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whacky 08-24-2002 07:42 PM

*Whacky laughs as he sees his army getting slaughtered, as Sir M's warriors seem to just have finihed off his army with a wave of his hand the archmges and necromancers resurrect them to the surprise of Sir M and his tired army, tides stard to turn again and lumbering Behemoths pick out the heavy cavalary and reduce it to bits, as thuderbirds swoop down the sky striking lightning onto Sir M's shock troopers. Just as it seems that Whacky has made his move, an armoured warrior appears from out of thin air, it seems that whacky has called for a favour on his friend, the almighty tempest, which not only prevents Sir M from using the forces of nature against whacky and his forces, but his appearence radiates an aura of sheer power, the earth begins to shake, rain, ice, thunder, lava and fire rain upon Sir M's battered army, it seems that he'd have to call upon his reserve forces for he cant seem to be able to resurrect his forces, little does he know that whacky has ordered his vennom spawns to spit acid on the bodies of the dead preventing Sir M from raising his army from the dead. Sir M's clerics watch in frustration as whacky's army devastates the GA*

Calaethis Dragonsbane 08-24-2002 07:43 PM

Damn! I cant find "dance the spears" ah well; I give up (looking for it).

ASHA'MEN! RELEASE! *laughs as the Asha'men rain down "fire and earth" on the black dragons... weaves Baelfire... ASHA'MEN! BAELFIRE! CRUSH THE INVADERS! AIEL ADVANCE! DAMANE! BAELFIRE!*

[ 08-24-2002, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]

Dagorion 08-24-2002 07:43 PM

What is the G.A.? and if it involves thwarting evil, where do i sign up? :D

Sir Mandorallen 08-24-2002 07:45 PM

<font color="silver">OKAY YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF!!

Calaethis, I'm happy you found the song because I like it too, but we have rules for a reason. The reason being things don't get too childish, and pointless. Try and cut it out, I don't want to pull rank. Don't go overboard with the Asha'man! PLEASE!

Whacky, you must admit you MAY have overdone it, just a little bit with your followers.

I can accept mages, and a bunch of dragons, because we would have Asha'man, to even things out, but the rest is overboard. Especially the last part.

EVERYONE TRY AND ACT MORE MATURE!! I would have liked a battle without Asha'man, or maybe even mages. But when in moderation, its okay. MODERATION!!

EDIT: wrong color. [img]smile.gif[/img]

EDIT 2: I will PM you Dagorion.</font>

[ 08-24-2002, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: Sir Mandorallen ]

whacky 08-24-2002 07:49 PM

Sir M did i EVER EVER EVEN ONCE object to Legolas joining you, if so why can i call favours on my friends, after all its 3 against one, and all the creatures i invoked were legal and the moves were totally standard, i can stop if you like and be moderate but if you only be a bit more considerate and creative, its not an offence, just a request!
Or if you want it can be a classic non-magical battle of might against might, with only humans involved! :D

[ 08-24-2002, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: whacky ]

Legolas 08-24-2002 07:51 PM


Originally posted by whacky:
* The Archmages start chanting a spell and poof CD is imprisoned till the end of
the battle without being given a saving throw and the spell cant be reversed*
So CD get the heck outta here or shut up, let me and Sir M fight like real men!

I doubt such measures will have the desired effect ;)
Unfortunately, this thread is neither in the RP forum nor did you create it, so there's no real way you can decide such a thing and hope to have it enforced. And it is not as if Calaethis is constantly off-topic.
Why don't you try asking him kindly to play by the 'rules' from now on instead (consider yourself asked, CD ;) ), and if he finds it impossible to do so, stop posting here and take the fight to the Roleplaying forum, where players will have no choice BUT to follow the rules you set if they wish to play at all?
Also ask yourself this; is this thread worth the hostility you allow it to create?

Sir M, I fear that I cannot join you in your fight right now. My two fighting groups are first a small band of Ranger Protectors, who are too few in number to make much of a difference in a fight of this scale, and second one which is able to make a huge impact, but has sworn to oppose the GA should it try to take over the world,and certainly not to assist it even in times of relative peace. I'm speaking of the Tartan army in this instance. Fighting side by side will not be an option right now ;)

Calaethis Dragonsbane 08-24-2002 07:52 PM

As you command my lord; I just didnt like his dragons. That was annoying. btw, where'd u go to? *orders pikemen to form a square, with archers at the rear; swordsmen cover the flanks; and calvery charge around from either side; "Asha'men SHIELDS!" orders troops to sing: *

"We'll sing all day and drink all all day
and on the girls we'll spend our pay,
and when its gone we'll go away
to dance with Jak o'the shadows...

There'res some delight in ale and wine,
and some in girls with ankles fine,
by my delight, yes, always mine
is to dance with Jak o'the Shadows..."

whacky 08-24-2002 07:56 PM

My dear Legolas, i want to tell you and anyone else in the misconception that by posting all this i really mean it, i dont want create any hostility, i and Sir M are really good friends and i respect him and kaltia a lot, this is just a game and as for CD he can do whatever he likes and i expect him to break rules so that i can spank him, to him im being a bit rough as he too sounded like that, i must again say that if anyone feels offended i'll gladly apologize. You should all know that i dont mean to be an enemy.
Edit: i made a typo :D

[ 08-24-2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: whacky ]

Sir Mandorallen 08-24-2002 07:58 PM

<font color="silver">Thanx agian Legolas. Don't worry about not being able to help in this fight. Perhaps another day, if we arn't at each other's throats. ;) :D

Whacky, I'm just saying THIS part is overdone: </font>

lumbering Behemoths pick out the heavy cavalary and reduce it to bits, as thuderbirds swoop down the sky striking lightning onto Sir M's shock troopers. Just as it seems that Whacky has made his move, an armoured warrior appears from out of thin air, it seems that whacky has called for a favour on his friend, the almighty tempest, which not only prevents Sir M from using the forces of nature against whacky and his forces, but his appearence radiates an aura of sheer power, the earth begins to shake, rain, ice, thunder, lava and fire rain upon Sir M's battered army,

<font color="silver">Look at it. Thunderbirds, an almighty tempest, Behemoths?? I would prefer either a battle of just regular troops. (but you must first state their numbers for future reference ;) or a battle of regular troops, with us also have a small number of Asha'man, and you having dragons, that would be pretty even.

Which do you want? If its neither than count me out. (unless you think of something better...) </font>

Legolas 08-24-2002 07:59 PM


Originally posted by whacky:
My dear Legolas, i want to tell you and anyone else in the misconception that by posting all this i really mean it, i dont want create any hostility, i and Sir M are really good friends and i respect him and kaltia a lot, this is just a game and as for CD he can do whatever he likes and i expect him to break rules so that i can spank him, to him im being a bit rough as he too sounded like that, i must again say that if anyone feels offended i'll gladly apologize. You should all know that i dont mean to be an enemy.
Edit: i made a typo :D

I am pleased to hear it [img]smile.gif[/img]

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