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Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-16-2003 09:46 AM

Hello all. Good mor- er afternoon. How are you all doing?

harleyquinn 07-16-2003 10:23 AM

Hey CD, doing good.
Lets see, yesterday the officially "killed" one of the programs I had been supporting, and today we decided not to rewrite this one program that we were going to rewrite (and that will be "killed" sometime next year). So, if I keep this up, by next week, I'll have no work to do. Then I can get paid for writing in forums... oh wait, I already am :D :D [img]tongue.gif[/img]

harleyquinn 07-16-2003 10:35 AM

AAAAAAAHHHH!!! I was about to post in Oasis, and it went down again!!!
Mysti, I think I've found someone to vent your frustrations out on.... the webmasters of Oasis....

Cristian 07-16-2003 10:48 AM

lol :D

mysticelt 07-16-2003 10:50 AM

Actually Harley,

They don't hang around to hear it!

Course I still have the comcast people and the lawn cutting weasels who sliced up my dog fence........

Calaethis Dragonsbane 07-16-2003 10:51 AM


Originally posted by harleyquinn:
So, if I keep this up, by next week, I'll have no work to do. Then I can get paid for writing in forums... oh wait, I already am :D :D [img]tongue.gif[/img]
LOL! Sounds nice :D Being paid to write in forums LOL, now that WOULD be a job :D :D :D ;)

Night Stalker 07-16-2003 11:19 AM

Now I've got a better job that I've been searching for for a while now. A company that will pay me multi six figures to lay on a beach and drink boat drinks! I wanna be Corrona Guy! :D

Saddly, I'm still looking .... :(

Cloudbringer 07-16-2003 11:43 AM Oasis down again, I'll be sending a request to the host for info and fixing the problems later today, when I can get home and properly word it without idiot co-workers reading over my shoulder....

My lovely co-worker is why I cannot abide passive aggressive types....she knew I needed to work in our TINY file room and do some archive clearing/filing. Has known for a week. In fact, she got in there for several mornings, (she does have things she can do there too) and kept me from doing anything because it was way too hot there in the afternooons and I mentioned as much in a meeting with our boss when we discussed what we were doing.

Coworker got all perturbed and defensive but couldn't deny she'd been in there two days running and started a third, so NOW she was supposedly done and today, after I said that because of my hurt knees I wasn't climbing to clean overhead filing shelves at my desk, but would work in the tiny file room instead, she bolted in there to reclaim folders from things she'd already tossed in the recycling! Then she decided arbitrarily to have the recycling bin taken away AFTER hearing I needed it!

Take out your frustrations on her....I promise not to report it! [img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img] ;)

Cristian 07-16-2003 12:34 PM

your working hard Clody [img]smile.gif[/img] you and ziroc and the other mods and workers should get a big diploma :D

Horatio 07-16-2003 12:38 PM

Cloudy, sounds like your co-worker needs a good slap. ;)
A better way would be to remove a wheel off her chair (I'm guessing that you have swivel chairs [img]tongue.gif[/img] ) and prop the chair up with a scrunched up piece of paper. When she goes to sit down, the paper gives, as does the chair. Hilarious results follow [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img]

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