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ZFR 12-13-2003 08:19 AM


Originally posted by Dundee Slaytern:
Eh? As in what? How I write them? Erm... just type them out would be the simpliest way I can explain it. It's like coding in a programming language, a very, VERY primitive programming language.

Ok, so those scripts are in beautiful files with the .bs (ironic?) extension... How do I open/modify those files? or create new ones? what program one has to use?

Dundee Slaytern 12-14-2003 07:43 AM


Originally posted by ZFR:
Ok, so those scripts are in beautiful files with the .bs (ironic?) extension... How do I open/modify those files? or create new ones? what program one has to use?
I mentioned the tools I use above.

ZFR, I use Infinity Script Editor to write the .baf file, and use Near Infinity to compile the .baf files into .bcs files. Then a simple renaming them into .bs files allows them to be used for IWD.
Near Infinity can help you decompile the .bs files.

ZFR 12-14-2003 08:59 AM


Originally posted by Dundee Slaytern:
I mentioned the tools I use above.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />ZFR, I use Infinity Script Editor to write the .baf file, and use Near Infinity to compile the .baf files into .bcs files. Then a simple renaming them into .bs files allows them to be used for IWD.

Near Infinity can help you decompile the .bs files. </font>[/QUOTE]Oh ok lol... now only i saw it... :D That small piece of text looked like a signature hence I hadnt noticed it before [img]redface.gif[/img] . no wonder my questions seemed stupid...

Anyway where can i get the tools from?

Dundee Slaytern 12-14-2003 10:26 AM

Near Infinity

Technically speaking, you can use any text editor to write the BAF files. You just need to change the file extension to <span style="color:#FFFFFF">.baf.

I usually use Notepad when Infinity Script Editor is not readily available.

Dundee Slaytern 12-20-2003 08:54 AM

More updates. IWD_C-R is now up to level 5 spells, and the testing party is now in the last crypt of the Vale of Shadows. Most of the battles so far have been handled solely by the AI, save for me moving them around like pawns on a chessboard. I just find it heartwarming that the party can handle themselves even on HoF mode. [img]smile.gif[/img]

I can only imagine what they would be like on Core Difficulty. ;)

"Zounds! I can actually hit something without needing a Critical!"

I need some feedback on IWD_Mage though, specifically on whether it caters well to Bards. Do you like the Sing function? What would you like your Bard to do? Would you prefer a seperate Bard AI? Are there any spells you wish was included? Etc... ...

Same goes for IWD_C-R (which handles Clerics and Druids).

I need feedback so that I can script to cater to the general crowd, otherwise they will become too personal. And although any form of feedback is welcome, specific feedback where you detail what you desire to see your char doing will be mucho appreciated, because I cannot read minds.

NobleNick 12-23-2003 08:06 AM

<font color = mediumspringgreen>Dundee,

Though I haven't progressed to the point of actually using custom AI scripts, I am intrigued by them and look forward to the time that I will be a user.

To answer your questions regarding Bards:

I can't but think that a separate script would be simpler.

MY use of the Bard in my Fighter-heavy parties is very, very simple: sing! O.K., 5% of her time is spent casting spells: typically setting skull traps; buffing; or conjuring berserkers BEFORE the enemy closes to melee range. Of the remaining 95% of the time, which is spent singing, over 97% is "War Chant." The remaining time is special circumstances warranting the (immunity to fear) song: mostly encounters in HoW and TotLM. I have not found the other songs to be particularly helpful (and eagerly solicit opinions from those who have: details, please).

Hope this helps...

</font>--------------------<font color = mediumspringgreen>
What's a party,
without a song?
Bards ROCK!
Party On!!

pritchke 12-23-2003 10:20 AM

<font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#00FF00"> I agree with NobleNick on the Bard. If I had my way my Would be singing the "War Chant of Sith" at and after level 11 almost all the time. When hostile forces are shown maybe have him cast a protective spell like mirror image or stone skin than go back to singing War Chant again. If a party member is afraid, have him switch to sing "The Tale of Curran Strongheart" if it isn't too difficult than go back to the war chant. If the Bard does not know the war chant have him fire his ranged weapons or sing "The Ballad of Three Heroes".</font>

[ 12-23-2003, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: pritchke ]

Midget Gems 12-23-2003 03:49 PM

Dundee, nice work. I've downloaded the files and will try them out. In the past I've used other scripts that were rubbish, but your attention to detail is excellent, so I know these will be good.

I play a Bard quite a lot and have evolved a roleplaying style through BG1, IWD & IWD2. I play them as non-fighters, no killing allowed. As well as singing, this places a strong reliance on using spells for disruption and confusion in the enemy ranks. Not to forget running round in circles & singing, while mirror-imaged. Can you do a script for that?
I do use the special songs for resisting Fear and Sound Attacks when the situation arises. Every once in a while I manage to get Enthral Creatures to work, but it's a bit risky. I also find that singing can be useful when thieving abilities need a boost.

Happy adventuring from Midget Gems.

Dundee Slaytern 01-04-2004 08:22 AM

Update. Passive Bard AI script added, among some minor tweaks.

icelus 01-04-2004 11:13 AM

These look great, Dundee, and just what I'm needing for my current game.

Have you considered WeiDU-coding them so that the descriptions show up in-game, like the default Black Isle ones? The eScripts mod from this site. , is a good example. If you're not familiar/comfortable with WeiDU coding, let me know and I can try to help. [img]smile.gif[/img]

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