. Generally, its regarded as the currency of the peasentry - so even if you have bagfuls, it may not buy you anything within the upper regions of a city (unless you know where to look). Likewise, most peasents won't accept gold - usually because its too valuable for them to use.

You can assign yourself however many coins you wish, but as a general rule of thumb, I personally wouldn't recormend you take more than [i]<font color=silver>5 Silver Crowns</font> at the very, very most and even that may be excessive. Two SCs and a few Large Silver Pennies should be more than adequet. Unless you're a noble, in which case, I'd suggest no more than [i]<font color=gold>three Gold Sovereigns</font>


All that said, it is unlikely you'll use more than the following coins any time soon:

<font color=gold>Gold Sovereign (GS)</font>
<font color=silver>Silver Crowns (SC)</font>
<font color=silver>Large Silver Pennies (LSP)
Small Silver Pennies
<font color=bronze>Large Coppers Marks/Pennies
Small Coppers Marks/Pennies</font>

[ 07-22-2005, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]

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